stillcrazy Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 I started using pv's back in Oct., However, when I caught a cold in Jan. I couldn't tolerate the vapor and went back to analogs. Now I'm using both. I really hate cigs but they offer a quick release of nic cravings that I can't get from pv's even using 36 mgs. Does anyone else do this or am I just weak willed. I'm 63 and have been smoking since 15.
jmhester Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Take heart, stillcrazy. I had the exact same experience. I got a cold and for some reason prefered analogs. My wife still smokes so I have an analog every once in awhile. Usually in the morning or after a really huge meal. I don't look at it as the end of the world. Let's face it, even if you cut way down on analogs, you are still doing better than before. Honestly, I don't see vaping as quiting smoking. Just a way to make it safer in the long haul. But for grins, just try this: pick a day when you have some stress free time and try to quit analogs and vaping. Just go one day with as little of either as you can. Go to movies, sleep, whatever. Then get up the next day and start vaping only. That seems to work for me. Good luck and keep us posted!
TeriJo Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 I started using pv's back in Oct., However, when I caught a cold in Jan. I couldn't tolerate the vapor and went back to analogs. Now I'm using both. I really hate cigs but they offer a quick release of nic cravings that I can't get from pv's even using 36 mgs. Does anyone else do this or am I just weak willed. I'm 63 and have been smoking since 15. I started vaping in January and still smoke about 3 analogs a day. I'm not sure why LOL. But I'm a zillion times healthier even at that. It is probably NOT the nicotine you are hitting the analogs for though. I've been thinking it is TH (Throat hit) for me, but it could be one of those other chemicals I want.... I don't know. I wonder why you could tolerate analogs and not vaping when you were sick... someone else was saying that vaping was rough when sick too. With me it was stress. I hit a stressful patch and my little 901 batteries could NOT keep up with me. I went through 3 batteries faster than I could charge them. So I went out and got the EGO that has 6-8 hours of battery life rather than 1 hour. I'm back down to the 3 cigs and have been trying to think on why I want those 3 a day, but I figure 40 to 3 is great, so I'm just hoping I'll naturally quit them eventually. At any rate you are NOT alone. Maybe you should try some new flavors, I find I enjoy vaping even more when I've got new flavors to try. Good Luck!
TeriJo Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Take heart, stillcrazy. I had the exact same experience. I got a cold and for some reason prefered analogs. My wife still smokes so I have an analog every once in awhile. Usually in the morning or after a really huge meal. I don't look at it as the end of the world. Let's face it, even if you cut way down on analogs, you are still doing better than before. Honestly, I don't see vaping as quiting smoking. Just a way to make it safer in the long haul. But for grins, just try this: pick a day when you have some stress free time and try to quit analogs and vaping. Just go one day with as little of either as you can. Go to movies, sleep, whatever. Then get up the next day and start vaping only. That seems to work for me. Good luck and keep us posted! LOL it seems we were replying at the same time. I think I'll try your method - it can't HURT after all. )
stillcrazy Posted March 24, 2010 Author Posted March 24, 2010 Thank you for your wonderful comments. I feel much better now. I will follow your advice Jim, and you're right,cutting down is better than doing nothing at all
FTJoe Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Thank you for your wonderful comments. I feel much better now. I will follow your advice Jim, and you're right,cutting down is better than doing nothing at all For me - I found not having them in the house helped. As addicts, we all did our best to make sure we were stocked up. But sometimes you woke up the next day, were out and had to get in the car and go get them... So don't have them in the house, and while you go through that process I could only describe as an itch that can't be scratched (needing a smoke), see if you can vape your way through it. In other words, I would realize I really didn't need one once I got down with the vape. Had then been there, I might have had one. Having said that, if it makes you uncomfortable, I would just go out and get a pack. One of the things I love about this is its not something that required a lot of willpower for. No stress, "itches" etc. that I experienced with everything else. Bottom line is if you reduce your analogues by one, that's good, more than that is a bonus. Goal should be none, but enjoy the benefits of reduced analogues while you figure out a way to get there.
nana Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Some people do have trouble giving up those last few smokes, but I agree with everyone else that even just cutting way down is a great thing. I'm very lucky in that I gave them up right away and have no desire to ever have another one again. Ever. And I smoked for 34 years, so it's really amazing to me. Dave has had trouble with the nic level, too. He uses 48mg now. I'm sure he'll jump in here sometime with some words of wisdom for you.
VapOrDie Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 I have been smoking more than usual lately due to PV malfunction and lots of yard work. When I'm working on the yard I find it easier to have a smoke cause I don't have to stop to use my PV. Working with my hands a lot is still a big trigger for me, you get so used to having a cig in your mouth tilting your head with one eye closed lol But I'm happy to say that 90-95% of the time I'm vaping which is awesome.
sensay Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 I agree with FTJoe. When I kept the analogs in the house I could not resist, It was just too tempting at first. I gave what I had left of my brand away and make my husband smoke cigars for a week. lol
Uma Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Analogs are easier, there's no doubt about that... well, until there's a new burn hole in your upholstery, clothes, anyway. I agree with the others, heck just cutting back analogs is a miracle in itself! Celebrate!!! The rest will take care of itself in time. I agree that trying new flavors helps. Also, using 0nic helps too believe it or not. Purchasing the strong yummy 0nic flavors is fun, and if used quite often, then the Nicotine tobacco flavors will be more like having a smoke, both in TH and taste. If you have 2 pv's, the merrier. One for 0nic Peach for your ritual, and 1 for 24mg Tobacco for your crave. The more 0nic you vape, the harder the 24mg TH will become. I find I crave more 0nic now than my good ol 24nic. Impossible a few weeks ago... a blessing today. Hang in there, don't feel bad about it. Just go with your own personal flow and experiment with flavors, pv's, (maybe it's the pv! or atty). I carry a pack in a ziploc baggie, for those times when my atty's not up to par. Sucks, but I forgive myself... as long as the mouthwash is close by!
