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Summer Pockets


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Coat pockets were so handy in the winter. Now that summer is beating down upon us, I thought it be nice to cover some pocket alternatives. (forgive if this has been covered, I'm not here as much as I'd like to be anymore).

I'll start!

1. Open Weave Duck Hunting Vest. (in Cammo of course). Wow. This is what I'm wearing while doing all the outside... okay, even indoors, work. It has 3 humongous deep pockets. Cell phone Droid in left, BSB in right, and my ID wallet in the back. The Bullet holders hold a 10ml bottle with ease and makes it so convenient to wisk out and refill while indoors as it also keeps it away from body heat unlike a closed pocket. Outdoors I usually rely on a Carto anymore.

I bet this would even be comfortable under a business suit jacket?.

(we're talking really deep pockets. Great for Frisbee, chores, loafing...)

2. Joggers water bottle holders with zippered pocket. I can even put in a nice frozen gel pack and keep self hydrated to boot. Mine is called a Waist Pak by Coleman.

(I'm a dork and proud of it!).

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Cargo shorts/pants are a great! Appreciate the tip, I'd forgotten about those.

So, I searched a little bit online to find for you what I was talking about and of course I couldn't find my particular one. From what I gather it's more of a Dove Mesh Vest or a Shooters Mesh Vest. However, All the ones I've run across online so far also include solid material here and there... and mine is total mesh, even the pockets. (plus mine is total camo). Mine only cost 1 buck at Sally Ann's (Salvation Army). Here is one that's not too bad though for the women who might be interested. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?VISuperSize&item=290453071460 (I don't know the seller, I don't know the garment, I just found the picture and copy/pasted the link). (I don't think Black is a good summer color tho lol... hot hot hot).

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