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I need some help with this one. I bought a universal car cord adapter with USB power port today at Walmart to charge ecig batteries in the car by connecting this adapter to the DC port in the 510 charger. It's a 3-12 volt/2000mA device.

I was asked to set the polarity in the instructions which I did based on the + - on the 510 charger which is positive. Now it's asking me to set the voltage from the adapter to the charger. The choices are 3v 4.5v 6v 9v and 12v. The 510 chargers DC output reads 4.2v or 150mA The input is AC 100-240v.

Would I set it to the 4.5v on the adapter? The conversion chart they give you to choose this is by number of batteries the device takes to operate with a max of 2000mA

Is this going to be enough umph to charge a tornado?

I'm sooooo confused with this lol Helllllllllllllllllllppppppppppppppp

Thank you oh knowledgeable ones


4.2 or 4.5 @ or around 500mA

i charge my trustfires at 4.2 500mA and they are 3.7v

Okay so I'll set the adapter at 4.5. I was just worried that I'd burn out the charger if I did it wrong. I saw that the polarity set wrong can fry it too.


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