Christopher Posted April 26, 2010 Posted April 26, 2010 Great site keeping track of all the current bans and what you can do to stop them hungryvaper and Uma 2
arcangel742 Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 (edited) IMPORTANT: For Any of you that can help out in N.Y. I am including two premade letters, one short, one long, you choose. You can edit it, email it, fax it, snail mail it. Or you can even call these Reps. Remember people, what they do here in N.Y. they may do in your State next. NYS Assembly already voted unanimously to ban these devices to include ADULTS. It is now in the hands of the New York State Senate Health Committee. See YouTube Video, if this does not make you angry, nothing else will! THIS IS NO JOKE! Here are all the addresses, phone numbers, addresses, and fax numbers of the N.Y. Senate Health Committee: in .doc format attachment you can download somewhere here Look for "NY Senate Health Committee Info.doc" At the very bottom of this post for download! Calls, snail mails, faxes, and e-mails are all helpful. And if you already sent letters (via e-mail, snail mail or fax), follow it up with a call. Thank You for any of your help. Please write/fax/call NY Senate Health Committee members: SHORT VERSION LETTER TO SEND, FAX, EMAIL: PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR NAME ON IT, AT THE TOP & BOTTOM BEFORE SENDING. Copy these email addresses into the "To" (send to),,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, Short Version of email. fax or letter below: Copy the following and paste it into the "Subject:" line of your email… SUBJECT: URGED: DO NOT BAN ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES/ NICOTINE VAPORIZERS FOR ADULTS-AMEND BILL TO UNDER AGED ONLY BILL S7234: Same as: A9529 Versions: S7234 Then copy the following and paste this into the body on your email and then put your name at bottom before sending: Short Version from _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Senator, After many years of smoking, I now use an electronic cigarette/nicotine vaporizer instead of smoking. I have heard that S7234 would ban the sale of electronic cigarettes/nicotine vaporizers completely and that I would no longer be able to purchase them in New York State. I am sure that as one of your constituents, you do not want me to start smoking tobacco cigarettes again, but this will be the unintended consequence of the proposed bill. These devices are the one thing that finally helped me stop smoking after trying so many other ways. Tobacco cigarettes deliver many dangerous chemicals, but electronic cigarettes deliver nicotine without those dangerous chemicals. I can breathe better and I feel better. I don't cough and I don't smell awful anymore. I know that you have been told that they contain many dangerous chemicals, but this is not true. I would please ask you to get more information on the device and to educate yourself before voting on this bill. I am a member of the National Vapers Club and they have a short 8 minute video and a webpage that we can send to our legislators so that they may educate themselves. Here is a link. http://www.vapetube....onic-cigarettes We hope that you will take the time to educate yourself so that you can help protect the health of your constituents who use this device instead of smoking tobacco cigarettes. Thank you for your time. (REPLACE WITH YOUR NAME) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Long Version Below of Email. letter, or Fax contains more facts evidence below, please note I may have lost much of my formatting going from a doc to forum post: Just copy from here below should you choose, remember to put in Subject, and your name both top and bottom before sending: Copy the following and paste this into the "Subject:" line of your email, Letter, or Fax. I even put this SUBJECT on the outside of envelope for mailing. LOL! In case they do not even open it. SUBJECT: URGED: DO NOT BAN ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES/ NICOTINE VAPORIZERS FOR ADULTS-AMEND BILL TO UNDER AGED ONLY BILL S7234: Same as: A9529 Versions: S7234 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Constituents Vapers Coalition Electronic Cigarette Forums Member Personal User of Electronic Cigarettes Citizen of the U.S-All Rights Reserved! Re: S7234: (Same as: A9529 Versions: S7234). Electronic Cigarettes/ Nicotine Vaporizers SUBJECT: URGED: DO NOT BAN ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES/ NICOTINE VAPORIZERS FOR ADULTS-AMEND BILL TO UNDER AGED ONLY BILL S7234: Same as: A9529 Versions: S7234 Dear Representative of NY State Senate Health Committee: I urge that you do NOT ban the sales or use of Electronic Cigarettes to Adults, according to the Bill that has already been voted on and passed to ban these devices in the NY State Assembly. It is my understanding it is next to be considered by your Committee. The Bill is A9529, which would ban sales of the far less hazardous tobacco alternatives known as Electronic Cigarettes, (Bills A9529 Versions: S7234). I am a person who has personally switched from regular tobacco cigarettes to the electronic cigarette. I have been a heavy smoker for many years. I have tried many alternatives that have not worked