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I moved this here to begin a new topic so that I do not hijack the other one.

We are back in the hot seat this year, but it looks like they are only targeting sales to minors at the moment.

As they should. I would not wish upon anyone, especially a naive minor, an addiction that I myself foolishly took up willingly.

Understand that I am not wanting to create a stink here, as I am new to the Vaping community I just ask the questions I am curious about. Such as, what steps could be taken to prevent minors from purchasing these products? We can all remember being youth determined on getting whatever adult product we wanted whether it was a pack of smokes or a bottle a whiskey, we'd get it. But what steps can be taken by the suppliers on the frontline to prevent any sales? Especially if the sales in question are being done virtually with no physical contact being made?

Also, I do not see how offering flavored eliquid is a way of enticing minors to be smokers or how it is any different than flavored hookah tobacco that boasts all kinds of blends that could supposedly be marketed to that same group. But if this is what they are saying, in defense of flavored eliquid, what impact does the flavored eliquid have with you? Meaning what purpose other than having some new flavor to smoke does it present for you? Understand I am not being critical, I already have a list made up of all the flavors I want to try personally. But I want to know your views on them.

And at last, if electronic cigarettes are categorized, falsely of course, as a "tobacco product" and the flavored eliquid now becomes the victim of unfair scrutiny, won't we still have the tobacco and menthol flavors to vape? If we had this at least I could still see electronic cigarettes being a huge advancement in giving people a healthy alternative to analog cigarettes.

What are your feelings on this?



Nice thought provoking thread .

My point is this , an e-cig is a vaporiser designed to Vaporize vg or pg glycerine along the lines of the fog machine at a dance club . It is possible by this fact to dissolve nicotine into the fluid to enhance the smoking simulation but it is not nessasary to dissolve nicotine into the glycerine .

The "flavors are for kids " arguement breaks down pretty fact upon the most feable scrutiny .

Alcohol in its pure form doesn't taste too good , if sombody were to assert that any attempt to add flavor to the alcohol was an attempt to attract kids , it would be easy to refute .


The "flavors are for kids " arguement breaks down pretty fact upon the most feable scrutiny .

Alcohol in its pure form doesn't taste too good , if sombody were to assert that any attempt to add flavor to the alcohol was an attempt to attract kids , it would be easy to refute .

Very good point, as we have seen with bunches of malt beverages selling flavors like fruit punch and lemonade.


Non smokers and government agencies need a platform to stand on and when it comes to smoking it always about the "kids". advertising and such are always in the line of fire regarding marketing toward "kids". In order to protect the "kids" you have to take it away from the "Adults"--Unless of course its alcohol, which is advertised all over the place as the 'cool' thing to do.

basically they all need a way to keep their jobs and in order to do that they need to find something that is 'bad' and spend tons of money and resources to find a way to take it away.

Can't ban tobacco--too much big money involved and prohibition didnt work well in the past.

Most kids don't have the money and patience to invest in e-cigs.

Sorry--Rant over.

I am all for keeping out of the hands of kids and would love to smack any kid I see smoking. But taking this away from adults (for our protection) is not the answer.

For me the flavors are the best part of vaping.....


Taking away from adults is in no way what I'm advocating. If anything I am saying what measures can be taken to eliminate the stance that these are sold and marketed to children. If we find preventive ways to protect ourselves ahead of time, they cannot come back later and accuse us of this. Take away the threat before it becomes a threat.


I just want to remind everyone that on September 22, 2009 a ban on flavored cigarettes went into effect. The ban was imposed because they thought the tobacco companies were marketing flavored cigarettes to children. So it would not surprise me if the FDA took this a step further. I will not be very happy with it.

See these old links from September 2009

Flavored cigarette ban

FDA Warns Companies

Some of the links in these old threads might not work because of age. :whistle:


I remember that, there were lots of people I know who were pissed.

But still, in smoke shops and hookah bars all over the country you can buy and smoke flavored tobacco, some popular flavors include: Skittles, Sunkist, Cream, etc. So how are these things slipping through the cracks? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they do, I love spending a night at the hookah bar with friends, but still. How are some things wrong, but similar things not?


I remember that, there were lots of people I know who were pissed.

But still, in smoke shops and hookah bars all over the country you can buy and smoke flavored tobacco, some popular flavors include: Skittles, Sunkist, Cream, etc. So how are these things slipping through the cracks? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they do, I love spending a night at the hookah bar with friends, but still. How are some things wrong, but similar things not?

I don't think items of loose tobacco were included in the ban, this would include pipe tobacco. It was targeted directly at cigarettes or anything wrapped in paper. Cigars seem to have been placed within a gray area and I am not really clear what has happened with cigars since this ban took effect.


As far as the Feds trying to ban fruity flavors.. I don't think it would matter... Suppliers who make juice will just rename the flavors

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