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with analog cigarettes, i normally do about a pack a day

thats about how often i vape since i pretty much quit smoking now

anyways i was wanting to know about how long everyone elses carts are lasting even though im pretty sure just about everyone here uses them little drips

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with analog cigarettes, i normally do about a pack a day

thats about how often i vape since i pretty much quit smoking now

anyways i was wanting to know about how long everyone elses carts are lasting even though im pretty sure just about everyone here uses them little drips

I wasn't getting a lot of drags out of my Blu carts, but those had a tiny reservoir; maybe like 20 5 sec drags at the most. If you're opposed to direct dripping, I would suggest getting some cartomizers. They've worked out great for me and they hold about 1 mL of juice, which is normally just enough to get me through the day.

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hi a cartomizor is basicly a cart and a atomisor roled up in one , most cheap throwaway kits have them . i actually use the ones that came in my first kit to direct drip while on infront of mt computer , they hit pretty decent but there are alot better cartomizors out there that are spacific to the type of e-cig or battery style you use.. hope this helps. p.s im a noob . someone with more knowlege might differ.

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Hey Cro. I believe I read in another post you have a Nova Smoke. I think it looked to be a 306 those have a very small cartridge. Some carts didn't even work for me with it, and it seemed like alot of the juice ran out into the plastic shell it's in. I suggest if you want to use carts and it is indeed a 306, go buy a 510 atomizer which will work with your 306 batteries. It would run you around $10. Using my 510 which holds considerably more juice than a 306, can get (if it works well) around 60 4 second hits. I have had alot of problems using the filler that the carts come with. I recently used a method called the ADM (auto drip mod) you can learn about it here. http://www.vaportalk...-auto-drip-mod/

Using this I have pushed the vaping to around 80 4 second hits. The 306 atomizer is very nice to direct drip with though.

Edited by haft2doit
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I can't lend much knowledge in regards to carts, b/c I only used them for about 2 days before I started direct dripping. But I know just a little bit about cartomizers.

As was stated before, cartomizers are an atomizer and a cartridge all rolled into one. So it makes your e-cig a 2 piece unit instead of a 3 piece. The KR808 cartomizer is what everyone is most familiar with. I've got some, and I enjoy them. Cartomizers are great b/c once you properly fill them (or you can buy them prefilled if you prefer not to mess with that yourself) they can last a looooong time. They'll most likely outlast your standard battery, and most likely 2 or more batteries before they start getting dry. Excellent for being on-the-go, or if you just don't like to drip. Another thing that I love love love about cartomizers is the taste: they really help the full effect of your juice's flavor come through. The flavor is stronger, and you pick up more of the subtle undertones than before. The downside is that vapor production and throat hit are pretty dimished. But this may not be much of an issue if you use high nic juice.

The newest and most hopeful cartomizers are the 510 cartomizers. They'll work with any 510 battery or device. So if you have a 510 e-cig, you don't have to buy any adapters or new batteries (like I had to do with the KR808 cartomizers). I've been using these for just a couple days, but I'm totally converted now. These 510 cartomizers are better than the KR808 cartomizers in nearly every way. They hold a ton of juice, last a very long time, have great flavor, and the vapor production and throat hit are a TON better than the KR808 cartomizers. It's a total win-win scenario here.

The only problem is that they are brand new, and only a few vendors have them. I bought a 5 pack of empty ones last week (b/c i wanted to fill them with my own juice) and they're already out of stock again. So until more vendors start carrying them, I'll have to stay on my toes to see when they come back in stock.

If you don't want to go that route, there are plenty of "Cart Mods" you can try to increase the amount of juice you can hold.

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