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Has anyone messed around with the tobacco concentrates? I ordered three different concentrates, all with completely different flavor descriptions. I mixed a 3ml for all three flavors, all at 2%. I didn't add anything to them, just figured I would get a good taste of them straight, to imagine what flavors might compliment them. Anyway, I thoroughly cleaned the atty between each flavor and made sure to vape a little pure VG so I know it's clean before trying a different flavor. I even used different attys to make sure I wasn't just trippin'! I swear, all three flavors are exactly the same, just different strengths of each other! Either that or they all contain the same dominant spice, just at different levels? I don't know, totally bumbed out though. The descriptions all sounded totally different and separately unique.

For anyone who might be familiar with Flavourart Vapeheaven, I tried the Burley, Desert Ship and Hypnotic Mist.

Maybe I did something wrong?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. :)

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Kind of funny, but that's exactly what I've just been doing, but over the past several days. I was about to make a post about the same thing.

The FA Camtel Ultimate and Latakia taste about the same to me, and are similar to PA Tobacco Blend (and the PA Tobacco Blend (Alc). I was just telling nana & ddave that they are kinda musky/musty. Reminds me of old spice and my grandma's closet. I'm not enjoying them much and have tried mixing them a little, but can't get past that spice tastse. I'm with you on the tobacco flavors so far, totally bummed. I'm glad you posted though, bacause I was planning to order Burley and Desert Ship, but think I'll pass now.

However, I do like the Mellow Sunset, and I just tried the Max/Boro and I think I'll be able to vape it also. These don't seem to have that spice taste, but I'm hoping to find some others I like better.

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Thanks for confirming that it's not just me! I can't help but wonder what's up with that funky spice dominating so many different flavors? How can ya have different "flavors" built around the same flavor? I guess maybe it's like having "fresh" apple, "red" apple, "green" apple, apple pie, apple sauce, etc. All with different descriptions, but basically all "apple". I just wish they would announce whatever spice that is on the descriptions. I pretty much wasted $22 and have to gamble another $22 in hopes to land one without that nasty spice!

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I will be no help at all except to say that maybe they're doing a Johnson Creek? JC juices (ya either love em or hate em) have a distinctive caramel/tobacco/I can't describe it taste. Maybe they are looking for that distinct taste. Or worse, maybe the musty taste is a clue to stay away?

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I mostly use the USA blend and the perique black. but I only use them as a very subtle back ground flavor--maybe 1-2 drops/5ml of flavored liquid. don't really like them on their own. very strong. can't comment on similarity in flavors--don't vape them as the primary flavor. I am certain they are all based on the same ingredients, in different concentrations. I will check to see if I can get a bit more info about them.

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I am certain they are all based on the same ingredients, in different concentrations. I will check to see if I can get a bit more info about them.

I think ya hit the nail square on the head. That sure is what it seems. Do ya think all the flavor companies do this? For example, Johnson Creek as Joe mentioned?

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I think there are a limited number of 'safe ingredients' that are used in varying degrees. Even when I make my own mixes, I can use the same ingredients with different porportions and get different tastes....

getting tobacco flavors I think is even more limiting... however, that is just my opinion.

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