stillcrazy Posted March 25, 2010 Author Posted March 25, 2010 So much great feedback. Vt members are the best!
shane53806 Posted March 25, 2010 Posted March 25, 2010 i have been lucky, i started on greensmoke ecigs and smoked analogs with them for a month. then quit analogs cold for a month then had to go back because the greensmoke batteries died and i didn't get replacements for about a week. i wasn't happy about that, in the meantime i ordered my ego and love it, i have been analog free for a couple of months and honestly have no desire for analogs. i did have a bad cold and at first the ego kind of hurt my lungs to puff on, but i found that after a couple of drags it actually felt pretty good, maybe it was the fact that it was a vapor and not the harsh chemicals from analogs.. good luck to everyone
snubber Posted March 25, 2010 Posted March 25, 2010 Hey don't feel bad. It's all a learning thing for us all at first. Hell, it took me over a year before I fully quit analogs. That's not to say that I don't want one now and then, but so far I've been able to resist. Just hang in there and it will work out in time. No one ever said it was easy. If it was we would all have quit ages ago. Good luck and happy vaping.
Snik Posted March 28, 2010 Posted March 28, 2010 I still smoke one with my coffee in the morning, then maybe one on the way to work. That's pretty much it, and I probably wouldn't do that if my wife didn't still smoke analogs. I just ordered a Joye for her. If I can get her off of them that should do it for me.
nana Posted March 28, 2010 Posted March 28, 2010 I wish the best of luck to both of you. I guess I'm lucky in that my husband never did smoke, so I didn't have to worry about that when I quit. I hope she takes to vaping and you can both quit. It's an amazing feeling to say the least.
Raven Posted March 28, 2010 Posted March 28, 2010 I have been smoking more than usual lately due to PV malfunction and lots of yard work. When I'm working on the yard I find it easier to have a smoke cause I don't have to stop to use my PV. Working with my hands a lot is still a big trigger for me, you get so used to having a cig in your mouth tilting your head with one eye closed lol But I'm happy to say that 90-95% of the time I'm vaping which is awesome. I can greatly understand the PV Malfunctions. I quit last year April 09. And started smoking again in November 09. With the stress of the move, atomizers and batteries dying left and right, not having my favorite every day juice, and new bills, I was seriously going nuts. So I started smoking again. And smoked right up til the 15th of March. One thing that I like about my 901 is with the mouth piece, and automatic batteries I can keep it in my mouth and not have to worry about anything.
ddavelarsen Posted March 30, 2010 Posted March 30, 2010 For me - I found not having them in the house helped. As addicts, we all did our best to make sure we were stocked up. But sometimes you woke up the next day, were out and had to get in the car and go get them... So don't have them in the house, and while you go through that process I could only describe as an itch that can't be scratched (needing a smoke), see if you can vape your way through it. In other words, I would realize I really didn't need one once I got down with the vape. Had then been there, I might have had one. Having said that, if it makes you uncomfortable, I would just go out and get a pack. One of the things I love about this is its not something that required a lot of willpower for. No stress, "itches" etc. that I experienced with everything else. Bottom line is if you reduce your analogues by one, that's good, more than that is a bonus. Goal should be none, but enjoy the benefits of reduced analogues while you figure out a way to get there. FT Joe, I always appreciate your great attitude about this. I think this goes further than anything in helping people take a step back, relax, and vape on. You're my hero for today. (Again. ) Nana's right, I've struggled a great deal staying analog-free. I've had far more successful days than not but still, once in a while I'm either just too lazy to vape or that lizard part of my brain says, "Just do it!" and boy I do it. Ugh! Good thing they taste so freakin nasty! Vaping high nic turned the corner for me. I really don't have an issue with craving nic anymore, and the higher nic enhances TH quite a lot too. That works for me, but lots of folks are just as satisfied with a tiny fraction of the nicotine I require. This is a very individual thing. My recommendation? Don't sweat it. Keep your gear in working order, be sure you always have your favorite juice on hand, and don't beat yourself up when you want to try smoking occasionally. I've always found that I honestly prefer vaping to smoking, which is such a wonderful thing that it's almost too good to be true. But it is true.
haft2doit Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I agree that having analogs around makes not trying one very hard. I don't have cravings to go and buy any but if there is a pack sitting on the dresser I get curious more than anything. "I wonder how one of those would taste now". Alcohol consumption is the only thing that puts the pressure on anymore. Possibly because I chain vape while drinking and get no throat hit after a while. So best way for me to abstain is not having them around.
Gweetus Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Just my $0.02. I tossed my pack and didn't look back... right up until the first time I met up with some friends for some drinks. That first time I caved pretty easily, but still found I preferred to vape, I like the TH and chest bite better from my PV than the ciggy but even still drinking even a little always was and probably always will be my biggest trigger. I think the best thing to do is not beat yourself up for it. It was that kind of attitude that I think made it so I never could succeed on NRT. I'd hate the NRT, end up slipping and beat myself up for not keeping to my goal and next thing you know its back to smoking. Try telling yourself that a slip is no big deal like everyone says, having a smoke only once in a while is still a vast improvement.
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