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I read where juice should be stored in the fridge, but I was wondering how long it will keep if not refrigerated?

I mean is it ok to carry a bottle around in your pocket all day for vaping?

Does it go "bad" quickly if you don't keep it in the fridge?

Is it bad to put it in the fridge overnight and then carry it in your pocket during the day?

I guess what I'm really trying to ask is "Will it spoil?"


Hello ThaHodgehound,

Well from what I know your juice will be good for a year from when it was made.

I keep my juice on me at all times, because I drip. So yes it is safe/ok to do.

It will not go bad quickly if you don't keep it in the fridge. As long as you don't leave it in the sun you should be ok. Sun kills juice flavor and you don't want that to happen.

I put my juice in the fridge at night. I take it with me during the day and I have not had any problems with it going bad.

Hope this helps you! Vape Strong!thumbup.gif


I wouldn't leave it in the car during the summer,perhaps some of those 3 ml travel bottles would be a good investment .Only drag around what you need for the day.Best to keep your hoard in a cool dark place for longest shelf life.


Cool! Thanks guys. The dekang juice from heaven gifts says 2 yrs. LIKE it will last that long with me dripping! HA!


I have bottles of juice that I bought over a year ago, that have been sitting in my drawer,(particulary flavors I didn't care for that much) and since I started vaping again I've used all of them with no ill effects. So you'll be fine in the long run :)


I usually keep extra juice in the fridge (mostly keeps it out of the way)--some juices say 1 year and some say 2 years. Not sure it really goes bad, but like other chemicals can lose flavor and potency over time.

I usually have 3 or 4 flavors out and circulating and have never had one 'go bad'.


E Liquid should be stored at about room temperature, between 59 and 82 degrees F. Store away from heat, moisture, and light. We store our liquid at 70 F 24/7 in a dark room.


Well if you're like most of the people here it wont last long enough to worry about it....lol

Good luck.


Well if you're like most of the people here it wont last long enough to worry about it....lol

Good luck.

And whom might you be referring to? :rolleyes:

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