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Marks' Woodie

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I spent a good part of the day over at Marks house in Va. Now where to begin? Those of you that have received one of Marks mods really need to thank him for this great piece of handmade work. I started by getting to choose one of the ready turned blanks that he had and we then went out to his workshop. You really can't appreciate this unit till you see just how much work and attention he puts into making one of these. He drilled the center hole, split it, and proceeded to route out the cavity for the battery and electrical parts.(time for a Miller Lite) He took the circuit board material and soldered the connections,drilled out the placement for the magnets, (Miller time) Attached the wiring, and marked the placement for the LED and button. (sorry, time for a toot) He made sure every thing was working before placing anything in the unit and that all the circuits were operable. (another Miller) He sanded all the placement areas and checked and rechecked for fit. We talked a lot about vaping while the epoxy set and then it was time to solder all the connections.

His attention to detail is really something. He has several units on his shelf that he says he wont use because they don't meet his approval. I personally didn't see too much wrong other than the one that the wood shrank and the seem showed. I'm sure they wouldn't be turned down by anyone who received one, but Mark's a perfectionist soooo.

Ok, the epoxy set and the unit is ready for the final connections. Battery connections soldered, Led in place, button connected, all that's left is the 510 connection. That being done, final fit and it's ready for the test. New LR atty, and battery and it's time. So now I'm vaping on my new Marks' woodie and loving it.

All in all I was there about 4+ hours watching, and talking while he worked his magic.

This is truly a work of the heart, and I don't know how to truly express my gratitude for this wonderful gift.

Mark is and always will be one of my greatest friends and all of us that have benefited from his generosity should tell him how much he is appreciated. Sorry for such a long post, and I really could go on, but I don't need to.

(I think I should take pictures of this process so all could see just all he does0

So again...Thank you so much Mark I love you man!!!!

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I am one of the newer owners of a Mark mod. I've sent him a private message to thank him, but I'm more than willing to thank him publicly, too.

Mark, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful device. The craftsmanship is excellent, it works like a charm, and it's a beautiful work of art to boot.

I am honored to own one of your masterpieces and I will truly cherish it for the rest of my life.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

@snubber - thanks for the behind the scenes review.

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Thanks for the review Snubber and that was a pretty good explanation of how we spent the afternoon but I think there may have been a few more Miller Lite breaks than you listed :beer: . It was indeed a good day. Thanks for stopping by.

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Very cool info.

I got my Woody and used it with a carto over the weekend and it works great! Very nice work.

I'm not calling it woody anymore though, I'm calling it #9. :thumbsup:

Thanks Mark!!! I'm very proud to have one.

Edited by Brian
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