or helped me until now. I have switched, and NOT had a cigarette since. I can personally attest to the many Health benefits I have already personally experienced in NOT smoking regular tobacco cigarettes any more. I no longer have that terrible cough and I breathe better and feel so much better. My over all health has improved dramatically, no more terrible tobacco odor, or 2nd hand bad smelling tobacco cigarette smoke, no more ashes falling or burning holes in clothes or property, no more yellowing effects to property, clothes and belongings, and no more chance of loss of property or lives due to the use of a combustible cigarette! Another one that also benefits my entire family, my pockets are no longer being picked anymore by the hyper inflated over expense of tobacco packs of cigarettes to which I could do nothing about, not even quit which I tried and tried and tried. Even my family has noticed the improvements, and are deeply upset because of the good changes they have witnessed and experienced that you may now take away if you further the Ban on these electronic cigarettes, from all of us which includes them. Yet if you ignore our voices, our facts, and our experiences, and that of the many professionals and organizations that have already sent you the facts in support of these devices, you will most likely force many of us back to a tobacco cigarette that contains over 4000 chemicals added which include hundreds of known carcinogen, poisons, and other harmful products NOT shown to be in any electronic cigarette. You will also facilitate the continuance of more loss of property and lives due to the combustible properties of the same tobacco cigarette that our U.S. government is NOT allowed to Ban just TAX! What message are you sending to all of us with the financial backing and taxes that all of you seem to be supporting by such actions, FROM BIG TOBACCO COMPANIES KILLING US, while banning an alternative that has already proven to millions to be a much better and healthier, and safer alternative. Assembly Video on YouTube: Vote on Electronic Cigarettes: As an Electronic Cigarette user, I am personally shocked by the recent events of the N.Y. State Assembly. I have viewed the Video of their actions to ban this device and pass this bill. What is even more SHOCKING was being able to witness via the Video the fact that the majority of members who voted did not even know what this device was, failed to read any of the information sent to them on our behalf from various organizations, laboratories, real testing's, and even the support of the device from American Association of Public Health Physicians, as the Representatives failed to educate themselves on the facts, and further witnessed the sponsor's false misleading statements about what is truly less hazardous tobacco alternatives, by Jeffery D. Klien (Sponsor-Senator), Linda B. Rosenthal (Sponsor-Assembly Member) and Matt Titone (Assembly Member) were even more SHOCKING! Quoted from: "The evidence presented [to the Assembly] by Ms. Rosenthal was inaccurate and misleading. The FDA and several other labs have already analyzed electronic cigarettes. They know exactly what is in them and were unable to find anything indicating that they are a danger to the public. Electronic cigarettes are marketed and used as a less hazardous alternative to traditional cigarettes, not as a cure for nicotine dependency," Douglas said. In his opinion in "Smoking Everywhere vs. FDA," U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon agreed, writing: "Because plaintiffs sell their electronic cigarette products for customary recreational use, those products (just like traditional cigarettes) are properly excluded from the meaning of drug or device under the FDCA." Judge Leon concluded that the FDA "cites no evidence that those electronic cigarettes have endangered anyone" nor presented "any evidence that electronic cigarettes are any more an immediate threat to public health and safety than traditional cigarettes, which are readily available to the public." "To hear [Rosenthal] describe them, you would think electronic cigarettes are worse than traditional cigarettes and that is not what the research is showing," said CASAA medical director, Theresa Whitt, MD. "No toxic levels of any chemical have been found in any electronic cigarettes tested by the FDA nor in those tested by several independent labs. After two years on the U.S. market, there have been no reports of illness or harm due to electronic cigarette usage." There is also copy of a letter online from American Association of Public Health Physicians to another senator, with valid information in which they support these electronic cigarettes, and states: Parts Quoted from this fax letter: http://www.ecigarett...l#ixzz0mXsNI042 "Fax March 27, 2009 To: Senator Lautenberg Fax: 202 228 4054 Subject: Please Cancel Opposition to Electronic Cigarettes Honorable Senator Lautenberg: Research to date has clearly demonstrated that smokers smoke because they are addicted to nicotine. This same research also shows that the illness and death due to cigarettes is not due to the nicotine, but due to products of combustion and, to a lesser degree, toxins in the cigarette tobacco. On behalf of the Tobacco Control Task Force of the American Association of Public Health Physicians, I therefore urge to consider the following: 1. Withdraw your proposal to ban electronic cigarettes. 