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just wanted to share a bit of a success story.

i started vaping and stopped smoking only 2 weeks ago. stopped smoking the day my 510 came in the mail. about a week ago, tried an analog and could not finish it, it tasted horrid. vaping is here to stay.

anyway, within a day of bringing it to work, the place was abuzz over the ecig. i gave countless demonstrations, and could repeat the benefits in my sleep because of all the interest.

within a week, 4 other employees have made the switch, and are all more than happy with it.

currently, another 5 are getting ready to place an order for theirs, and yet another 7 to 10 are researching and are planning on switching in the near future.

even nonsmokers and exsmokers are touting this as one of the greatest new(er) products out there. when i told them the FDA is against them, they were all horrified, and couldn't believe they could be against such an amazing, powerful product.

ecigs are not very big around here at the moment, but popularity has spread around my workplace like wildfire, and i can only imagine that it is just a matter of time before it expands into the surrounding area as word gets out.


Great story! Only 2 smoking workers left at my work, but 1 keeps saying he will buy e-cigs. I'm about to give him an old set of mine to get him started. Keep selling!


Great Story !!!

I was one of only a few smokers at my work--was able to convert a couple of them. We still keep things on the down low, as our management team is a bit of a pain in my a** and would ban them just to be spiteful.

I am glad you have been able to convert so many !!!

Happy vaping.


That's great! Anything to get people to stop smoking analogs. These is a great alternative and everyone that currently smokes should take the opportunity to the try these products.


Good job! I started vaping a couple months ago (with a Blu- it was a waste, but got me vaping :D) and just recently got my Tornado. I bought some 18mg nic. N/Port Menthol from TW and ordered a Cherry, Cheesecake, and Banana Cream blend from Tasty Vapors. As I'm getting more into vaping, I'm turning from just plain old menthol, which i still love, to more exotic flavoring. I, unfortunately, have not fully quite analogs (1 a day) since I still like to smoke one in the morning. But I will reach pure vaperdome someday, I SO DECREE.


what's interesting is that a few weeks prior, 2 day shifters showed up with volcano's (rebadged blu's) and generated absolutely NO interest. Long live the 510!:clap:


Alas, in NJ my friends cannot vape due to the law regarding e cigs. So I envy you all and wish for a day where I can work without the fear of having someone fine me for doing something that's helping me

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