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High Voltage Juice

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Some of you will remember that I believe "Voltage Rules!" I do, and I practice what I preach, vaping 6V virtually full time. But that can be kind of a double edged sword with the liquid -- it can be pretty harsh and flavorless at high voltage. I've been mixing long enough now to be pretty sure that what I believe I've observed is true, so thought I'd share it with you.

VG, and lots of flavor.

There, that's it.

Pretty simple, eh? To be a bit more precise, here's a typical HV mix. I vape 48mg, so I use quite a high proportion of 100mg base; the thing to remember is the overall percent of VG in the mix. Most flavoring is in PG, so we get plenty of that too. We end up with about equal amounts of VG and PG in the liquid.

The mix that really works for me is 48% flavoring and 52% VG, either 100mg base or straight VG (well, my VG is cut with 20% distilled water to make it easier to manage). Use scubabatdan's calculator to get the amount of 100mg base you need for your strength and make up the balance with straight VG. I bought 100mg base in 100% VG from Levy while the pink nic was still available, but you can get 50/50 VG/PG base from MFS, which is an okay substitute. But really, all VG base is the way to go if you can find it.

I get great TH with 6V, the VG mellows out the hit and gives great vapor, and the high proportion of flavoring really helps to deliver over the voltage. The downside to this of course, is that flavoring is expensive so your home-mix liquid will end up being almost as expensive as commercial liquid. But it'll work better, I promise you.

A note about flavoring. I use highly concentrated flavoring, Lorann's or Flavour Art. Using the baking flavors may not deliver through the voltage as well. I'm not 100% on this yet; I do know that the commercial e-liquid flavorings I've used are not as strong as the highly concentrated candy flavorings, and that Fairy's Finest for example, was a bit weak in my mix. Just a thought, your experiences in this vein will be welcomed.

Thanks for everything you all do for the community.

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I've been trying 6 volt and have to agree that it is harsh and flavorless. I don't have very many juices I can taste, so I really hate to lose the flavor. I have one some Mr. Bean that is 48% flavoring, but I don't taste it at 6 volt either. May just be my really bad taste buds though.

I do like the vapor at 6 volt though.

Thanks for sharing your info with everyone, Dave. That's right kind of you. :thumbup:

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