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Refill Fiber ?


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Hello everyone,

So since I am new to vaping this might sound a little wierd but here we go. What is the best filler material to repack carts, and that withstands the heating up well. I have notice the fiber doesnt hold up well and it only seems to get the juice from the end of the cart. I seem to prefer dripping into my 801 tips rather than directly into atty. Plus it allows you a few more vapes before dripping couple drops, just seems like you waste juice because it doesnt all come down to the atty.

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I use a combination of dripping and carts. Personally, I love the blue foam from strictly ejuice. The foam isn't designed to fill the cart, just acts as a plug. Their site has a great diagram and instructions for use. https://strictlyejuice.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=67_49&products_id=222&zenid=agj1omq75uvo9f0e06nb8iodh7

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I've used a fiber called "fluval" that I got from PetSmart in the aquarium section. It's pretty close to the fiber in a regular cart and holds up well. Plus you get a crap ton of it in a box. But I'm sure as you get along you will give up the carts altogether for either direct dripping or go with cartomizers. Both are a big improvement over the standard carts.

Good luck and happy vaping.

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this is the foam you want. (see attached image)

post-3037-046488900 1278273263_thumb.jpg

the 3 pack is somewhere in the area of $3-5 and will last you a life time.

you can wash it out and reuse it tons of times.

the best way to vape though is two drops in the atty of your choice of juice and suck away.

it's free and you tend to get better vaper and taste, well imo.

this is reminding me i should throw all that blue foam stuff away.

oh theres another, "better", way to do this if you want to use carts.

if your carts came with caps then you can use a straw, like a McDeez, and the cart cap. it doesn't over fill the atty and keeps it just right.

search google for: zfm no filler mod

i would post the link but when i ran my forums i wasn't to happy about people posting links to other sites like my own.

post-3037-046488900 1278273263_thumb.jpg

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