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Vapor Kings A+


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Great selection, good prices, fantastic customer service. What more can you say?

I placed a large order with VaporKings.com yesterday. Here's the deal: I wanted 10 packs of 510 cartomizers (that's a total of 50 cartomizers), but the site would only allow a maximum of 5 packs to be ordered. Sooooo, I picked up the phone and spoke to a very nice man who bumped up the maximum allowable order after I explained to him how much I love these things :) In addition, I ordered a KR808 PCC and a car lighter to USB adapter (rated at a full 2000mah, so it's perfect to use with a passthrough when you're driving). This happened at approximately 2:30pm EST (1:30 central time).

I received my order in the mailbox this morning. Yup, that's right. If you place an order before 2pm CST (that's 3pm EST) it will ship out the same day. Incredible. Okay sure, they're in the same state I am so next-day delivery is feasible and didn't cost any extra due to the relatively short delivery distance, but not many websites guarantee same-day shipping at anytime of the day. I'm totally impressed right off the bat.

However, my order arrived with a single 510 cartomizer missing. I ordered 50, but received 49. Ten 5 packs of the cartomizers obviously wouldn't fit into a single priority mail flat rate shipping box, so they took some of them out of the little packages to make sure everything fit properly. I wasn't seeking compensation, b/c asking someone to mail out a single cartomizer is really just ridiculous in my opinion. But I did feel it necessary to let them know, so that perhaps in the future they can avoid any unnecessary customer service issues. Below is the email correspondence:

Brandon I am so sorry about the one cartomizer. That is my fault the one was stuck in the box and I did not catch it. I would like to mail that to plus send you a bottle of e-liquid. If you will let me know what flavor and strength you would like I will get that out to you today.

Hello Michelle.

No need to mail out the single cartomizer or bottle of e-liquid. Though I do appreciate the offer (I'm PG sensitive anyway; only vape VG).

No compensation is necessary, because it's honestly not worth your trouble.

But your offer is very generous and has shown me that you value your customers. This, along with your excellent selection and prices, means that I'll be coming back again and again for supplies.

It's great to see a business so highly customer-focused.

Thank you Brandon we want to treat our customers the way we want to be treated. Our business is our lively hood too so we want to do want we can to take care of our customers and make things right when things go bad. We do our best to strive for excellent service but know some times we mess up and want to make sure when we do that we make things right. Thank you for kind words and looking forward to taking care of your vaping needs in the future.

Have a wonderful weekend!

A simple little goof that they wanted to more-than make up for.

They also have a customer reward program, in which you gain points to apply a discount towards future purchases. I'll go ahead and admit that I'm a bit of a sucker for customer reward programs. But theirs is actually worth the time to keep track of!

Overall, an excellent experience. And rest assured, I really will be doing business with them again soon.

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Nice review, B. I haven't seen their website but I will check it out now. I'm interested in those carto's. You seem to think they are great, I don't know exactly how they work but would like to try them. I've tried cart mods but have been only dripping as of late. Thanks for the tips.

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Dave, by looking at your banner I see that you've been without anologs for a month longer than me but I've saved more money. Either you used to smoke alot less than me or I was paying too much!! I think it was the second part since I live in Taxachusetts.

After looking at anologs avoided, I guess I did smoke more but I still think this state taxes too much.$8 a pack for those who still smoke.

Going to check out Vapor Kings now.

Edited by Mike
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I was paying about $7 a pack Mike, enough to make me think more than twice about continuing! I also probably smoked less since they were non-filter. I smoked about 25 a day. But I admit, I've 'cheated' a bit lately so even that savings isn't quite accurate anymore. Close though.

Edited by ddavelarsen
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I had an anolog yesterday. and a few puffs of a real cigar. I still consider my self smoke free though. In the past 100 days I had a total of 3 cancer sticks and 1 cigar. I didn't pay for them and after I was finished I had no desire to have any more. They really taste like dung to me now. The cigar was tasty but I don't inhale them. I'm happy with the new flavors I got recently and I also placed an order with Vapor Kings.

I have one more question for Brandon or anyone else who has tried the new 510 cartomizers: Why is it that they are only good for a couple days and are concidered disposeable. Is it because the juice fouls up the atty or the atty just dies early, or is there another reason. I hope thier 555 and virginia cured juices are good cause I ordered them too.(I made a special mix of my own with Wordup's juice. I mixed Hilton 50/50 with American Spirit and added a little butterscotch flavoring some VG cuz I have pg juice, and more nic to bring it back up around 20mg. This is really tasty.)

Besides the cartomizers, how are V.K.'s juice? Are they any different, better or worse than Awsome Vapor or Wordup? I will find out Wendnesday probably but would like other peoples opinions.

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Speaking of cigars, I started on cigars long before even trying a drag off an analog cigarette. I shelled out some serious money a few times for some expensive ones, looking for a fantastic taste. However, after a few months of wasting money, I found myself continually going back to the cheap Swisher Sweet Perfectos :) Honestly nothing tasted better, no matter how much money I spent.

But on to the 510 cartos...

I think you pretty much speculated everything already in regards to why they're considered disposable. They're more cheaply made so the coil probably won't last as long. Case in point, I had measured the resistance of one at a solid 6ohms awhile back. I tried using it last night for a few hours and it was total crap. Hardly any production to speak of. After milking it on 5v for like 3hrs I finally gave up. Measured the resistance one last time and it was at 4.7ohms.

Eventually that polyfill inside will start to burn a little. I've seen pics over on the ECF of some nasty looking cartos, and the idea of blackened melted plastic is really a turn off. Plus like you said, the things never ever run completely dry, so eventually the little bit of leftover juice in there would probably spoil.

On a positive note, a couple days ago I pulled the polyfill out of the very first 510 carto I used. I had refilled it 5 times over the course of about 3 days of solid and heavy vaping. Luckily, the poly wasn't burned in the slightest. It was a nice surprise.

I haven't bought any liquids from Vapor Kings because they don't offer any VG yet. If they ever do, I'll consider it. But for now, I'll be buying *all* of my hardware from them. Super selection (best I've seen in one store really), good prices, and super fast shipping.

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Great selection, good prices, fantastic customer service. What more can I say?

I say I haven't been more excited about juice in a long time. I really dig the Virgina Flue Cure, 555 and the samples he sent me- Turkish Blend and Brandy. And those carto's work surprizingly well. I'm glad I saw this thread last weekend. I'm lovin' these "new" flavors.

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