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I have noticed after my first day of use, that after I set my 510 down for a while (not long today), sometimes there is juice around the cart, and sometimes after a drag some is on my lips, I am assuming its coming through the hole? Anyone have any comments about this? Maybe I should store it some other way? I don't think it's overfilled because I have not added any to it since last night. I imagine it's not great to get the juice on your lips, or heck your hands for that matter? Any help is appreciated.

Did I mention that I love this friggin thing!


Check your cart out, remove the upper seal and clean out the liquid stored up in there. Blow through that hole and have a paper towel ready to absorb the juice that will flow out of the side slits of the cart.


A small amount of the vapor will condensate on the cooler portions of the cart/tip and that will run out or end up in your mouth.Whenever I top off my cart I make a habit out of blowing the condensate out of the cart into a tissue and wiping it off before I reassemble it.If you can stand your PV on end so extra liquid runs toward atty element it will help ,but if you are using auto batteries you run the risk of liquid running into the battry and ruining it.


That can happen from over filling, or when you set it down the juice slides up the side and when you take a puff the juice comes through the hole. It can also happen from taking puffs too strongly (ex: sucking too hard).

Edit: When you're pressing the cart down into the atomizer, you may accidentally cover the little hole in the tip and the juice will be forced out where the cart and atomizer come into contact.

It's a learning process and still happens to me. Good luck!


I'm guessing your direct dripping like most of us. The upside to direct dripping is the great amoung of vapor and flavor. The down side..well the leaking. When you drip you need to try and make sure your only dripping what your going to use. :)


Wow, that was quick, thanks for all the great responses.


with all of my 510 carts--I remove the outside bottom piece of the cart.

using a paperclip or other small tool--pry open the paper clip, using the end of the paperclip, insert into the small hole on the bottom of the cart and pry off.

liquid accumulates in this bottom chamber. I don't even bother putting the bottom cart piece back on--makes it much easier to remove any excess liquid that builds up.

avoid over filling the carts and over dripping.

Vaping comes with a learning curve !!!

Happy vaping


This happened to me alot when I first started. I think it is just a a case of getting used to how much juice to use.


I have that happen alot, I have found that when I use carts, I take them off and cap them when I set it down overnight. And when I am dripping, I try to vape it dry before I put it down for the day.

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