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Yeahh i just saw on tv the other night a commercial for e-cigs by Smoking Savior (never heard of them) but yeahh it was a cheezy commercial an they had them cheap :censored: e-cigs that look like a cig with a cut off that dont but out any vapor it was ridiculas.....ppl that never heard of e-cigs are gonna buy that stuff up an are going to be totally let down by the experience. It just sucks that there sh**y company got on to show of the product instead of one of are good suppliers with legit products you know, b/c i believe e-cigs are the next big thing like as big as when cell phones first came out lol but yeahh i dunno that commercial is gonna put a bad rap on e-cigs i think....hopefully ppl will do research before they buy, will see


funny you should mention this. I have a girl I know who just bought one from a commercial she saw. I thought it was probably Smoking Everywhere but maybe not. I tried to tell her months ago if she was interested I would tell her where to purchase, but she's one of these girls that knows everything. So she purchased for $150 and they wanted to sell her the auto ship monthly at $69 for I guess carts.

Good luck to her, you just can't help everyone. I did hear the other night that she doesn't care for me, which explains why she wouldn't listen to my advise, so I guess I am glad I didn't help her cuz that would give her one more reason to hate The Princess .


Whatever, but what a waste of money. But I am sure I will hear from her how crappy the thing is!


The plus side of this though is that it brings to light what an Electronic Cigarette is for people that haven't heard of them before. You'd be surprised how many people still haven't seen one in action. My dentist and his staff had no idea, a lot of my friends, random people etc. Any press is good press I guess. You do make a good point, it may give people the misconception that all E-Cigs are expensive. Hopefully, when people watch these commercials and get intrigued they go online and do their own research.

When I first started, I saw an ad for Blu Cig and went to the their website; I thought the idea seemed amazing but their prices were just way to high. Sure enough I did some research and found vaportalk and Chris & Sean's videos. As they say, the rest is history - If it wasn't for blu cig I may never of found vaping!


The plus side of this though is that it brings to light what an Electronic Cigarette is for people that haven't heard of them before. You'd be surprised how many people still haven't seen one in action. My dentist and his staff had no idea, a lot of my friends, random people etc. Any press is good press I guess. You do make a good point, it may give people the misconception that all E-Cigs are expensive. Hopefully, when people watch these commercials and get intrigued they go online and do their own research.

When I first started, I saw an ad for Blu Cig and went to the their website; I thought the idea seemed amazing but their prices were just way to high. Sure enough I did some research and found vaportalk and Chris & Sean's videos. As they say, the rest is history - If it wasn't for blu cig I may never of found vaping!

VERY Valid Points!! When I see something that interests me I go right to internet to find out more. But I sure as heck do not dial the 800 number to purchase from an infomercial. Cuz they is what they is.


Yeahh just checked out the site thats ridiculas.....but yeahh where im from really nobuddy really knows about e-cigs so when i go out to the bars i blow ppl away an there like where can i get one of those, an my sell pitch is since i dont get any benifits from recruiting ppl or w/e is that if you buy me a shot ill tell ya and they dont even hesitate lol its been working out pretty amazing.... :beer:


Haha, good for you! I couldn't justify spending that much on a product that I've never used. When I ordered my first DSE901, it was just to see what the buzz was about, I had no intention of quitting.

Posted (edited)

The plus side of this though is that it brings to light what an Electronic Cigarette is for people that haven't heard of them before. You'd be surprised how many people still haven't seen one in action. My dentist and his staff had no idea, a lot of my friends, random people etc. Any press is good press I guess. You do make a good point, it may give people the misconception that all E-Cigs are expensive. Hopefully, when people watch these commercials and get intrigued they go online and do their own research.

When I first started, I saw an ad for Blu Cig and went to the their website; I thought the idea seemed amazing but their prices were just way to high. Sure enough I did some research and found vaportalk and Chris & Sean's videos. As they say, the rest is history - If it wasn't for blu cig I may never of found vaping!

You nailed it NeRo9k. When I first tried one, I would have spent $170.00 plus on a starter kit. When I told the mall guy I wanted to think on it a while, he handed me a flyer for 20% off if I came back and bought one. HUGE RED FLAG! Went home, researched on the internet, and bought for less than 1/2 that price. So I tell anyone who will listen, go to the mall, try one, then buy one from any of our preferred internet suppliers on this site. (Side note...have you ever experienced customer service anywhere else like what several e-cig suppliers offer? These guys are A1!)

Edited by Knight

There are lots of people who really need these things ( E-cigs ) and want them so it is a gold mine right now for scammers ! , They will eventually learn that they were burned , many of us have BEEN ! right ?

I did a small amount of research and got a decent deal ( not the best but not to bad either )

Impulse buying is what it is !

Unfortunately the FDA and anti e-cig people will use them as the example !


There are lots of people who really need these things ( E-cigs ) and want them so it is a gold mine right now for scammers ! , They will eventually learn that they were burned , many of us have BEEN ! right ?

I did a small amount of research and got a decent deal ( not the best but not to bad either )

Impulse buying is what it is !

Unfortunately the FDA and anti e-cig people will use them as the example !

I bought my DSE901 about 3.5 weeks ago from a Mall for 170.00!!! That was the kit mind you, but I seriously wish I had researched the ecig a bit more before agreeing to that crap. That was before I found this site and really did the research. Just ordered my Joye510 from Arno at Awesomevapor for like 55 including shipping. It was 49.00 for the kit. The mall's are the WORST place IMO to buy an Ecig, 95% of them are "Smoking Everywhere"..And well, I'll keep that opinion to myself...Definately do the research. Ive told several of my classmates at school about this site within the last week.

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