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Posted (edited)

I recently purchased a LR atty from VT to go along with my eGo thanks to a couple of you on here and boy am i glad i did. But i do have one problem i think...probably 3-4 times a day i find myself flooding the atomizer where it drips out the air holes on the bottom of the atomizer. Is it better to put too much juice in a LR atty a few times a day and have it flood or run it til its dry giving me that nasty burnt taste, then adding more? I'm assuming its better to add too much then not enough especially with a LR atty but i dont wanna wreck it. This is the second day i have had it and it is still going strong and i have heard that you wanna keep LR attys really wet so thats what i have been doing? I keep trying to find the perfect medium where im not flooding it but not running it dry but i always end up flooding it atleast a few times a day. But when i do notice it is flooded i blow out the atty clean all connections and continue on my way. Am i doing something wrong?

Edited by Xx92JWW86xX
Posted (edited)

i never used a LR atty... BUT i do know that if you are adding juice when the atty is hot it will/may:

1. thin the juice, making it easier (and more likely) to run out the air-holes

2. the heat will cause the need to "escape", meaning it will be "pushed" out the air-holes

someone more knowledgeable can clarify

Edited by Stirfry

  On 6/6/2010 at 4:34 AM, GDub said:

Better to flood than run dry I always say, unless you have automatic batteries that is.

Nope i only use manual battery's


You are doing Fine! Its a learning curve that everyone who drips will experience. Become ONE with your atomizer. As soon as you start to taste even a hint of burnt-add two or three more drops. When you get a whole LOT of vapor, that means you have about two or three more drags before the burnt taste. Add three more drops. Heat is bad. Its like firing a rifle more than three times in semi auto, the barrel gets real hot. Same with the LR atty. Juice will run out of the holes. You will find balance. Use the force...


My LR atty leaks a ton because I have to load up the juice inside the atty otherwise it will taste bad. When I take the cone off my eGo there is juice every where. The positives to the LR atty definitely out shine the negatives.

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