2. Urge amendment of the proposed FDA/Tobacco bill to encourage the development and marketing of safer alternatives to cigarettes, under strict but fair FDA oversight, and with marketing restrictions in place to reduce the numbers of adolescents who initiate use of cigarettes and other nicotine delivery products." Read more: http://www.ecigarett...l#ixzz0mdGfFZkM Assemblyman Rosenthal made a statement that, "they deliver toxic chemicals found in antifreeze and carcinogens". There is an eliquid used in many of these devices that contain what is known as PG-Propylene glycol, is also approved by the FDA, for use in foods as: Taken from and parts quoted from: http://en.wikipedia....ropylene_glycol · "While it is used as a less-toxic antifreeze in solar water heating systems. · "As a humectant food additive, labeled as E number E1520." In other words, it is already in the foods we ingest and considered safe. It is absolutely devastating to see that such representatives make these kinds of decisions that we now know are done every day without any real forethought, often without any knowledge of what it is they are even voting on, or care to the facts that effect our everyday life, and often without our knowledge or input. We can see assembly members even twist and misconstrue what little they claim they know NOT to our benefit, despite all the real information and tests sent to them showing there is a real misunderstanding regarding this issue and on any real conclusive or substantial facts. IT IS ALL SHOCKING! Assemblyman Matt Titone says "he tried them and that his nephew 11 years old can buy this with no questions asked". I seriously doubt he ever tried one as a smoker of tobacco cigarettes or he would be in support of them, and I notice as a Judge, aka, attorneys who are normally experts with how they specifically use or misuse words, he did NOT say, "his nephew did try to buy one and he or any other witnessed it as an adult that the vender was about to sell it to the 11 year old or in fact did". Remember what Clinton said about sex! First, I would like to say I have personally yet to see any Kiosk selling these devices to any persons under age, or any online store. I have went to several online stores to witness that those all do in fact ask if you are over 18, and notice all who are under age it is illegal to enter or sell these products otherwise. Also what adult gives their child bank or creditcards to buy these devices online or does not try to watch what their children are doing and accessing, especially when there is free porn available to all online. I do ask that these devices NOT be sold to minors and do support that enforcement of such. However it is my right to have that Bill or any other related to be amended to allow the use and sales of these devices to ADULTS only, that my decision to use or not use this device NOT be controlled or eliminated by any government. Don't you think people are angered enough by big government controlling every facet of our lives and what should be our own individual rights, (unalienable rights) and decisions as adults? It appears that Assembly's vote was heavily influenced by inaccurate claims made by the bill's sponsor, Linda Rosenthal (D-WF), who claimed the products were marketed "as products that help people stop smoking," are "sold to minors" and contain "toxic chemicals.", despite having been presented with extensive scientific evidence and numerous testimonials about the health benefits for smokers who switch to electronic cigarettes. We hope that you will take the time to educate yourself so that you can truly help protect the health, our right to choose, especially the choice of something we are already personally finding to be of benefit and a great help in our lives and the safety of your constituents who use this device instead of smoking tobacco cigarettes. (Health Welfare & Safety) Thank you for your time. (PUT YOUR NAME HERE) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Great site keeping track of all the current bans and what you can do to stop them NY Senate Health Committee Info.doc NY Senate Health Committee Info.doc Edited May 2, 2010 by arcangel742
twinnie Posted May 3, 2010 Posted May 3, 2010 Just sent email, and called. IMPORTANT: For Any of you that can help out in N.Y. I am including two premade letters, one short, one long, you choose. You can edit it, email it, fax it, snail mail it. Or you can even call these Reps. Remember people, what they do here in N.Y. they may do in your State next. NYS Assembly already voted unanimously to ban these devices to include ADULTS. It is now in the hands of the New York State Senate Health Committee. See YouTube Video, if this does not make you angry, nothing else will! THIS IS NO JOKE! Here are all the addresses, phone numbers, addresses, and fax numbers of the N.Y. Senate Health Committee: in .doc format attachment you can download somewhere here Look for "NY Senate Health Committee Info.doc" At the very bottom of this post for download! Calls, snail mails, faxes, and e-mails are all helpful. And