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i have three run and gun classes.

I have a special class set up for you runners (I'm looking at you also Uma). How I hate runners. Claymore to slow em up and a shotty to whack em down. I'm usually a sniper or noob toob class until the runners show up. Had a whole clan of runners one match, yup, I left.

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I have a special class set up for you runners (I'm looking at you also Uma). How I hate runners. Claymore to slow em up and a shotty to whack em down. I'm usually a sniper or noob toob class until the runners show up. Had a whole clan of runners one match, yup, I left.

I know the feeling, my brother hates them runners

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Shotgun is fun with the James Bond games, but I can't get the feel for it with the COD games. The kid does okay with it. It always blows me away when someone blows me away with one because I sure can't blow them away with one. lol. But in James Bond ones, my family makes me use something else to even the playing field or they won't let me play. lol

I like those claymores too, and love it whenever someone catches me setting it and we both go up in smoke lol.

Rust is a fun place!! Not as fun as Fun/Killhouse though :P

The Host is such a pain problem on the COD's too... sometimes wejust hang in there, sometimes we try to find better lobbys, sometimes we just give up and go play offline. Been in several matches where the opponents and self would literally dance on either side of the planter trying to get enough control to get the dang shot in. Always a good laugh even when it's all sticky jittery... until the Lag Switchers come in the lobby. I get mad enough to ...kill? lol

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My son and his friends call that Jason (Halloween). Private match, knives only one against three or four. He's scary good. My kdr used to be better, now at 1.6.

We'll have to get those two kids into a game or two after Basketball tournaments are over. (soon).

haha, Jason. Good one! creepy but good.

Gosh, my k/d ratio right now would be ridiculous bad... haven't had a chance to play for over 8 months. Before that though, it was every day and then some. I miss the good ol' days.

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haha, we feel the same way about those who Chill and Kill. Hate it when there's too many of them... can't take one step without a wound. I do like sneaking up on them from behind and planting a claymore though ... sweet revenge. :)

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WOW is a good MMORPG, but it's not really my cup of tea. I'm kinda thankful I'm not into the franchise...if I were, I do not think I'd have enough time to be here with ya guys. I get VERY into rpgs though, sometimes spending weeks just leveling up

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Yeah, with WoW it seems ya either love it or hate it. There's really no gray area. I've been playin' it, pretty much, since it's release, I'm totally bored with it, yet still have the tendency to get on there almost daily and do the same 'ol stuff over and over again! LoL! Guess it's the addictive personality. Better than Bar Hopin' and keeps me outta trouble I suppose, LoL!

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I love the Metal Slug series. There awesome games to pick up and play for a short while. I'm really into RTS games for the computer. Warcraft3, Starcraft, and the up and coming Starcraft 2. I haven't been able to start playing the beta.

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Ok - looks like the only dorky dork who likes adventure games. Yes, love the adventure games... captured by Zork late 80s and have enjoyed them ever since.

First video game system - PONG! Yes, showing my age. Enjoyed growing up in the 80s with my Atari and all those now "classic" games. Could whip some arse in Super Contra on the first NES. I did go through a lengthy spell of Warcraft (never on-line, just playing the game). That's one addictive game... I would find myself staying up very late, and spening my whole weekend playing it. Moving on... mostly enjoy the adventure games.

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I have to agree with ya Brian, adventure games all the way! I think it was Zelda that really got me hooked on gaming, the whole adventure thing is captivating.

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I know I posted this somewhere else, but I was playing zork (then known as adventur) on an IBM mainframe early 80s. Text based, turn left..."you are in a large cavern". I cheated and dis-assembled the code. Now it's COD on Xbox 360 or nothing. I owned an Atari 800 (I think that was the model) in the early 80s. We had pong as well, that was so cool.

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yeah wow makes it easy to lose track of time haha

I play a lot of other games on our consoles, like harvest moon, fable, and some others, its just wow is my current fave.

