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O.K. Sunday I got really bored and started going thru some old boxes of junk.

I came across a box full of cords and power supplies for old games and

cell phones etc.. Guess what? some of these things ran on 5 volts :question:

Now the the old rarely used cells started firin as I toked on my 905 hmmmm

everybody keeps sayin that 5v is the sweet spot for vapin.

Since I just can't resist tinkerin sometimes I grabbed my 4081 atty and a

madvapes freebie 1AAA flashlight :thumbsup: took the reflector off removed the bulb

and bored out the the reflector so the 4081 atty would fit.So far so good.Then I grabbed a #2 pencil(unsharpened)and cut off ~10mm of the end to be AAA length.But now it's not big enough around hmmm, :o DUCT TAPE :punk:Wrap it with a bit of thin cardboard then duc it.

Get a big thumb tack for the -end to touch the spring in the bottom,a small nail in the

+end to touch just the inner hot post of the atty.Bored out the small hole in the bottom

of the flashlight where the keychain connctor goes to run the wire thru and tied them to the nail and thumbtack.Plug in the powercord for a test and SWEET!!Just wrap the cord and body with a bit of electrical tape to keep things in place and start 5V 2A vapin :smoke: Still might need to Solder the atty in cause it's a tiny bit loose but I been

tokin on this since Sun.night and so far I'm lovin it.Just gotta get me some lower

nic juice now cause this is too fun and I'm gettin buzzed.

Just had to tell yall,cause this was fun and seriously cheap,"just the way I like it"


Sounds very cool. You guys that can make all these crazy mods really are something. Me...well let's just say if it aint broke...it will be.


Wayyyyyy to cool !!!!!!!!!!! I'd try to make one,but I'm fairly certain I'd electrocute myself lol !!!!!!!!! :innocent::laser:

LOL - I think that's exactly why I've never tried myself. But I sure do admire everyone who does it.


You are correct ,I use power supplies for old wired routers that I had in my junk box ,they are 5 volts and over 1 amp so they work fine.I cut some old usb extension cords in half and use one end on homemade passthroughs and the other on the power supplies.I have one power supply at my recliner and another at work on my desk.I have found I don't care for 5 volts so I have put a .48 ohm 5 watt resister from Radio Shack inline to reduce the voltage to around 4 volts.


you should post up some pics:)

Sorry Jaysee,I don't have a camera,and probly couldn't figger it out ifn I did :withstupid: just picture a little white plastic body with black tape and a

cord at one end and an atty stickin out of the reflector :construction:

  • 2 weeks later...

I just wipped together another "redneck" mod. This one, like my last one, works off of 4 regular nickle metal hydride batteries. The older one had AA bats. This one has AAA bats. By putting 4 of these 1.2 bateries in line via a battery box, these units produce somewhere around 5v. I did testing on the AA mod but forgot the exact numbers. The AAA mod should put out about the same; it shure feels like it does, but might not last as long before recharging. (I can go 2 1/2 DAYS on a single charge with my AA mod) It's been almost 24 hours with my AAA mod with moderate use and it still kicks but. I didn't use a voltage regulator or led light, just a push button switch wired to the box and the atty connector. I litteraly assembled these things in minutes, this is why I consider them "redneck". I would definately want to make them look more attractive and I have a lot of wasted space which could be used to make them smaller but these work great with a standard 510 atty. I'm surprized that I haven't seen anyone else use these kind of batteries. They are easy to find in a store and last a long long time after a charge.

I was just going for a working unit and these don't look too pretty but it was way to easy to make and have a 5 volt vaping experience.

Pictures of both devices I mentioned can be seen in the Gallery under Mikes pictures. Someday I will build a much nicer looking one but I'm happy with how good these work.

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