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Well, my day of dread is fast approaching.


Just called American Airlines, and asked the customer service rep if vaping is allowed. He hummed and hawed, then said he didn't know what vapping is (not a major surprise there)

I told him that it was basically converting a small quatity of liquid into a vapor mist, as a method of helping people quit smoking.

HE: "How much liquid are we talking about"...

ME: "well, it's about 3ml total"....

HE: "If it's only about 3ml total liquid, that is within our guidelines, so it shouldn't be a problem"...

am I kidding myself, or have others vapped? I have seen videos of people vaping on a plane, and I've read other people who have said that you can't vap.

I'll be traveling on American Airlines, and then El Al... anyone have specific info on those airlines?

Do you think if I sit by the window, with my two kids on my left, once the lights go out I could stealth vap?

(Off topic, I LOVE the new eGo that I just purchased! WHAT a difference between it and my Joye 510! LOVE IT)



Two options, one under the blanket, two in the bathroom. I think the jury is out on whether you can set off the detector or not. If you hold your breath, there should be no vapor. If you think the addiction is really nic, get some gum or lozenges before you go just to add some extra insurance. I would not vape openly, too many people will freak and if you have an air marshal, it could get ugly. Spread the fluid around. How soon you going? I have tons of 3ml bottles if you need. Or load up some cartos so its not obvious its fluid. If you have backups pack some in the luggage as well along with more fluid.


Shel, I was wondering the same thing. I don't know if the security would let me take my Spade or my Joye 510 through security and on to the plane. I don't want to lose them.sweat.gif

FTJoe, do you think they would take your stuff out of you luggage? I plan on taking a good amount of juice and as i stated above my Spade, Joye 510, One of my PTs. I want to also take one of my mods but the one's I really worry about taking are my Xhaler or my Silver Bullet. What do you guys/gals think?

oh and if I do get through security, I will as Hodgehound said be on stealth mode! shiftyninja.gif


Two issues, checked luggage and carry on. Checked really shouldn't be an issue but carry on really shouldn't either. Just respect the clear bottle of liquid, no more than 3ml. If it was me and I wanted to bring it on, push it into your pocket, as long as you're not searched, you're good, if you are, it's e-cig juice. Pull out the device and puff. My wife was in Spain and got nailed coming back, she showed them what is was, and it was cool.

When I traveled last, I left my devices that looked like detonators at home (indulgence). I took my spade and my battery charger with me but no juice (I don't need to vape anymore, I do it more as a hobby). One checked bag had a kit with a PCC, juice, charger, attys and 510 batts. Another bag had more juice batts, attys and a charger as well. Third had more batteries, cartos, juice and another charger. No probs at all. I think Christopher has mentioned traveling with the devices and not having any issues.

Again, I would NOT push the envelope and vape in the open. There is no wiggle room when it comes to planes these days, bathroom and make sure there is no vapor just in case, or under a blanky. If you have a spade, spin the battery around, turn the cool LED off.


From other posts I've read, they won't hassle you when you're carrying it on. It is, after all, legal.

Guess I'll just make sure to carry on 1 small 3ml bottle (should easily be enough for the flight), and put the rest of the juice in my check in bag.

Guess I'll vap under a blanker. I do have one battery for a Joye 510, without an led. However, even my eGo doesn't have a light on the end, which is how I much prefer it! There's a small LED below your finger, so it's easy to either cover it up if you want to go stealth mode, or allow part of it to glow through, by positioning your finger slightly to the side, if you're not worried.

Guess I should also pick up from nic lozenges as well....


I have flown many times since I have started vaping without any trouble. I have had supplies in my carry on and checked.

1. Make sure you have your liquid in your quart baggie--so long as it is in a 3oz or less container or containers (no problem)--I have traveled with several ounces (overall) without issue.

2. I have tried to keep the supplies together in my carry on or checked--have never had any questions. have traveled with 510's, passthroughs, PCC and a couple other mods.

3. I always stealth vape in the airport or on the plane. In my seat, just hold my breath a few seconds and exhale slowly. In the bathroom, have yet to set off a detector--don't recommend blowing vapor directly into the detector to test it.......

I have flown from Denver to --California, Louisiana, Hawaii. have flown United, continental and Frontier. Don't ask, Don't Tell.....

I have found being discreet works the best, especially with airline security. some airlines have specific restrictions about vaping, but you are allowed to have your equipment. as there is little smell and/or lasting vapor it is very easy to be non-compliant. But thats me--Rules are mearly guidelines and if I get caught--act innocent and throw in an 'I didn't know'

hasn't been an issue yet.

Happy vaping and safe travels !!!!