We even used to play silkroad online, but it got old fast...

and, me and the hubby actually met on battle.net playing diablo 2 when I was 15 :) been together ever since.

and atari games are AWESOME!!! Easy to get addicted to, even if you are into fancy high-graphics games :D

Edited by Roober
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I guess I can imagine that Joe, I did play DnD once with a buddy back in the day. Was all reading, all up to the imagination. Kinda cool I suppose, but on a computer? Was there any graphics? Did it at least read it to you?

I actually bought the Pong console from a garage sale a few years back. That was different, an entire console, just for Pong! LoL

Atari was by far, the Grand Poobah of video games. Talk about a cutting edge of its time! Thank you Atari for breaking the ice and plowing the way!

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I guess I can imagine that Joe, I did play DnD once with a buddy back in the day. Was all reading, all up to the imagination. Kinda cool I suppose, but on a computer? Was there any graphics? Did it at least read it to you?

I actually bought the Pong console from a garage sale a few years back. That was different, an entire console, just for Pong! LoL

Atari was by far, the Grand Poobah of video games. Talk about a cutting edge of its time! Thank you Atari for breaking the ice and plowing the way!

Click pic to see the ugly monitor text only version.

post-1132-031823600 1279105178_thumb.jpg


It was the coolest game EVER. Taking notes, drawing maps, solving riddles.

post-1132-031823600 1279105178_thumb.jpg

Edited by FTJoe
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I will be waiting in line at midnight on November 9th for the release of Call Of Duty Black Ops!!!!!!! :gun:

I can't wait too.

Hope this one takes longer than the last one to complete the missions.

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DnD never was a thing that was big in my house. My ex once told me that DnD led to witchcraft...and his source/proof was from a little tract that you see in churches from that dude Jack Chick. I could post a link, but I'm afraid that it might...well, it's pretty religious so I dunno if it's allowed on this site. It kinda shoots down the Occult, so it's up to a well-minded mod to put their imput on what I just stated

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My kind of thread! I was going to start a similar one, but I saw this one at the top.

I could never narrow down a "list" so to speak of my favorite video games, because I'd just keep thinking of new games to overwrite current games. However, in 20 years of gaming, my top game of all time remains The Guardian Legend. That game was way ahead of its time, super deep, challenging, good graphics, and great story. I think if they ever made a next gen version of it I might go crazy waiting for it.

But otherwise .. also a huge fan of FPS (Only on PCs), 2D Fighters, and RPGs. Also, any MMO that isn't Warcraft. :)

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Ain't FPS is where the term BOOM! HEADSHOT was coined? If so...you cannot imagine the nights spent breaking up into a cold sweat when the lights are off...and you know someone's standing behind you, ready to scream it on the top of their lungs

Anyways, I actually also collect the main Pokemon games. The only ones I'm missing is the Red, Firered, LeafGreen, and Emerald. I was introduced to the games by a grandson of my moms' friend from Honduras when she took us to Newark one day for a visit...as well as seeing my grandma. I was a little pipsqueak back then and the grandson noticed I was bored. He showed me the game, which became second nature to me. Ever since then, I've played the games with ease! Not to brag here (honestly), but some of my friends refer to me as a veteran player because I manage to kick booty all the time. Sadly, my DS Lite was given to my cousins because of my Moms, but I'm planning to get the new Black and White version when they make their debut. Why will I continue playing? Because I like to prove myself to others that JUST because they got something rare...doesn't mean I can put their DS where their mouth it ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

And this is where i belong =) thank you to hjag for starting this thread, now here we go...

I started playing video games at 2 years old.. I still have the super nintendo system (its 16 years old)

My favortie game of all time... Zelda:Ocarina of time, hands down. I am a nintendo fanboy at heart, and The legend of Zelda is an amazing Game with an amazing storyline, and I ca play the games over and over again and always have a new experience. Other favorite games are Super Mario brother, pretty much every game. Metroid, Sonic, Call of duty, Devil May cry, resident evil, starcraft and many more, way too many to list.

I play FPS, Action/adventure, and RPG's. I work at Gamestop, and i do so for a reason, and one reason only... I have an extreme passion for gaming.

Power to the players!

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