if you already sent letters (via e-mail, snail mail or fax), follow it up with a call. Thank You for any of your help. Please write/fax/call NY Senate Health Committee members: SHORT VERSION LETTER TO SEND, FAX, EMAIL: PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR NAME ON IT, AT THE TOP & BOTTOM BEFORE SENDING. Copy these email addresses into the "To" (send to),,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, Short Version of email. fax or letter below: Copy the following and paste it into the "Subject:" line of your email… SUBJECT: URGED: DO NOT BAN ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES/ NICOTINE VAPORIZERS FOR ADULTS-AMEND BILL TO UNDER AGED ONLY BILL S7234: Same as: A9529 Versions: S7234 Then copy the following and paste this into the body on your email and then put your name at bottom before sending: Short Version from _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Senator, After many years of smoking, I now use an electronic cigarette/nicotine vaporizer instead of smoking. I have heard that S7234 would ban the sale of electronic cigarettes/nicotine vaporizers completely and that I would no longer be able to purchase them in New York State. I am sure that as one of your constituents, you do not want me to start smoking tobacco cigarettes again, but this will be the unintended consequence of the proposed bill. These devices are the one thing that finally helped me stop smoking after trying so many other ways. Tobacco cigarettes deliver many dangerous chemicals, but electronic cigarettes deliver nicotine without those dangerous chemicals. I can breathe better and I feel better. I don't cough and I don't smell awful anymore. I know that you have been told that they contain many dangerous chemicals, but this is not true. I would please ask you to get more information on the device and to educate yourself before voting on this bill. I am a member of the National Vapers Club and they have a short 8 minute video and a webpage that we can send to our legislators so that they may educate themselves. Here is a link. http://www.vapetube....onic-cigarettes We hope that you will take the time to educate yourself so that you can help protect the health of your constituents who use this device instead of smoking tobacco cigarettes. Thank you for your time. (REPLACE WITH YOUR NAME) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Long Version Below of Email. letter, or Fax contains more facts evidence below, please note I may have lost much of my formatting going from a doc to forum post: Just copy from here below should you choose, remember to put in Subject, and your name both top and bottom before sending: Copy the following and paste this into the "Subject:" line of your email, Letter, or Fax. I even put this SUBJECT on the outside of envelope for mailing. LOL! In case they do not even open it. SUBJECT: URGED: DO NOT BAN ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES/ NICOTINE VAPORIZERS FOR ADULTS-AMEND BILL TO UNDER AGED ONLY BILL S7234: Same as: A9529 Versions: S7234 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Constituents Vapers Coalition Electronic Cigarette Forums Member Personal User of Electronic Cigarettes Citizen of the U.S-All Rights Reserved! Re: S7234: (Same as: A9529 Versions: S7234). Electronic Cigarettes/ Nicotine Vaporizers SUBJECT: URGED: DO NOT BAN ELECTRONIC CIGARETTES/ NICOTINE VAPORIZERS FOR ADULTS-AMEND BILL TO UNDER AGED ONLY BILL S7234: Same as: A9529 Versions: S7234 Dear Representative of NY State Senate Health Committee: I urge that you do NOT ban the sales or use of Electronic Cigarettes to Adults, according to the Bill that has already been voted on and passed to ban these devices in the NY State Assembly. It is my understanding it is next to be considered by your Committee. The Bill is A9529, which would ban sales of the far less hazardous tobacco alternatives known as Electronic Cigarettes, (Bills A9529 Versions: S7234). I am a person who has personally switched from regular tobacco cigarettes to the electronic cigarette. I have been a heavy smoker for many years. I have tried many alternatives that have not worked or helped me until now. I have switched, and NOT had a cigarette since. I can personally attest to the many Health benefits I have already personally experienced in NOT smoking regular tobacco cigarettes any more. I no longer have that terrible cough and I breathe better and feel so much better. My over all health has improved dramatically, no more terrible tobacco odor, or 2nd hand bad smelling tobacco cigarette smoke, no more ashes falling or burning holes in clothes or property, no more yellowing effects to property, clothes and belongings, and no more chance of loss of property or lives due to the use of a combustible cigarette! Another one that also benefits my entire family, my pockets are no longer being picked anymore by the hyper inflated over expense of tobacco packs of cigarettes to which I could do nothing about, not even quit which I tried and tried and tried. Even my family has noticed the improvements, and are deeply upset because of the good changes they have witnessed and experienced that you may now take away if you further the Ban on these electronic cigarettes, from