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Losing The Love - Cartomizers

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OK after three days with the cartomizers the love is fading. They are okay with a fresh battery in my Vypr but as the battery starts to wear down they suck. I was going to stock up, in case of a ban as they are a lot cheaper than 510 attys, so I could afford more than a years worth to stash. Now at a fresh 3.7 volts they are livable. I hear they work really good on a 5 volt unit. Any comments? I would like to find a cheap 5 volt mod that runs on 14500s ( I have a lot of them) but really don't know what to look at seriously. I can't pony up for a Joker right now so Im asking your help. Can anyone enlighten me. I don't want to change batteries out every hour and a half............I'm Bummed. :(

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I'm vaping 510 cartos at 6V and I'm so sold I can't even consider anything else. No kidding. With a heavy load of VG in the juice, I get fantastic TH, good flavor and a boatload of vapor. It's vaping heaven. I'm sure 5V would be okay too. Sorry you're losing the faith, but it'll be okay when you get to ... High Voltage! Voltage rules.

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Thanks, I may order one of those. Chris you may be right about the batteries. They are the blue ones and have been in sevice for a couple months. I love the Vypr just getting a viable way to keep vaping in the case of a ban. I might try to import a bunch of 510 attys myself. My issue is with the atomizers they are pricey to stock up on. I'll try your suggestions.

Edit: My keyboard can't spell.

Edited by Kragax
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"My keyboard can't spell" - LMAO...I have to remember that one. :thumbsup:

I understand about the stocking up on attys. I'm not sold on the cartos for anything other than road trips. They sure are handy for that. But I do want to stock up on attys.

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I think I may have to give them a shot as well, for those times when dripping just isn't convenient. I'm just much more of a 801 fan, I don't dislike the 510s but for me the 801 style is where it's at.

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Latest Report - I took Chris' advice and looked into the batteries. I broke into my stash and charged up some new ones. WOW, what a difference. I have never used this type of battery before and although the were working and holding a charge they didn't have the power they once had. With the new ones the Carto love is back in spades. The older batteries, I will keep for regular atomizers, and use these for the Cartos. Thanks Chris - You da Man

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But isn't the minimum battery level on the Joker 4.5V?

You can pick up 5v box mod or around $40.

$35 at Indyvaporshop

Bingo! I think everyone should have a backup box ! I'm actually currently using a 5v with 510 cartos and I have to say that I am very pleased thus far. I've got a "5v Stomp Box" rockin right now! :thumbsup:

Edited by DAYVAPE
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