I forgot Christopher's excellent suggestion last time this came up. If you are afraid of lost/tampered luggage, mail some equipment ahead of you If going to a hotel, just tell them its coming and they will hold on to it until you get there. Here's the thread.



  On 6/19/2010 at 1:51 PM, FTJoe said:

I forgot Christopher's excellent suggestion last time this came up. If you are afraid of lost/tampered luggage, mail some equipment ahead of you If going to a hotel, just tell them its coming and they will hold on to it until you get there. Here's the thread.


In case anyone else is wondering, I've completed my trip, one way (to Israel).

I ended up vapping in the mens room, numerous times! NO PROB. I did try to use a wet paper towel, and blow the vap into the towel. I vapped numerous times, no issues whatsoever.

I went from Los Angeles (LAX) to New York, 3 hours at Kennedy, then on to Tel Aviv.

While in Kennedy airport, I also vapped. I'd walk to the window overlooking the runways, stare out and vap away! Now, it WAS between midnight and 2am, but there were people around, and nobody gave me a second glance!

I also vapped in the Airport restaurant, Chili's, out in the open! Didn't even try to hide it. This was at LAX, where I arrived with my two kids almost three hours early. We went into Chili's for a bite, and a quick vap! Again, nobody even asked me what it was!

I was much more brazen in the airports, much less so (and more nervous) once on the plane. The plane was PACKED to Israel, in fact, they had to ask people to give up their seats, so, somehow I didn't have the nerve to toss a blanket over my head with strangers right next to me, and vap.

I always enjoy reading other people's experiences vapping while traveling, so I figured I'd share my own. Hope someone finds it helpful.

Still have a 12-13 hour flight back to Los Angeles, from Tel Aviv non-stop to LAX, in a few weeks!


I am very glad you made it safe and sound. Vaping has saved my sanity more than one while traveling.

Always good to know you had no trouble !!!!

always good to be discreet on the plane--not worth getting kicked off the flight or worse, have somebody think its an explosive.. Just don't try to light your shoe !!!!


I never though vaping on a plane could be possible though. I haven't been on a plane in almost 3 years. Good luck at least!

This is actually helpful in case if I have to travel!


Thanks for sharing, it's interesting to read peoples experiences with vaping. I can't help but to wonder how it will mesh with society a few years from now.


Nice Shel!!!! Glad everything went good!! thumbsup.gif

Its good to know about LAX. I am going to be fly out of there! I should be ok on the plane. Its only to Chicago and then Milwaukee. Its the layovers that bug me!


  On 6/22/2010 at 3:18 PM, kitsune said:

have somebody think its an explosive.. Just don't try to light your shoe !!!!

It's funny you mention that.

All because of some idiot, who tried to light his friggin SHOE on fire, we (in the U.S.), now have to remove our shoes EVERY TIME we board a plane! The fact is, there was no way he could have had enough explosives in his shoe to do damage.

Now, every time we travel, I try to convince my wife to store something very obvious, and very suspicious, in her bra..... so far, she hasn't gone for it, but just imagine the change in air travel she'd bring about, IF ONLY!!!

Those long lines and long waits, while going through TSA wouldn't seem quite so long! (well, for the gents, anyways....)

One can hope....


  On 6/22/2010 at 4:34 PM, Joseph said:

Nice Shel!!!! Glad everything went good!! thumbsup.gif

Its good to know about LAX. I am going to be fly out of there! I should be ok on the plane. Its only to Chicago and then Milwaukee. Its the layovers that bug me!

Hey, as I posted, I simply didn't even worry about it during the layovers (in the airport).

I was (usually) discreet, didn't flaunt it, but I also wasn't totally hiding it.

The way I figure it is, it is NOT illegal, it is NOT "SMOKING"... so, if anyone has a problem, they can ask me to stop.

I really doubt anyone will make more of a stink then simply asking me to stop. As I mentioned, at LAX in the restaurant, I was vapping very openly, and not trying to hide it. Nobody gave me a second look.

At N.Y. airport, I was more discreet, but I was traveling with my younger children, and didn't want a scene. Again, nobody gave me a 2nd look.

ON the plane, it's a different ballgame, and I was MUCH more discreet, only vapping behind the closed doors of those shoeboxes they call a bathroom.

  • 2 weeks later...

i wouldn't ask the CS.

when i got on the plan i would ask one of the flight attendants after explaining that is pretty much a personal vaporizer.

after all they are the ones you will be directly in contact with.


  On 6/22/2010 at 4:34 PM, Joseph said:

Nice Shel!!!! Glad everything went good!! thumbsup.gif

Its good to know about LAX. I am going to be fly out of there! I should be ok on the plane. Its only to Chicago and then Milwaukee. Its the layovers that bug me!

good to know about LAX ill be flying from there to Savannah the middle of this month

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