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Good idea snubber! Like I've mentioned I'm already outgrowing my tackle box, even though it's totally convenient. I'll do some looking around. Don't know whether it's still open but we used to have an 'organization' store around here somewhere. I bet they'd have something useful.


Good idea snubber! Like I've mentioned I'm already outgrowing my tackle box, even though it's totally convenient. I'll do some looking around. Don't know whether it's still open but we used to have an 'organization' store around here somewhere. I bet they'd have something useful.

I've got the same Plano 7271 and it's just about filled. You're right the next one up is too obtrusive. I keep Juices and hardware in there. Maybe the next step would be to separate the two. Just keep the hardware in the 7271 and all the juices in something like FTJoe was wanting to get, maybe a bit larger. I might have to steal my kids HOT WHEELS carrying case for a while. His cars are everywhere except in the case anyhow!


Okay I got my case. 7271 here I come!!! It's not that its not big enough...it is. But I can actually find stuff right now because it is spread all across my desk. If I put it all in here, its lost.

I need another one. If anyone says I told you so, I swear I will hunt you down. ;-)


I might have to steal my kids HOT WHEELS carrying case for a while. His cars are everywhere except in the case anyhow!

:offtopic: Glad to see it's not just my kid. My boy will be 5 next week. Car are the only thing he has ever played with, and it's all he wants. I swear, we have cars everywhere. I've tried to get him interested in other toys, but no deal. I take him to the store and all he wants is cars, cars, cars.



Just wait until you are walking on tiny little lego bits all over the house !!!

those buggers hurt in the middle of the night. (Hot wheels hurt too)


Okay I got my case. 7271 here I come!!! It's not that its not big enough...it is. But I can actually find stuff right now because it is spread all across my desk. If I put it all in here, its lost.

I need another one. If anyone says I told you so, I swear I will hunt you down. ;-)

Good choice!

The 7271 is not a bad purchase. So it fits everything I have, and that's not much compared to many on these forums. That compartment in the lower right is what I use to store all my attys. i used my wife's label maker to organize all of my different atomizer types. I organize by Ohm rating, rather than model. its easier to distinguish between 510, 901, and 801 rather than Ohm rating, so if i have more than one style of atty with the same ohm rating, I just put them all in the same compartment. Mine only came with two of those removable compartments but I bought 2 more. I labeled each section from lowest Ohm to greatest: 1.5, 2.2, 2.5, 2.9, 3.5, 4.2, 5.2. The last three are empty just in case more ratings come out on the market (then I'll have to peel off the labels and start over again). The other two plastic containers hold an assortment of parts, such as old 510 batteries, old 901 batteries, atomizer connectors, adapters, cotton swabs, plastic cartridges (i don't know why i even keep those) and someday, Cartomizers.

Those compartments in the top of the box are what i use to keep the things I use most often. Such as metal and plastic drip tips, one adapter of each kind, batteries, Spade, VP2, XHaler, syringe, Whatever I'm using at the moment.

The center space is used for the bigger items such as chargers, Multimeter, tools, Everclear, spare parts for box mods, etc.

And, of course, the three larger compartments hold juices. That's where I'm running out of room. Like I mentioned before, I think I'm gonna have to find some other storage solution for them. If you find something cool, please be sure to post it!


:offtopic: Glad to see it's not just my kid. My boy will be 5 next week. Car are the only thing he has ever played with, and it's all he wants. I swear, we have cars everywhere. I've tried to get him interested in other toys, but no deal. I take him to the store and all he wants is cars, cars, cars.

My boy is 4 and he went through a whole year of nothing but hot wheels cars, now his little brother is starting to play with them, that's why they're all over the house once again. I think I'm making molding collectors out of both of them. First Hot Wheels, then Bakugan, now it's Lego Star Wars. I can't wait till they start reading, then its gonna be all about comic books! Live vicariously through your kids. Re-visit your own childhood- that's the way to go!



Just wait until you are walking on tiny little lego bits all over the house !!!

those buggers hurt in the middle of the night. (Hot wheels hurt too)

Lego bits! Ahhhh!

I went to Bass Pro Shops and picked up some of those bigger plastic tackle organizers. I'm teaching my 4 year old to keep his legos in them. I showed him how to organize the parts, but I'm leaving it up to him on how he wants to do it. Each night I make him put all his legos away cuz I hate seeing them on the floor!! I've been making him play with them at this table in his room, and only his creations come out of his room to show us, that way he has to go back to his table to build more! Man, this is way off topic, but it's still fun talking about it!

Posted (edited)

Okay I got my case. 7271 here I come!!! It's not that its not big enough...it is. But I can actually find stuff right now because it is spread all across my desk. If I put it all in here, its lost.

I need another one. If anyone says I told you so, I swear I will hunt you down. ;-)

Come & get me big guy! :D Naw, just kidding. I've managed to get all my most-used mixing stuff into mine, and that's all anyone could ask. I think it's cool that so many have settled on the same solution to a common problem. I think part of our 'issue' is that we just like gadgets and parts. Vaping satisfies in spades!

