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Worst Case Scenario

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Ok, if the FDA decides to ban the sale of e-cigs, will we still be able to get pre ban parts? I was just curious. I had a parcel seized by customs a few years back and all I had to do was file a claim form, pay a duty, and wait forever. I suppose an FDA ban would pretty much mean seizure with no chance to claim these parts. Just in case you are curious my seized package was a couple bottles of genuine Irish whiskey.

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Once that parts are in the United States it really isn't an issue. USPS doesn't check every package. It's getting it into the country which is the problem. The FDA can regulate the boarders. This is why Puresmoker is trying to manufacture his products here in the states as much as possible.

You will also still be able to purchase juice from Johnson Creek which makes all of it's nic juice in the states. Even if there is an FDA ban, if people REALLY want to vape there will always be a way around the ban, it just won't be as convenient. 

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I agree - it would be a shame to have to resort to some sort of underground subterfuge but ... whatever it takes! There are far too many of us who have used these and are experiencing a WAY better life to give them up now. Then again, just when I thought that it couldn't get any more ridiculous for the FDA to be thinking of banning something that has the potential to save thousands of lives like this e-cig, I read the headlines about them going after General Foods for their marketing of Cheerios, for God's sake! What kind of paranoid schizophrenics are running the FDA anyway?

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Then again, just when I thought that it couldn't get any more ridiculous for the FDA to be thinking of banning something that has the potential to save thousands of lives like this e-cig, I read the headlines about them going after General Foods for their marketing of Cheerios, for God's sake! What kind of paranoid schizophrenics are running the FDA anyway?

I have also found it pretty funny the way the FDA seems to "work". If you research it, you can find all kinds of stories of products they approve that end up killing or seriously damaging a person and it will still take them years to "re-ban" the product. If something seems to be genuinly safe however, it seems that the FDA goes right after it and wants to shut it down immediatly. I dunno maybe it's just me but, I find it to be pretty funny or weird.

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If something seems to be genuinly safe however, it seems that the FDA goes right after it and wants to shut it down immediatly. I dunno maybe it's just me but, I find it to be pretty funny or weird.

Considering the potential of e-cigs to actually save lives, banning them sounds more to me like... criminal. Yet another example of how our government is out of control and serves no one except those with the deepest pockets.

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Considering the potential of e-cigs to actually save lives, banning them sounds more to me like... criminal. Yet another example of how our government is out of control and serves no one except those with the deepest pockets.

Yep, you nailed it! Do you really think the Gov't is for the people or even by the people!

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