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Ok, I have asked a few people this but an still waiting on an answer, so sorry for doubling up efforts :innocent: Anyway, I am wondering, If I don't care about the nicotine can I go wrong with a simple mix of VG and food flavorings? I understand I will get more vapor and possibly less throat hit, is this right? Am I missing something here?

Posted (edited)

You can do that .VG is very good by itself even with no flavoring,it makes huge clouds of vapor.As far flavoring go the more concentrated the flavor the better.I have found that if the mix has too much by volume of flavoring it tastes like crap.I pretty much have given up on mixing my own but a lot of people enjoy it .There seem to be other ingrediants that they put in and there is all kinds of reasoning behind it ,throat hit being one reason.I hope I answered your qusetion ,I think I did .I had better luck with flavoring from DIYFlavorshack as they were mixed specificly for vaping.I do not have the refined palatte most vapers seem to have so a lot what they put in the revues doesn't seem to mean much to me.

Edited by mcquinn
Posted (edited)

Ok, I have asked a few people this but an still waiting on an answer, so sorry for doubling up efforts :innocent: Anyway, I am wondering, If I don't care about the nicotine can I go wrong with a simple mix of VG and food flavorings? I understand I will get more vapor and possibly less throat hit, is this right? Am I missing something here?

Hey I'm having issues with the messenger system for some reason and was not able to reply to you earlier. But what I was going to say is you can find VG locally, just look in your local health food store, you know, the one that smells overwhelmingly like vitamins and incense. Also I believe Hobby Lobby sells some of the LorAnns flavors, but generally not a large selection. There are a number of flavor suppliers people like for e-juice including- LorAnn's, Capella, Flavour Art, Perfumer's Apprentice. As McQuinn said you can also go to a site like DIYflavorshack.com and purchase many of these items along with things like VG and PG, bottles, funnels, etc.

Also as McQuinn said VG + Flavoring works just fine. You may find the VG to be a little thick, in which case I recommend diluting it with a little distilled water. Some people have said they add alcohol for extra throat hit, but in my experience it doesn't do much besides ruin the flavor for me. Seriously though, straight VG has very little throat hit in my opinion, so you may have to experiment if that is a big deal for you.

Edited by GDub

Thank you all for the advice! So, I got a few things at the store. I found pure glycerine at cvs, but am not sure as it "says" it's for skin and for external use only??? Have not decided on that yet though I know some people use it. I then went to a craft store and got Wilton Glycerine and Wilton Butter Flavor and Almond Extract. Thy did not have much in the way of flavors. The almond extract is water, alcohol and artificial flavors so I mixed it with the glycerine. 20% extract to 80% glycerine. Thus creating........ You guessed it Amaretto! For my first go I am very pleased! That said I see what people are saying about throat hit a VG. I can't really tell it's working untill I exhale that big plume of vapor! A was thinking the alcohol in the extract may help a little, but no matter how long or hard I pull I can not tell I am pulling anything. I thought I would like that because my throat was a little raw from all the vaping but I find I do miss a little something. Anyway, I wanted to share with you my first try, thanks again for the help! Sorry for any typos, posted this from my phone :)


Thank you all for the advice! So, I got a few things at the store. I found pure glycerine at cvs, but am not sure as it "says" it's for skin and for external use only??? Have not decided on that yet though I know some people use it. I then went to a craft store and got Wilton Glycerine and Wilton Butter Flavor and Almond Extract. Thy did not have much in the way of flavors. The almond extract is water, alcohol and artificial flavors so I mixed it with the glycerine. 20% extract to 80% glycerine. Thus creating........ You guessed it Amaretto! For my first go I am very pleased! That said I see what people are saying about throat hit a VG. I can't really tell it's working untill I exhale that big plume of vapor! A was thinking the alcohol in the extract may help a little, but no matter how long or hard I pull I can not tell I am pulling anything. I thought I would like that because my throat was a little raw from all the vaping but I find I do miss a little something. Anyway, I wanted to share with you my first try, thanks again for the help! Sorry for any typos, posted this from my phone :)

You can try adding some alcohol, Everclear is what most people use. I also know some juice manufacturers add lemon juice (citric acid) to their e-juice, I would think that would add to throat hit. You can buy citric acid at some grocery stores, I picked mine up at a place called Fiesta here in Houston. You'd have to dissolve it in some distilled water or something, but I think that would be better than adding lemon juice which has natural sugars in it. I'll actually whip up a batch and get back to you since I have everything I need in the kitchen to test this out.


As long as it say USPS it is the one,at CVS it is in the skin care isle as it is a moisturiser. http://www.cloudsofvapor.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=24&category_id=7&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1 this is what I get from them


The biggest difference between the 2 types of glycerine is sweetness. the baking glycerine is sweeter, which I prefer for mixing or just to decrease the nicotine strength.

Mixing really is fun and an addiction all unto itself.

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