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Mcdonald's Threatened With Lawsuit Over Happy Meal Toys

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I wish McDonalds would sell me a cheesburger small fry and small coke for less than a cheesburger large fry and large Coke,if I go for the value I eat more crap I shouldn't be eatin,cause I can't throw out salty greasy fries I paid good money for even though I would have paid more for the small ones.The toys have gotten out of though and I have raised kids who would not allow me to have a good steak dinner cause they wanted "Happy Meals" didn't make me very happy and I was the one paying you would think they would market to the guy with the money.

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I just saw a Penn & Teller show about this BS. Typical restaurant menu items have way more calories and fat than McDonalds menu yet they are not targeted.

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****, when i was a kid, you got a toy inside or with ANYTHING that was bad for you, lol.

and i agree with jeffb, if anyone know anything about diets. it's mixing stuff that makeds you gain weight. i lost 20 pounds in the past month on a low carb diet. i can eat McDonnalds every day if i toss the bread/buns away and still loose weight.

by the same tokes, i used to go to Wendy's several times a week and get their big Chicken BLT Salads, which maybe the breading on the small amount of chicken is the only thing "bad" for you. and they are HUGE, for like 4 bucks! if i git that same size sallad at my college, it would be like 9 bucks (and no chicken!)

on the other hand, pretty much EVERYTHING at a dinner (or IHOP, Denny's, etc) had grease slopped all over it. not to mention "fancy bars" like Olive Garden, Applebees, and so on where every single item is breaded and fried.

i get my daughter happy meals, and she usually ASKS for the apples instead of fries, and she usually gets milk... so really, chicken, apples and milk is a pretty balanced meal. no worse that the mac & cheese, or grilled cheese she'd ask for at home...

Edited by Stirfry
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Ok..so we have all grown up eating crap from places like McD's and Wendys'. Is it good for us? not really, but then again they didn't come out on the street and hold a gun to my head to come in and eat.

I'm sure all those so called well doers' that want to take them to court ate just as much at these places as we did but this is just another way to get their pitiful little group noticed.

Give us a break and shut the Hell Up

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Yes, put this in the Mosh Pit so we can rant about this :devil:

Honestly, this is as pathetic as the 2 chicks who said McDonalds made them fat and the deserved to be sued, while the lawyers found a loop-hole and said that it was the girl's responsibility for NOT eating right and EXERCISING!

This is WHY folks...that I eat at Taco Bell

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So um .. parents are run by their children?

We occasionally eat fast food and I think it's pretty simple if you put your foot down and keep it there. If we say apples, then it's apples. If we say orange juice then it's going to be orange juice. (though we all love lemonade in this family)

Sometimes I let them have the fries, after all they ARE kids and deserve to partake in life's little guilty pleasures, too.

My neighbor feeds her family on McDonald's everyday. No comment.

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It's not JUST the kids, it's the lazy parents that sit there and don't even bother and think: "Gee, my kid really needs some love with my cooking" but no, instead of sitting there, wasting their time to make something that they "think" they know the kids would hate, they go off and drive to the nearest McDonalds and buy cheap food with a toy so they think the kid would love them more.

My late older sister's ex husband made the BIGGEST mistake in feeding my niece and nephew nothing but McDonalds. Though they're not obese, they have THE WORST interests in food ever. Nothing but popcorn, chips, chicken nuggets and fries! My moms sent them to my relatives in Honduras to improve them (which has happened: now they're eating rice and beans and NO FAST FOODS)

Only tragedy here is once they go back to their father, the cycle will restart again and all of our hard work will go down the toilet, along with the cheap fries they just ate

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meh .. I don't see what the big deal is.

I'm sure I'm not the only parent out there that's noticed the kids open the toy and look at it. They flip it over and look at the other side.

^^^^^^^^ this is how truly interested they are in happy meal toys ^^^^^^^^

Edited by noXious
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I'm glad my daughter doesn't care for a toy at her age. She's more interested in dipping the little chicken nugget in the bbq sauce and smiling when it falls in ^_^

There are just too many people with nothing to do but scapegoat someone

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