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Congratulations to Mr.Obama on being the new President of These United States. I wish him the best of luck!

I would also like to note by the way that he is the first president NOT to have been inaugurated before 12 noon. Was it really necessary to have the band play? Could they not have just waited? Anyway that irritated me a little


Well you gotta hand it to the guy at least he was straight up and honest about it. Most politicians would just lie. What would be great is if someone could send him an electronic cigarette to try out. (How would you go around doing that anyway lol) Then again I'm not sure if they are going to let the new president ingest something that has very little research done on it. Nevertheless it could be a way for it to become permanently sold in the United States or at least a way for the FDA to kick into gear and start testing these things.


That would be awsome if Obama switched over to the electronic smoke, not only would it help save his life, but the ammount of press you would get from the President who be amazing. Again it's just a matter of time!

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