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1. When a mastiff poops in the house.......

2. I love that commercial. always makes me smile.

3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfq8ODg_ZVA&NR=1

mind you I used to own ferrets and they are sooo sweet, but this one made me laugh soo hard.

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It's 67 degrees here right now. We've had nothing but rain and storms and rain and more storms - with a few tornado's thrown in here and there for good measure - for the last four days. It's keeping the temps down some, but the humidity has been AWFUL. Not so bad today because it's cooler, but it's been bad.

Edited by nana
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It's a beautiful 85 with a slight breeze here in SoCal. :)

Hey that reminds me, I put a snide "california, who cares" in one of the lounge threads. Never got a response so I could do a just kidding. So how many folks did I cheese off? hahaha

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Hey that reminds me, I put a snide "california, who cares" in one of the lounge threads. Never got a response so I could do a just kidding. So how many folks did I cheese off? hahaha

Don't worry, nobody reads your posts anyways. :harhar:

Edited by jeffb
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cold, cloudy and raining oh my !!! sooooo looking forward to so cal.

Nice avatar Hodge !! great fish--apparently the one that didn't get away.....

Is Jeff picking on you again FT.....?

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cold, cloudy and raining oh my !!! sooooo looking forward to so cal.

Nice avatar Hodge !! great fish--apparently the one that didn't get away.....

Is Jeff picking on you again FT.....?

Just a crappy cell phone pic my buddy took, the fish was nice tho! Caught 4 or 5 that morning about the same size.

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