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Posted (edited)

Hey guys.

Ok, the good news: I bought a 510 5v passthrough from electronicstix and its working good.

Now the bad news : Ever since i started using it i realised that my normal 510 isnt producing hardly any vapor.

Whats going on here, is it the batteries? Is it the atties? keep in mind i have 2 batts and 2 atties and they are acting the same.

the only time i get good vapor like i used to is when i use the passthrough. Sometimes i dont get any vapor at all.

I wouldnt think it was my atties seeings how i am getting good vape off the passthrough. the only thing different from the passthrough setup is the batts ( and yes i made sure they are fully charged).

can anyone tell me what is going on with my 510? this is realy puzzling me.


Also when a atty goes bad does it stop heating up aswell as stop vaping? because mine still heats up.

Edited by Rd28

Usually when an atomizers goes bad it either A. Dies and does not work B. Becomes a very tight draw resulting in little vapor

Where did you purchase your 510 kit from? It's rare to have 2 back to back batteries go bad on a 510. Also how long have you had the Joye 510? Finally, are you sure it's a Joye.

Posted (edited)

Well i got it from you guys lol, I have had it since the 27th of June.

i been messing around with it and It seems 1 atty does indeed work better then the outher one. I tried cleaning the atty and also went ahead and removed the bridge.

That seemed to help a little. When you leave it alone you get a descent hit off of it but when u use it again afterwards its very light vapor but allways delivers flavor.

so I am starting to think perhaps just 1 of the atties is going bad. But i didnt know if it was normal that it would still get hot and still have some smoke. i notice that instead of a 5 sec draw it works a bit better with allmost a 10sec. but evan that is still hit and miss.

Also been pricing some atties and i found one of ur sister sites wordupecigs has a atty that has warrenty for 6months? i mean i know im new to ecigs but so far never heard of any atty lasting that long. what do you think about that? is it real?


I dont know man i been usin this thing for the past few mins and its working about 60% of the time now... tellin ya its weird.

Edited by Rd28

If you're using the atty's from your 510 kit on your PT there's a chance that the PT weakened the atty's.

After I used my 4081 atty on a PT it barely worked at all on the standard batts.The older or more used

the atty's are the more likely that is to happen.

From now on I'm gonna dedicate my atty's to either 3.6 or 5v and hope that works.


Yes it's real they sell Janty Atomizers with a 6 month warranty. But, if your sure it's the atomizer and not the batteries feel free to open a support ticket by clicking the "support" link above and we'll replace your atomizer :)


From now on I'm gonna dedicate my atty's to either 3.6 or 5v and hope that works.

That's what I did when I first started using higher volts. I don't use 3.7 any more, so don't have to worry about it, but I did notice the same thing you did. For me, whenever I used an atty at 5 or 6V it just didn't work well on 3.7 after that.


I have found the same problem. I have atty's that work great with my 510's and egos, once I use them on my VP/PT-they no longer work on my 510's - the VP/PT pushes part of the atty in, so work great on the PT and not on my 510's. Not sure if the VP/PT is the only one that does that or if other 5v passthroughs do the same thing.

solution--I have a couple atty's I only use on my VP/ PT and attys just for my 510's and ego.


I had the same thing happen to me. I just keep certain attys to use only on the VP/PT or only on my eGo. Once I got my Silver Bullet, I've kept certain attys for it, too, but only because that's what I'm used to doing now. I couldn't say for sure I couldn't go back and forth between the SB and the eGo...I just don't do it. I've had less problems with attys since doing it this way.


You may try a diet coke bath as well. That really refreshed an atty that had been wrecked by an oil based flavor.

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