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Thanks, again. I get my first order from them next week, I hope. I do have a tendency to draw twice as hard as most people. they usually wonder how I can smoke a cigarette so fast. I'll take your advice. But, what's this about the juice turning green? I got the sample pack (starter) plus one small bottle of the tobacco. does it go bad quickly?

And it is usually the people who have never smoked and have no personal experience about what they are saying who are knocking the e-cigarette. It ain't easy to quit!


It seems to only be some batches of the JC juice. It's doesn't seem to be anything to worry about. I haven't dropped dead yet kolobok_wink.gif

And yea none smokers are a pain in the ***


Thanks, again. I get my first order from them next week, I hope. I do have a tendency to draw twice as hard as most people. they usually wonder how I can smoke a cigarette so fast. I'll take your advice. But, what's this about the juice turning green? I got the sample pack (starter) plus one small bottle of the tobacco. does it go bad quickly?

And it is usually the people who have never smoked and have no personal experience about what they are saying who are knocking the e-cigarette. It ain't easy to quit!

it was a result of oxidation and cold temp durring shipping... it took quite awhile for it to happen and it should only be the fruit flavors that are affected so just smoke those first the others with no fruit extract should have no issues just keep them out of direct sunlight kolobok_ugeek.gif


Royce, You are absolutely right. The reason I got excited about the e-cigarette is that I never really have to quit. I don't want to quit. I'm lovin' it. JUst working real hard to get the right combination. I really do enjoy smoking.....


I also enjoy smoking and now I don't have to quit. I also don't feel "laggy" like I used to when I would smoke a large amount of analogs. I love these things man. One of the best inventions to come out in a long time for me and you too apparantly. Glad to see I'm not the only one out there. kolobok_cool.gif


I still have a lot of questions yet. I must be bugging you all by now. Another one...

I understand how to take care and also clean the atomizer. I have read about how short lived they are and the many reasons they go bad. It also appears that just about all atomizers are about the same for e-cigs. How can you extend the life of an atomizer? Also, I have been shopping around and I don't see them advertized much by themselves. I only have one right now. I intend to purchase some more when I find just the right place and price.


we all had lot's of questions and I myself still have questions.

My atomizer went kapoot after about 3 weeks. It just stopped getting hot. I emailed puresmoker and Daniel said they tend to last 3-6 weeks but of course that depends on the user - being how much you vape. Well I did the cleaning process a couple of weeks ago and it worked and now I am up to 5 weeks using it.

One thing for sure, glad I bought a spare, and actually I just ordered my third one cuz if this baby goes out and I don't have backup then I will have a nicotine fit emoticon-0176-smoke.gif


I still have a lot of questions yet. I must be bugging you all by now. Another one...

I understand how to take care and also clean the atomizer. I have read about how short lived they are and the many reasons they go bad. It also appears that just about all atomizers are about the same for e-cigs. How can you extend the life of an atomizer? Also, I have been shopping around and I don't see them advertized much by themselves. I only have one right now. I intend to purchase some more when I find just the right place and price.

Not at all thats what the fourm is for kolobok_biggrin.gif... depended on your model of ecigg puresmoker sells quite a few of the for like 10 bucks a pop and as far as atomizer care I have found the best thing is to unscrew from the battery at night and place it upside down on a paper towel and let it drain this prevents gunk and what not from building up in there also if you notice the draw get harder or your start getting less vapor just blow it out before you wash it out


As Royce and Vackstated you can run warm water through the automizer to give it a good clean. IT TAKES AT LEAST 12 hours to dry! So you should only wash it if you have an extra automizer, which at the moment you do not.

There are lots of suppliers who sell automizers seprate:

http://www.puresmoker.com/ProductDetail ... de=PEEATOM


I can list more if you want just let me know kolobok_smile.gif



From all the information that I have gathered, an atomizer, on average, will tend to last anywhere from 2-8 weeks. This all depends on how often you smoke, how you smoke, the "tlc" you give your e-cig, and just getting lucky. A big thing for you right now that I would recommend is, since you do not have any back up atomizers, don't clean the one you have now!! Do what Royce said and just simply blow it out really good, to be honest that's about all I do anymore. I recommend that over washing anyday. Only wash if you have to.

Another place that might worth trying to buy from is ruyandirect.com. I haven't ordered from them personally yet and cannnot really recommend them or shoot them down, but you can't beat their prices.

Oh, and please keep up the questions. It is nice to know that some of my experiences and knowledge might help someone else out. If you have any problems with your product, create a new topic for each new problem under the category - Help! It Broke. . .

This way if anyone else is having similar problems, it might be a little easier for them to find their answers.

Good luck man and happy vaping!!! emoticon-0176-smoke.gifkolobok_cool.gif


This is great stuff. Thank you all for helping me gather info and sort thru it. I work in a 911 Center and a lot of us smoke. We work 12 hr shifts and you can't just walk out when you want. Since I have been digging into e-cigs a lot of them are becoming interested. It helps to have somewhere to go to get answers. I'm your fan, especially after checking out some other blogs. None compare to this one!


Just ordered a couple of atomizers from 'vaporguys.com'. Let you know about the service when they come in. They show a great price for atomizers.

By the way, every where I go it seems everyone is out of the penstyle including

'puresmoker.com' who seems to be out of most of his stock. kolobok_exclaim.gif


yes they do run out of stock VERY fast. That's why we post on here as soon as Puresmoker etc has new items in stock.

The issue is these suppliers go through a great deal to get this stuff through customs, if a $50,000 batch gets held, tough luck. But they do try their best to keep the items coming in. I'm sure it will get better overtime.

Let us know how your order with Vaporguys go, I've talked to the owner a few times and he seems like a nice guy, very prompt email responses.

Oh and hats of to your profession, that's got to be one hell of a job!


Again, I appreciate your insight on orders. I'm a very patient man. I read in one of the Posts that once you start e-cigs, you'll like it even better than tobacco and want more of them. I am there! About the profession, it is hell, but where is an old cop going to go. Besides, I like being there when people need help, now! Thanks.....


I agree, I don't know why, but for some reason it seems that after you buy one e-cig you have to buy another. Eventually, you end having at least two or three different models.

It's good to know that we have been able to help you out PoppaC. After all, that's what the site is all about (well partially anyway). emoticon-0176-smoke.gifkolobok_cool.gif


Definately go with using liquid for a variety of reasons.

1. more choices

2. pre-filled carts don't have much flavor, liquid is tastier

3. carts can be refilled up to 5-6 times

4. liquid is reasonably priced making overall cost efficient

5. convenient to have on hand, so you are never without

I also didn't think i needed liquid but tried a few flavors, as a menthol smoker the prefilled were somewhat menthol but not really -- then I got the "True Menthol" CashLiquid from Puresmoker.com and WOWie - just like smokin' Kools.

I am also a big menthol smoker and have heard that the "true menthol" cash e liquid didn't really taste like a menthol cig but really like mint leaves. I have the totally wicked e-juice liquid menthol and I get that minty taste but no taste of tabacco as in a cig. Do you taste any tobacco flavoring in the "true menthol"? I never really smoked Kools and dont know heavy the tobacco taste is.

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