bambam74525 Posted May 16, 2010 Posted May 16, 2010 I have not seen a lot of information on blucig. Can anyone out there give me some information. How does it taste? Does it vap good? Performance. ETC, ETC. I am new to vaping and I am thinking about ordering a blucig. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
FTJoe Posted May 16, 2010 Posted May 16, 2010 I have not seen a lot of information on blucig. Can anyone out there give me some information. How does it taste? Does it vap good? Performance. ETC, ETC. I am new to vaping and I am thinking about ordering a blucig. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks My nephew used it, and had no issues. I would say most people here would not recommend. My advice is a 510 kit to start, should be able to pick up for around $50. If you like and it works, get some more backup parts or use a a backup to a mod or another device like the ego. Are you vaping right now? Also, mods will probably move this to the noob section, don't be surprised when you see it moved. ;-)
ddavelarsen Posted May 16, 2010 Posted May 16, 2010 Not to be redundant, but to support FTJoe on this one - 510 kit highly recommended over blu. The difference is in the amount of vapor you'll get, which will 'feel' much more like smoking so give you much greater satisfaction.
BirdDog Posted May 16, 2010 Posted May 16, 2010 Welcome BamBam! I have to agree with everyone else. I would start off with the 510 and a couple bottles of e-liquid. Take a look at some of the suppliers in the supplier forum.
nana Posted May 16, 2010 Posted May 16, 2010 Welcome bambam. I've never used the blucig, but that's because no one recommended it. Those who have used it didn't like it at all. The best I've heard about it is that at least it got them started on the right path to vaping. I have to agree with the others here...the 510 is the best one to start with and will almost certainly guarantee that you'll have success with switching over to vaping. Good luck with whatever you decide to get and keep us updated on how it's going. We're here if you need any help or have any other questions.
Kel Posted May 16, 2010 Posted May 16, 2010 I have a Blu kit, its kinda a pain to refill the carts, and they dont hold much. I found that the atty will heat up and dry out the fill in the inner cart where the bridge meets the fill. (I use the blue foam mod now, it helps) This was a great starter kit for me to "find" vaping. Now I use a 510 and a modified ZigZag case, i can cary two batts, two attys w/ carts, and two spare carts, plus a usb charger in a king size box. ;-) I really liked the Blu Pack (pcc), but for me i can use the usb just fine (I work with computers), I ended up giving my Blu to my girlfriend b/c she does not want any throat hit and she is a very light smoker ( so she likes the Blu) Sorry if I crushed your hopes, but get a disposable 510 for $10 and see if you like it...
bambam74525 Posted May 17, 2010 Author Posted May 17, 2010 Thanks everyone for the info. I decided to order the 510 and give it a try, Thanks!!
nana Posted May 17, 2010 Posted May 17, 2010 That's a good choice. You'll have to take our word for it, but you'll like it a whole lot better than you would the blu. Let us know what you think when you get it. And don't hesitate to ask any questions you have. And you will have some.
PsychoMaster Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 Hello there, I started vaping with the blu e-cig. and that is the only good thing i can say about it, it got me on the track to vaping. Even though the price seems right, its just not that good. Vapor was GREAT the first couple of days, then i could barely get any hits off of it. i would get 3-5 good puffs and have to set it down for a few minutes before i got any vapor worth calling vapor. the carts lasted only 30-50 puffs. overall i am looking at buying a Tornado from totallywicked, since it appears to be a 510, just with a bigger battery so it lasts longer. I hope it works out for me. then again maybe i just overused the blu cig, and it was my fault it didnt work. i dont know.
Mainspring Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 Hello there, I started vaping with the blu e-cig. and that is the only good thing i can say about it, it got me on the track to vaping. Even though the price seems right, its just not that good. Vapor was GREAT the first couple of days, then i could barely get any hits off of it. i would get 3-5 good puffs and have to set it down for a few minutes before i got any vapor worth calling vapor. the carts lasted only 30-50 puffs. overall i am looking at buying a Tornado from totallywicked, since it appears to be a 510, just with a bigger battery so it lasts longer. I hope it works out for me. then again maybe i just overused the blu cig, and it was my fault it didnt work. i dont know. good choice. I started out on something called a "e-healthy cigarette". It cost me $40, including extra pre-filled carts. total waste of $40. liquid in the pre-filled carts tasted like *** and vapor production was horrible... not to mention the extremely short battery life. what it did though, like you, was that it got me on the vaping trail. did some research online, and got me a 510. what a difference. I was able to quit analogs without hesitation... something I could not do with any other NRTs. anyway, recently I picked up an eGo. I have to say, it's a nice compact 3.7v unit. you are ahead of the game by grabbing the Tornado right off the bat imho. I'm sure you'll be happy with it. happy vaping.
