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Having heard Fluval makes a superior packing material for 801 carts, I picked up some of the polyester water polishing pads today, rinsed and dried them and stuffed some into a cart. As soon as I vaped it, my throat stung and burned. I pulled the cart to see if it was melting - it wasn't, but the juice had gone very dark, almost black. Did I get the wrong stuff? Is there a toxicity issue with the polyester pads and heat? Has anyone heard if someone out there is working on 801 cartomizers? That would be ideal. 510s are just a tad too harsh for menthol.

Posted (edited)

I had used the Fluval (part #A-242) and never had a problem, but I never used it on HV.

This is what I used: FLUVAL

Last I heard of an 801 cartomizer was nhaler, but haven't heard anything lately. I'll have a look around.

Edited by Brian

I had used the Fluval (part #A-242) and never had a problem, but I never used it on HV.

This is what I used: FLUVAL

Last I heard of an 801 cartomizer was nhaler, but haven't heard anything lately. I'll have a look around.

Ok, that's the same Fluval I bought today. I'll probably just run some juice through it without inhaling for a bit and see if it "settles down." I'll head by nhaler and see if anything's there on the 801 carto front, but do please keep me posted if you hear of anything else. Thanks!


sounds like it might be a bit dry. when starting with new filler, make sure good and moist on top of cart and I usually add a drop to the atty for good measure.

are you adding liquid to the cart first (about 1/2) then push filler into liquid to saturate, fluff back to top of cart and add liquid until no more will absorb. make sure the fluval isn't packed too tight--won't wick as well.

Then there is the blue foam--replaced fluval for me a couple months ago.



The first 801 atomizer I got came in a kit and included some 801 carts. I filled a cart and noticed the same nasty throat harshness, and I never got that with 510 carts, although I never really liked 510 carts either. That was the last day I ever used a cart, and I've been direct dripping or using cartomizers ever since.


sounds like it might be a bit dry. when starting with new filler, make sure good and moist on top of cart and I usually add a drop to the atty for good measure.

are you adding liquid to the cart first (about 1/2) then push filler into liquid to saturate, fluff back to top of cart and add liquid until no more will absorb. make sure the fluval isn't packed too tight--won't wick as well.

Then there is the blue foam--replaced fluval for me a couple months ago.


Good thoughts kitsune, I should have thought of that too.You sure do a lot of good for Larsens! :)

Miatafraink, I'm with you - drip vape repeat. Unless of course I'm using a cartomizer which I totally dig. Gnerd has to use something because his commute is too long for dripping and he's conscientious enough not to try to drip and drive.

Bro I hope your issue was simply too-dry a cart and that it picks up for you. Failing that, you may just have to drive those last few miles withougt a hit, and get there early enough to catch up before you go inside. How's it going now?


Good thoughts kitsune, I should have thought of that too.You sure do a lot of good for Larsens! :)

Miatafraink, I'm with you - drip vape repeat. Unless of course I'm using a cartomizer which I totally dig. Gnerd has to use something because his commute is too long for dripping and he's conscientious enough not to try to drip and drive.

Bro I hope your issue was simply too-dry a cart and that it picks up for you. Failing that, you may just have to drive those last few miles withougt a hit, and get there early enough to catch up before you go inside. How's it going now?

Unfortunately, I'm analog for the drive until someone comes up with an 801 cartomizer (which is something Indy Vapor appears to have an angle on) or I can find decent fill material. I emailed the guy at strictlyejuice that kitsune linked to, but he said his plugs are too small for 801s. Brian emailed and pointed me to some higher-resistance 510 cartomizers at nhaler that might work for menthol. I'm looking in to that, too. Miatafraink, that taste in the default cart material is what's driving my mission to find an alternative - plus, it just doesn't hold enough liquid to get me to work.


Hey Gnerd--Heres an idea you might try----

After using the Blue foam, I decided to go to the pet shop and see what Fluval makes. I found Fluval foam ( 204/205 and 304/305) #A-222


Works just as well as the blue foam. You can cut the fluval to fit the 801 and see if it helps. The foam is not intended to fill the entire cart, only about 1/3 of the cart.

It might be worth a shot.


Instructions for Use:

A Big Thank You to our 6016 successful use stories!

(Note: Please do not double or fill your cartridge with two pieces of blue foam, this will defeat each individual foam's purpose. You want to make certain that you have a reservoir of e-juice below the filler, if you place two fillers, then the bottom filler will soak your juice, which will decrease the amount of juice sent to the atomizer)


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