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Alright so this is my first ever review relating to electronic cigarettes. Don't expect greatness just yet haha. Also, I'm writing this from a phone.

So I searched the internet for days looking for reviews on different juice makers and I came across VaporBomb. They have a ton of flavors and do all sorts of vg/pg mixes to your liking. They also mix up to 30mg nicotine for standard pricing. All my juices were ordered at 40vg and 60pg with 30mg strength. My order was shipped the same day and I upgraded to priority shipping for an extra dollhair. The Virginia menthol is the darkest in color at a goldish brownish color. The cinnabomb was a yellowish color and green Apple was slighly green. Hypnotiq myst was slightly gold come to think of it, and blueverry was clear. All produced clouds of thick rich vapor.

All juice was vaped on my tornado with regular thoroughly cleaned atty's and I vaped at least 3ml of each for a long period of time. These were mainly dripped and I also used carts at least once per juice. All juice came in nice plastic drip top bottles, none of which leaked.

CINNABOMB: This juice has a very strong scent. It can be smelled on my other bottles kept near it even though it doesn't leak. The flavor is red hots. It hits very hard at 30mg. I will order lower next time. The flavor is intense as it fills your mouth and almost makes me nervous to inhale this one as it feels like its gonna burn badly. But the inhale is smooth and very nice. It's not overly sweet but it does leave a lasting taste in your mouth. I cannot imagine too many liquids have as much flavor as this one does. I love this juice! It will require a dedicated atty as it lingers after a solid cleaning. The red hot flavor is very nice and the throat hit is awesome. 5/5

BLUEBERRY: This one was a freebie and mixed to the correct vg/pg except at 24mg. The smell is very nice, like blueberries, but not overly strong. The flavor on this guy is awesome. First bottle gone. It is a smooth flavor and is instantly recognizable as its namesake. It's sweet but not too sweet. It tastes like a mixture of blueberry candy style flavor and Definately has a legitimate fruit flavor too it. Honestly it tastes really close to actual blueberries. I could do this one all day. In fact I did until I ran out. 5/5

GREEN APPLE: This one just pops. It's a nice strong jolly rancher scent and flavor. It tastes exactly like the jolly rancher version. This flavor is much stronger than the blueberry which is saying a lot because the blueberry has a lot of flavor. The only downside to this juice is when the atty starts to run hot it tastes pretty terrible. I would order this again. This one mixed with cinnabomb is really tasty. 4/5

HYPNOTIC MIST: This juice is hard to describe. It has a light fruity scent. The taste is similar. It has a smooth citrus almost and maybe a light berry flavor. Not too sure. It also seems to have what I could only describe as a menthol style cooling sensation. But I can't say for sure its menthol because its not quite the same. This juice probably tastes really different to lots of people. Either way, it works. It's very smooth and is my before bed vape and right after I get off work too. 5/5 the throat hit on this one is about like the blueberry, mild but still there.

VIRGINIA MENTHOL: This is the one flavor right from the gitgo that I hated. It's also the one I have vaped the most of and will be part of every order from now on. It's smell is just plain weird. Kinda like natural garbage haha. But the flavor is just amazing. It's not like other tobaccos I have tried. It's much more earthy and almost tea like in its flavor. It's slightly sweet but it really shines in its menthol strength. It's not super mentholly like a lot of juices. The major flavor is the tobacco in this one. Almost about the mentholly strength of a Marlboro mild if you can imagine. This juice is just awesome. The perfect nice strong throat hit, while still maintaining a certain smoothness which is tricky to find. It's good all day long and that's how I use it. I'll always keep this on hand. 5/5

I appreciate all comments and questions. Yes this is American sourced and freshly made. Besides my free 5ml blueberry sample I also received a small bag of polyfill. Shipping was a couple days and I am placing another order tomorrow. Just ask if I didn't mention anything. I love Vapor Talk!


Very good review. Hope to see more from you. Good job!


Great review! It actually makes me want to check them out, it sounds good.

Have you tried Atomic Cinnacide from TastyVapor? It sounds like you'd really like it. Not sure how it stacks up to Cinnabomb, but I'd give it a shot. They sound like similar flavors.


I have heard that vaporbombs cinnabomb is super close to tasty vapors atomic cinnacide but cinnabomb is a bit stronger. But I've read things that say atomic cinnacide is stronger. Who knows? I plan on trying tasty vapor soon after reading your review.

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