SeanPatrick Posted May 27, 2010 Posted May 27, 2010 Hello there, I started vaping with the blu e-cig. and that is the only good thing i can say about it, it got me on the track to vaping. Even though the price seems right, its just not that good. Vapor was GREAT the first couple of days, then i could barely get any hits off of it. i would get 3-5 good puffs and have to set it down for a few minutes before i got any vapor worth calling vapor. the carts lasted only 30-50 puffs. overall i am looking at buying a Tornado from totallywicked, since it appears to be a 510, just with a bigger battery so it lasts longer. I hope it works out for me. then again maybe i just overused the blu cig, and it was my fault it didnt work. i dont know. I started with a KR808 called SmokeTip, and the only good thing about that model was it showed me what vaping was all about. After doing research, well ok it wasn't research it was talking to people on this forum, I bought the Tornado from TW and I love it. nice compact size, long battery life and excellent vapor production. If anyone asks me to recommend a PV to start with I tell them to go with a 510. I dont tell them to get a Ego/Tornado but I do gently nudge them that way
PsychoMaster Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 good choice. I started out on something called a "e-healthy cigarette". It cost me $40, including extra pre-filled carts. total waste of $40. liquid in the pre-filled carts tasted like *** and vapor production was horrible... not to mention the extremely short battery life. what it did though, like you, was that it got me on the vaping trail. did some research online, and got me a 510. what a difference. I was able to quit analogs without hesitation... something I could not do with any other NRTs. anyway, recently I picked up an eGo. I have to say, it's a nice compact 3.7v unit. you are ahead of the game by grabbing the Tornado right off the bat imho. I'm sure you'll be happy with it. happy vaping. I was going to go with the Titan, but was told the battery life on the Tornado was better. . .still haven't ordered. I'm waiting to get a credit card, lol. I hope that it works out for me, thanks for the encouragement guys
kitsune Posted June 3, 2010 Posted June 3, 2010 I have heard very good things about the tornado. I have had very good luck with the 510's (then again the choices were very limited when I started). You are not the first one to have problems with the blu. you will be so much happier with the tornado. Keep in mind that if you run across a supplier selling the Janty e-go, they are the same unit-just different name. Happy vaping.
PsychoMaster Posted June 7, 2010 Posted June 7, 2010 I have heard very good things about the tornado. I have had very good luck with the 510's (then again the choices were very limited when I started). You are not the first one to have problems with the blu. you will be so much happier with the tornado. Keep in mind that if you run across a supplier selling the Janty e-go, they are the same unit-just different name. Happy vaping. So, the Tornado and eGo are the same? are there any differences in what you get in the kit? I found an eGo for like $50, but any links or site suggestions would be helpful, as I don't really know any "reliable" sources (e.g. won't sell me a knockoff). I found a 50ml bottle of e-liquid for $10, but my friend told me not to buy it, since it was probably not "safely" made. Did he mean it could be contaminated with chemicals? sorry for all the questions.
Popsicle Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 So, the Tornado and eGo are the same? are there any differences in what you get in the kit? I found an eGo for like $50, but any links or site suggestions would be helpful, as I don't really know any "reliable" sources (e.g. won't sell me a knockoff). I found a 50ml bottle of e-liquid for $10, but my friend told me not to buy it, since it was probably not "safely" made. Did he mean it could be contaminated with chemicals? sorry for all the questions. The Tornado and eGo are essentially the same model, yes. Totally Wicked just re-branded it. As for the variations in what the kit contains, someone else will have to fill you in; I have neither. The trepidation behind large quantities of liquid for low prices is because many (NOT ALL) but many of those liquids are made from cheap ingredients. They won't kill you or anything, but they'll probably have somewhat of an unpleasant synthetic flavor to them. It's just that when you see something that is way cheaper than it should be, you have to wonder why it's priced that way; However, this isn't always the case. Tasty Vapor sells 1 oz. of liquid for only $15, and they're amazing.