Tek, I appreciate the way you laid out how you organized yours. In the same vein:

Top two small compartments hold the liquids I use most often, and cartos awaiting refill. The second compartment is just a filing "system" for notes for mixing.

The large compartment in the lid holds mixing tools and a few small bottles for experiments. The tools are: pipettes, syringes, pens and pencils for taking notes, a glass weighing bottle to poor liquids into for sucking up with a syringe, scissors and tape for making and applying labels, and most important - reading glasses! :D I also keep the larger bottles of stuff laying on their sides in there - VG, nic base, jar of menthol crystals. The tall section in the top contains larger bottles of flavoring, but it's not tall enough for the stuff I had to lay down in the top tray.

The three trays below contain most of my flavors, segregated by tobaccoy flavors and fruity stuff. The bottom tray has my dwindling collection of commercial liquid.

The door section on the right (mine only came with two trays too) has Tasty Puff flavoring in it. I just don't use those much so this section is kind of moot right now.

What occurs to me is that there's quite a bit of stuff I may never use again - Tasty Puff is an example. If I were to get rid of all that stuff I'd have a lot more room and could collect even more neat stuff to play with!

For me the best part of this case is being able to grab my whole kit to carry to the living room or to my brother's house for mixing with others. I keep all my hardware in the original mixing storage container which is much smaller but just right for attys and batteries.

Edited by ddavelarsen

Come & get me big guy!

So answer the door!!! ;-)

Ordering it now because I want to do exactly what you guys are talking about. Even to the point of where I picked up an LR, HV etc. And forget about juices, bunch coming and Christopher just declared the VT store restocked. Trying to figure out what I really need.

I might actually get two as I could use this for my electronics. Memory chipcs, cards, drives etc. In shoe boxes right now so when I'm looking for some pc100 memory for someone, it gets ugly in the box. As I sift through everything.


Well, don't catch me on a 'hermit weekend,' cause I wouldn't answer the door. But otherwise come on over! I have good micro brews for 'after the altercation.' :D I told you so. :P

Actually you might want to check the organizer trays that come with it before ordering two. The trays are divided into quite small sections that may not fit your electronics parts well. You can of course find trays that size with different divisions.


Actually you might want to check the organizer trays that come with it before ordering two. The trays are divided into quite small sections that may not fit your electronics parts well. You can of course find trays that size with different divisions.

I think I have to find something for the juices, this is filling up quickly. I'll leave the electronics for another day...


It does fill up quickly doesn't it? All I have in mine is mixing stuff, and I'm to the point of having to *Removed* No Drug Talk out some of the chaff already. But I did not go at DIY in a very organized manner, so I have a bunch of crap that I didn't need to spend money on. Naturally, my story is somewhat different when my wife remarks on this issue.


Odd - I actually got it all in...I must be low on supplies. ;-) I'll post a pic later...I am so digging this. Funny thing is (not) I can't find my indulgence and the two battery extended tube. Its the biggest thing I own. So I started this a week late...


Odd - I actually got it all in...I must be low on supplies. ;-) ...

Oh crap, gatorade out my nose and all in the keyboard! :D Dang man, that was righteous, but it still hurts...

Can't wait to see that pic, and I sure hope you find your indulgence soon!


I can't wait for the pic--its nice to have everything organized--only way I can find anything at all--as I would probably start having a seizure if I actually threw anything away !!!

Happy vaping


if I actually threw anything away !!!

What is this "throwing away" you speak of? I'm sorry but I am not familiar with that phrase. ;-)


What a guy! That would be a wonderful way to store your stuff, especially if you had it set up in a place where you could do all the work. I hadn't thought of that, but I kind of "collect" Kennedy tool chests; one of those would make an awesome vaping cabinet!


I have a rolltop desk and all those little drawers work quite well.

Posted (edited)

So here is the pic after getting my weekend deliveries. Plus my 8 10440 batteries came in for the Spade that I will probably get refurbished and then put out to pasture. My 0mg nic VT juice in top left container. Empty bottles in top right container and more coming. Surrounded by a few more 0mg bottles and chargers, mega pcc, etc. The draw on left is lots of cartos, carts, drip tips and hypos. On back right is my with nic juices, for my peeps, lots of carts as well. Front right is my no nic juice, been trying things but sticking with VT juice for now. Trying to find the right mix of 0mg Mentha and Dulcis, getting there. Center is the heart, regular batteries, indulgence, spade, four ego batts. Also mega and regular 510 batts, low res attys, regular 801, 510 and some 901 attys. HV 510, 901 and 801 attys. Adapters, battery adapters and other sundry items. Guess I should throw my JantyStick V2 in there as well, I think its in the back of my car somewhere. So even though I have lots of cartos, I think I should get some more low res attys (I have 10-15 now) and regular attys. I have tons of stuff .



Edited by FTJoe

OMG FTJoe! Dauuuumn! :unworthy: How long did it take ya to get all those goodies??


D00d! That's freakin awesome!!! What a beautiful setup. Man you have more attys than I've ever dreamed of! Can't wait to get a collection like that going; you're the freakin Man! FTJoe, you can be my hero for today; I haven't had one for a while now but this just takes the cake my man. thumbsup.gif Thanks for sharing, great stuff.

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