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Ok so I caved in and bought a 510, couldn't afford to do it, but you know how that goes, sure a few of us have turned over couch cushions look for analog money at one point or another. Came in yesterday, charged the first battery a full 8 as instructed, hit it for 20 minutes, charged it for an additional hour. After the first twenty minutes I was hooked, this thing is amazing. I seriously had a hard time putting it back on the charger and going back to my 401. Not only is the volume much greater but it almost inhales for you. In my case, anyway the vapor is a bit warmer than ambient air so it feels much more like smoking an analog. It came with high carts, which I thought nothing of as I have been using high nic juice in the 401, but have been smoking light analogs for the last ten years. I actually got a bit of a buzz, which I didn't expect, don't think I will be needing high nic juice anymore, since I won't need to hit it as hard. The size will be a bit getting used to and I can see some problems might arise with the button on the manual battery in my pocket, so I can see myself getting either a case or a PCC soon. Now that both batteries have been charged the M401 is going back into the box and playing backup. I can now see why everyone loves this little unit, it really is a powerhouse.


I have a PCC coming sometime next week cause im going to Disney for my Mom and sisters birthday at end of mounth and I was woried about running out of battery juice. So I'll let you know how it works.


I have a PCC coming sometime next week cause im going to Disney for my Mom and sisters birthday at end of mounth and I was woried about running out of battery juice. So I'll let you know how it works.

Definately let me know how it works for you. Right now I don't worry much about running out of juice, but I have been home most of the day so I'm really worried about having power on the go, I am planning on picking up some extra batteries as well. I'm not getting much of a throat hit, but I am blaming that on the lousey chineese juice I got with my 401, the carts that came with the 510 seem better but not by much. I have ordered some Johnson Creek juice about a week ago, but they seem pretty backed up at the moment so i think I will have to keep vaping this stuff for a week or so. I have been thinking about getting 510 for my dad too, he has been smoking for 40 some years and I think if I can get the right e-cig, juice combination I can get him to switch. I think it would be a heck of a lot better, I've only been doing it about two weeks and I have almost eleminated my dependancey on analogs.


That's really cool to hear about the temperature of the vapor seeming warmer. I hadn't heard that before. I am definitely interested. Thanks for your review!


That's really cool to hear about the temperature of the vapor seeming warmer. I hadn't heard that before. I am definitely interested. Thanks for your review!

I can second that. It is much warmer. If your taking a long enough drag, it's almost like hitting the point on an analog in which your at the filter.


i do have the pcc its awesome only have to carry one battery now and its safe in the pcc. however the manual battery just didnt quite fit so i hade to modify it. as soon as i get time i will show pics on how i did it. but just to let you know ahead of time all i did was open the pcc only two screws. and i got a soldering iron with a longer rounded tip and melted a slot for the manual battery button. works like a charm. Also if your worried about burning the battery you won't the battery is located on the other side of where you need to burn the slot. but pcc is great always a full battery i have been using my pcc the last 3days or so on one charge due to the fact i put it back and recharge it after each use which is about 5 to 10 mins. hope this helps.


here is a video for a 510 pcc manual battery mod.

hi all,

i love my TITAN (Joye510) when using it with a manual battery and i also love my PCC so i can always have a fully charged battery!

however, the PCC wont charge my manual battery as the button on the battery gets pressed and activates the LED when you put it in, plus its a struggle to close the lid as the manual batteries are about 4mm longer than the automatic ones!

i then read a quote from Janty who said in a statement:-

  "They do fit, you just need to push the switch and then shove them inside, no problem, the batts will charge, there is no risk, just do it carefully."

i thought that there had to be a better solution than that so i made this vid...........its very easy to do and now charges my manual battery without any probs!

hope it helps someone,



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