all of us which includes them. Yet if you ignore our voices, our facts, and our experiences, and that of the many professionals and organizations that have already sent you the facts in support of these devices, you will most likely force many of us back to a tobacco cigarette that contains over 4000 chemicals added which include hundreds of known carcinogen, poisons, and other harmful products NOT shown to be in any electronic cigarette. You will also facilitate the continuance of more loss of property and lives due to the combustible properties of the same tobacco cigarette that our U.S. government is NOT allowed to Ban just TAX! What message are you sending to all of us with the financial backing and taxes that all of you seem to be supporting by such actions, FROM BIG TOBACCO COMPANIES KILLING US, while banning an alternative that has already proven to millions to be a much better and healthier, and safer alternative. Assembly Video on YouTube: Vote on Electronic Cigarettes: As an Electronic Cigarette user, I am personally shocked by the recent events of the N.Y. State Assembly. I have viewed the Video of their actions to ban this device and pass this bill. What is even more SHOCKING was being able to witness via the Video the fact that the majority of members who voted did not even know what this device was, failed to read any of the information sent to them on our behalf from various organizations, laboratories, real testing's, and even the support of the device from American Association of Public Health Physicians, as the Representatives failed to educate themselves on the facts, and further witnessed the sponsor's false misleading statements about what is truly less hazardous tobacco alternatives, by Jeffery D. Klien (Sponsor-Senator), Linda B. Rosenthal (Sponsor-Assembly Member) and Matt Titone (Assembly Member) were even more SHOCKING! Quoted from: "The evidence presented [to the Assembly] by Ms. Rosenthal was inaccurate and misleading. The FDA and several other labs have already analyzed electronic cigarettes. They know exactly what is in them and were unable to find anything indicating that they are a danger to the public. Electronic cigarettes are marketed and used as a less hazardous alternative to traditional cigarettes, not as a cure for nicotine dependency," Douglas said. In his opinion in "Smoking Everywhere vs. FDA," U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon agreed, writing: "Because plaintiffs sell their electronic cigarette products for customary recreational use, those products (just like traditional cigarettes) are properly excluded from the meaning of drug or device under the FDCA." Judge Leon concluded that the FDA "cites no evidence that those electronic cigarettes have endangered anyone" nor presented "any evidence that electronic cigarettes are any more an immediate threat to public health and safety than traditional cigarettes, which are readily available to the public." "To hear [Rosenthal] describe them, you would think electronic cigarettes are worse than traditional cigarettes and that is not what the research is showing," said CASAA medical director, Theresa Whitt, MD. "No toxic levels of any chemical have been found in any electronic cigarettes tested by the FDA nor in those tested by several independent labs. After two years on the U.S. market, there have been no reports of illness or harm due to electronic cigarette usage." There is also copy of a letter online from American Association of Public Health Physicians to another senator, with valid information in which they support these electronic cigarettes, and states: Parts Quoted from this fax letter: http://www.ecigarett...l#ixzz0mXsNI042 "Fax March 27, 2009 To: Senator Lautenberg Fax: 202 228 4054 Subject: Please Cancel Opposition to Electronic Cigarettes Honorable Senator Lautenberg: Research to date has clearly demonstrated that smokers smoke because they are addicted to nicotine. This same research also shows that the illness and death due to cigarettes is not due to the nicotine, but due to products of combustion and, to a lesser degree, toxins in the cigarette tobacco. On behalf of the Tobacco Control Task Force of the American Association of Public Health Physicians, I therefore urge to consider the following: 1. Withdraw your proposal to ban electronic cigarettes. 2. Urge amendment of the proposed FDA/Tobacco bill to encourage the development and marketing of safer alternatives to cigarettes, under strict but fair FDA oversight, and with marketing restrictions in place to reduce the numbers of adolescents who initiate use of cigarettes and other nicotine delivery products." Read more: http://www.ecigarett...l#ixzz0mdGfFZkM Assemblyman Rosenthal made a statement that, "they deliver toxic chemicals found in antifreeze and carcinogens". There is an eliquid used in many of these devices that contain what is known as PG-Propylene glycol, is also approved by the FDA, for use in foods as: Taken from and parts quoted from: http://en.wikipedia....ropylene_glycol · "While it is used as a less-toxic antifreeze in solar water heating systems. · "As a humectant food additive, labeled as E number E1520." In other words, it is already in the foods we ingest and considered safe. It is