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My current juice for the next few days is Johnson Creek's Original Tobacco. I thought I would try to get back on topic you naughty people! :P ;)


I just had pancakes for breakfast and now you are thinking "why does she think I care?" I was just thinking that a maple flavor would be pretty good. Hmmm wonder if I can vape maple syrup? It's probably got glycol in it as a preservative? Tell me I am not crazy :blink:


Yum!! Hickory smoked bacon!! with my maple syrup!!

Me and Monster going out to breakfast!! :D

We need to start a little e-cig cafe with our own flavors. We got the morning rush flavors. What about the lunch crowd? :D


We need to start a little e-cig cafe with our own flavors. We got the morning rush flavors. What about the lunch crowd? :D

I don't think turkey on rye will go over so let's hold off on that one :P


I just had pancakes for breakfast and now you are thinking "why does she think I care?" I was just thinking that a maple flavor would be pretty good. Hmmm wonder if I can vape maple syrup? It's probably got glycol in it as a preservative? Tell me I am not crazy :blink:

I saw in the mall the other day pancakes with syrup flavor e-juice. I dont remember what brand it was, and i was too broke to buy it but deff something to look into. Maybe if I vape that with my cappucino flavor, i could sop eating breakfast all together :D

As far as my flavor goes, I'm using Turkish Blend(18mg) from truevapor.com. Thats my second favorite. My first choice is watermelon that i got from electronicstix.com but unfortunately i vaped it all :( . Its ok though i got more on the way. And i cant wait for the vapor talk store to open. Thats gonna be my main supplier!!!(as long as you guys get watermelon)


Cheesecake, now that's something I never thought about. Cheesecake is by far a fav of mine, on my Bday I don't use traditional cake, I pick up a Cheesecake from Costco and pop some candles on it. Pour a glass of Milk and your good to go!


For those of you non-nicotine puffers... Have you tried Tasty Puff? I know... I know... it is flavoring for tobacco but it works Fabulously in an ecig.

There is this flavor "chronic" and it doesn't taste anything like it sounds... but it is good. If you want a really good fruity flavor... "Banana"

Woodensaint & Chris: Suggestion for "cheesecake"... Lorann's cheesecake flavoring. Add about 6-7 drops to 15ml unflavored liquid and yummy. Really yummy. I suppose you could add it to a tobacco flavor to see how that works.


Currently I'm vaping a mix of:

2 parts - JC Tennessee Cured (VG 24mg)

2 parts - Pure Smoker Apple (PG 24 mg)

1 parts - Pure Smoker Riskee (PG 24mg)

very nice blend. Almost like Apple Pipe Tobacco.



Since my supply of Honeydew dried up (just kidding you-know-who :lol: ) I'm right now sampling a Marlboro flavor from my wholesaler - I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to find a different source for niquid (not good stuff here, I'd be ashamed to sell it).

All my other carts have Rose in them, but when this one runs dry I think I'll load up with pear.


3 different .. Red Bull 24 -- Camel 24 ---- cola 36 .. Lets see the redbull is from eastmall, cola I made. Camel is dietsmokes niclid...

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