PsychoMaster Posted June 18, 2010 Posted June 18, 2010 So, got my Tornado, fast shipping (got on Wed. ordered on a Saturday), tastes great (N/Port Menthol), and best of all- consistent vapor. . . so far. I will find out if it stays that way. Thanks for the help guys, everyone on all of the threads in this forum are very helpful, especially with their recommendations. Wish i had known about the forum before i bought my Blu cig. . .but at least it got me vaping had one analog today- it tasted like crap and smelled horrible. I think i'm gonna be able to quit them now.
FTJoe Posted June 18, 2010 Posted June 18, 2010 Grats!!! It'll stay good, I'm collecting ego/tornado batts now. Next up, low res attys, did you get one or no? Really make the ego/tornado shine!!!
PsychoMaster Posted June 18, 2010 Posted June 18, 2010 No, I didn't pick up any low res attys, cause I heard that they burn out fast- and I'm poor lol. It's already costing me more to vape than smoke, cause I used to smoke 10 or so roll-you-own analogs a day, instead I vape a lot, ALL day. But i think the health benefits make up for it. I'm probable going to go down in nic level though. Bought some 18mg N/Port Menthol from TW and it might be better if it was a lower level. I've tried the Blu cigs cherry when I had a Blu, might be worth it to pick up from TastyVapor or TW as well as trying some other flavors.
FTJoe Posted June 18, 2010 Posted June 18, 2010 But i think the health benefits make up for it. I'm probable going to go down in nic level though. When I was cutting down I did it at about 2mg/ml each week. Buy some lower level nic, you can mix low and high to get a middle ground. Change the percentage to drop or raise the levels. Many actually vape different leves at different times of the day, higher in the morning, lower during, etc. You can always cut it with straight VG or PG but then you cut the flavor as well. If you plan it out right you won't waste too much.
nana Posted June 18, 2010 Posted June 18, 2010 The vapor from the eGo/tornado will stay consistent. I've had mine since the beginning of February and even though the batteries aren't holding a charge as long now, it's still consistent. The LR attys do not last as long as the regular attys. Some people are saying they last longer than they do for me, but if money is a worry, I wouldn't try them yet. I've had LR attys last me less than a day and you probably don't want to take that chance. Another thing you can try is getting some PG & VG and flavoring and make some of your own 0 nic juice. Since you said you are vaping a lot more than you smoked, you could use 0 nic in between the times you need the nic. That would lower your costs considerably, too. Just an idea.
PsychoMaster Posted June 25, 2010 Posted June 25, 2010 The vapor from the eGo/tornado will stay consistent. I've had mine since the beginning of February and even though the batteries aren't holding a charge as long now, it's still consistent. The LR attys do not last as long as the regular attys. Some people are saying they last longer than they do for me, but if money is a worry, I wouldn't try them yet. I've had LR attys last me less than a day and you probably don't want to take that chance. Another thing you can try is getting some PG & VG and flavoring and make some of your own 0 nic juice. Since you said you are vaping a lot more than you smoked, you could use 0 nic in between the times you need the nic. That would lower your costs considerably, too. Just an idea. Yeah, has a 4 oz. bottle of 0 nic for $15, so that is even better than mixing my own! this way it gets done by someone already good at DIY and its still cheap!
Melinda Posted July 1, 2010 Posted July 1, 2010 Hi, I have the blu cig. I must admit, it was fine for me as a way to get off of analogs. It simulated my "habit" well ie: carrying the pack and its ease of use, HOWEVER, while using it I fell in love with vaping for vaping sake and not as an analog substitute. With this new perspective, I find the blu cig to be lacking. The blu cig has an automatic battery (not a manual one like the Joye 510)and because of this I can't direct drip or it will ruin the battery. Also, the smoke volume is low compared to what I see with the Joye and eGo. I am now, after only 2 months, wanting to repurchase to a better system. I suggest skipping the blu and going straight to the more advanced systems. Trust me, vaping is great and you won't regret it. I don't even like analogs anymore..... I have not seen a lot of information on blucig. Can anyone out there give me some information. How does it taste? Does it vap good? Performance. ETC, ETC. I am new to vaping and I am thinking about ordering a blucig. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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