absolutely devastating to see that such representatives make these kinds of decisions that we now know are done every day without any real forethought, often without any knowledge of what it is they are even voting on, or care to the facts that effect our everyday life, and often without our knowledge or input. We can see assembly members even twist and misconstrue what little they claim they know NOT to our benefit, despite all the real information and tests sent to them showing there is a real misunderstanding regarding this issue and on any real conclusive or substantial facts. IT IS ALL SHOCKING! Assemblyman Matt Titone says "he tried them and that his nephew 11 years old can buy this with no questions asked". I seriously doubt he ever tried one as a smoker of tobacco cigarettes or he would be in support of them, and I notice as a Judge, aka, attorneys who are normally experts with how they specifically use or misuse words, he did NOT say, "his nephew did try to buy one and he or any other witnessed it as an adult that the vender was about to sell it to the 11 year old or in fact did". Remember what Clinton said about sex! First, I would like to say I have personally yet to see any Kiosk selling these devices to any persons under age, or any online store. I have went to several online stores to witness that those all do in fact ask if you are over 18, and notice all who are under age it is illegal to enter or sell these products otherwise. Also what adult gives their child bank or creditcards to buy these devices online or does not try to watch what their children are doing and accessing, especially when there is free porn available to all online. I do ask that these devices NOT be sold to minors and do support that enforcement of such. However it is my right to have that Bill or any other related to be amended to allow the use and sales of these devices to ADULTS only, that my decision to use or not use this device NOT be controlled or eliminated by any government. Don't you think people are angered enough by big government controlling every facet of our lives and what should be our own individual rights, (unalienable rights) and decisions as adults? It appears that Assembly's vote was heavily influenced by inaccurate claims made by the bill's sponsor, Linda Rosenthal (D-WF), who claimed the products were marketed "as products that help people stop smoking," are "sold to minors" and contain "toxic chemicals.", despite having been presented with extensive scientific evidence and numerous testimonials about the health benefits for smokers who switch to electronic cigarettes. We hope that you will take the time to educate yourself so that you can truly help protect the health, our right to choose, especially the choice of something we are already personally finding to be of benefit and a great help in our lives and the safety of your constituents who use this device instead of smoking tobacco cigarettes. (Health Welfare & Safety) Thank you for your time. (PUT YOUR NAME HERE) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
arcangel742 Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 Hi twinnie, Great, used to live in N.C. I loved it. Thanks! Just sent email, and called.
Tenpiece Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 I'm sure all of these bans have people stockpiling carts and juice like packrats.
SinChic Posted May 9, 2010 Posted May 9, 2010 Awesome I was wanting to look at this more into detail. Thank you.
arcangel742 Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 (edited) Hi There Nick, Welcome and Thank You for your comment. You joined up with a really nice group here. I can't stand to watch the Video any more. I just try to do anything I can to fight it now. great link and video Edited May 28, 2010 by arcangel742
erik138 Posted November 8, 2010 Posted November 8, 2010 I live in GA, would I be able to send it too, or is it just for NY'ers?
Cheriepye Posted September 17, 2011 Posted September 17, 2011 Boy did this make me mad! Those two people were literally lying thru their teeth! I vape e-cigs from Premium Electronic Cigarettes. They had me agree that I was NOT under 18 and if I was someone was gonna be in trouble. The kiosks in the mall ask if you're under 18 as well. Premium does not advertise themselves as a smoking cessation product. In fact, none of the e-cigs I researched said they were. You can check web pages and they can break down what is in their product compared to a regular cigarette. I know Premium does this. These people did ZERO research. If I can figure it out, so can they. Vote these people out! Cherie
mjradik Posted September 18, 2011 Posted September 18, 2011 I noticed this thread was started about a year and a half ago. What ever happened to this bill? I don't live in NY, but I know people in NY who vape, so it seems like nothing came from it, unless it only passed to outlaw ecigs to minors, to which I tihnk should be the case.
hungryvaper Posted November 26, 2023 Posted November 26, 2023 Oof I just saw this thread and this site tracking all of the bans doesn't appear to be working anymore. I tried to load it and the site tried to redirect me to some weird/sketchy stuff.
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