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Where's the best place to buy an eGo kit? My son has decided to take the plunge into vaping and that seems to be the best alternative for his lifestyle. Looking forward to your suggestions.


Well Janty is a good start as they make the eGo however you can pick up a generic Joye version from a few supplier for a bit cheaper. I think Word Up has them in stock


Go cheap at first, if you have 510 stuff, just get a battery, cone and little charger thing that charges it off a regular 510 charger. I went to TW, not sure if wordup has the little charger thing. If you like get a kit and you have a backup. nana's idea...


Thanks Jeff! Now, bite me, I can't find LR 510s. Where's the best deal on those bad boys? I guess I could go inside and check my receipts, but it's such a beautiful evening I don't want to leave the deck. Thank heaven for the iPad! I want to get him drip tips too, of course... :)


That's how I started on the eGo, but for someone just starting out that wouldn't work as well. I already had the attys and the charger. I've never seen the adapters anywhere else but TW. Not that someone else doesn't have them, but I haven't noticed them anywhere else. I do highly recommend the adapter so you can charge on the wall charger. I ended up getting the charger from TW that charges 5 of the 510 attys at one. I did that when I was using the regular batteries, but I got two of the adapters so I can charge 2 eGo batteries at once. I do use the usb charger, too, sometimes. If I'm in more of a hurry to charge one up.

I got some LR attys from TW. I'm on my second one from them. The first lasted almost 2 weeks and the one I'm using now is right at 2 weeks. I got two from NHaler, but neither of them lasted for me. I had one for 3 days and then the second one only lasted 1 day. Could have been a fluke. I got three of them from MadVapes and have only used one. It didn't last for 24 hours. I don't know if any of those places has any right now though.


Thanks Jeff! Now, bite me, I can't find LR 510s. Where's the best deal on those bad boys? I guess I could go inside and check my receipts, but it's such a beautiful evening I don't want to leave the deck. Thank heaven for the iPad! I want to get him drip tips too, of course... :)

I agree, you can get the ego/tornado batteries at Totally Wicked and cones and quick charger there and will be less than $50.00. They also have the LR attys for $7.99 which isn't bad for them.

If you go for the whole kit thing you can get one at Vaporgalaxy with double batts and cones etc. so you're getting two complete units in one kit. Luke is a good guy too so you can depend on him to help you out. Just a suggestion.


Thanks all, this is good info. We've bought his kit, now on to attys and probably an extra battery or two. I'm psyched! I hope it works out for him. I don't know how he could go wrong with his old man keeping him lined up. :) I'm probably going to be making most of his juice. I got a kick out of him ordering liquid tonight, he always went for tobacco flavors... You sure gotta love newbies. :D


You sure gotta love newbies. :D

LMAO!!! Good luck to him...LR attys on the ego batt are awesome. I'm picking up a kit and probably some extras. My idiot friends (I'm allowed to say that) are not into the dripping/refilling/recharging so they are failing at converting. Ego battery and cartos are a game changer though so I'm going to set them up with that. Also, they are a little expensive but the drip tips from minnesota whatever are great. FWIW - test whatever LR attys you get. Got one from vaperite, measured 2.8...into the regular bin that went. I pick one up whenever I order from a site if they offer. Got some at the VT store as well, draw was a little tight for me though, but I'm a loose draw lover.


Dave, be sure and tell your son that we are rooting for him. I sure do hope he does better than my kids have. :whistle:


FYI - wordup has the parts all separate including the charger...


Is it me, or does the pricing just seem funny on these?


Just got mine from Word up, they were very fast and the bonus was that I got the Joye eGo so I ended up with two complete eGos for the price of one Janty eGo. That is an awesome bonus!


Awesome Wright! You must be getting quite a collection now! :)

I'm totally psyched about my son finally giving this a chance. You'd wouldn't believe (or maybe you would) the expression of suspicion on his face when I'd talk about vaping. Maybe the fact I'm still doing it is what convinced him to try. Well, that and he's cheap and he sees this as a way to save money (foolish man!).

  • 2 weeks later...

Well Janty is a good start as they make the eGo however you can pick up a generic Joye version from a few supplier for a bit cheaper. I think Word Up has them in stock

Hello Chris Thanks For Mentioning Us That we Have the Joye eGo but I would Like to clarify a few things for the people who do not know.

I would like Clarify that Joye Is Not A Generic eGo In Fact They Make the eGo For Janty And Yes We Carry Both And The Reason We Do is there are a few people out there that have a bad taste in there mouth about JANTY.

Just To Clarify JOYE is NOT a Generic eGo they are the Sole manufacturer of the eGo.

Chris thought you knew that? To say Joye eGo is a generic eGo is like saying the joye 510 is Generic.

The Reason I have seen this is we received a few emails saying that there is mention of Joye being generic!

Thanks Jeffrey & Laurin

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Jeffrey - I do think you're taking Chris' comment the wrong way. He was trying to save someone some money and suggested wordup for a cheaper alternative to Janty. Nice that he gave you a plug instead of his own store. He's also mentioned on the forum that he plans to sell the Joye eGo soon himself. He wasn't being derogatory. When he said "generic", I simply took it to mean that it's not Janty branded.


Jeffrey - I do think you're taking Chris' comment the wrong way. He was trying to save someone some money and suggested wordup for a cheaper alternative to Janty. Nice that he gave you a plug instead of his own store. He's also mentioned on the forum that he plans to sell the Joye eGo soon himself. He wasn't being derogatory. When he said "generic", I simply took it to mean that it's not Janty branded.

I know but I come back from being away and there is like 6 email saying Chris is saying we have generic ego,s lol I know its all good started wrighting before I thought about it

Thats why I rewrote the first version lol Word up just do not want people to take it the wrong way. Like the few that sent us emails did.


"Generic" is not a derogatory term. It means " being or having a nonproprietary name" ( ie... Janty, TW Tornado are examples of proprietary names). I think some people may have misinterpreted generic to mean fake. Of course Chris wasn't implying that at all.


all I can say is, I sure love my "generic" aka "fake" Joyetech eGo.

these copy cats sure did a nice job. looks, feels, and works exactly like the original...



all I can say is, I sure love my "generic" aka "fake" Joyetech eGo.

these copy cats sure did a nice job. looks, feels, and works exactly like the original...


You troublemaker. :lol:


"Generic" is not a derogatory term. It means " being or having a nonproprietary name" ( ie... Janty, TW Tornado are examples of proprietary names). I think some people may have misinterpreted generic to mean fake. Of course Chris wasn't implying that at all.

You Are 100% Right that is why I wanted to clear the air we had a lot of emails and phone calls of people thinking that Joye eGo is a fake so one customer said if that is not true then please correct the post and tell everyone what I was telling them so that is just what I did and sure did not mean to hurt anyone's feeling , well the first post may have but after I calmed down from the calls then I rewrote it.

But you are correct everyone thinks that generic is fake a bad product it does mean nameless but the majority of the people do not know that I tried for 38 min and they where not going for it and I had to do what I told the customer I would do what is right because we stand with our customer 100%

Thanks Jeffrey & Laurin

P.S. You Know who you are is this Good enough for you do you feel you have a fake eGo I told you I would not mention you and I will not but you did say you would make a post so waiting.lol you don't have to man just busting your balls

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