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Thanks everyone who has helped me decide what to buy. I decided on the Joye 510 super starter kit. When I tried to order they asked which eliquid: vg-pg? I don't know what they mean. It's not the flavor or strenght what is it? Oh yeah and what's the difference between manual and automatic battery? I'm sorry for being such a pest, I promise once I get this going I'll have a better handle on it.

Tammy :rolleyes2:


Thanks everyone who has helped me decide what to buy. I decided on the Joye 510 super starter kit. When I tried to order they asked which eliquid: vg-pg? I don't know what they mean. It's not the flavor or strenght what is it? Oh yeah and what's the difference between manual and automatic battery? I'm sorry for being such a pest, I promise once I get this going I'll have a better handle on it.

Tammy :rolleyes2:

I am fairly new to vaping also, but I think I got this. The liquid they are asking you is either vegetable glycerin "vg" or Propylene Glycol "PG". You can search this site for the difference of the two.

The difference between manual and automatic is pretty straight forware. Manual = you have to press the button for the battery to engage then puff. Automatic = is suppose to act like a ciggie when you puff, so no manual.

Welcome to the forums.



Stormchas3r pretty much covered it. PG is the most common base for e-liquids, VG is just another base that some people prefer. I've heard that sometimes people have an allergic reaction to the PG (irritated throat) and because of that stick to VG juice.


There are two kinds of liquid that makes up the largest percentage of the liquid we vape .One is PG which is propyline glycol and the other is VG which is vegetable glycerin.VG is thicker and produces more vapor most commercial liquid is PG based .Some people have alergies to PG .I would say it really doesn't matter for the most part .You got the battery scoop from Storm


Most recommend the manual battery since it's a sealed battery and no juice can get into it. Also, you can drag on it as long as you hold the button down. On the auto battery, juice can get into the battery and ruin it. Also, the auto batteries usually have an auto-shut-off so you can only get about an 8 second drag. I've tried some auto batteries and they are kinda fickle to me.

PG is pretty much the standard and is what's used most. However, seems like VG is gaining in popularity. VG has amazing vapor production. In my experience, you get a better throat hit with PG. Some will say that's just not so, but it is my experience. Will just be a matter personal preference. I use PG most of the time. Some poeple are sensitive to PG so VG offers an excellent alternative for them.

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