Brandon Posted March 23, 2010 Posted March 23, 2010 (edited) I've been vaping on these juices for about 2 weeks or slightly longer, but I wanted to give them some time before making a final call. Okay, they're all VG. And one of the most wonderful things about WordUpEcig (besides their awesomely huge selection, super low price, and friendly service) is the fact that you can choose either pure PG, pure VG, or a 50/50 mix. That alone is worth a visit, but they also have the most astounding assortment of tobacco flavors too which is attractive to me b/c I really favor tobacco over others. I ordered 5 flavors in pure VG in a sample pack at 11mg strength of 5mil bottles for the super low price of only $20.99. That's about 42 cents per mil! Amazing. Plus Jeff threw in a small 3mil sample bottle of their new "Balanced Blend" in 24mg strength b/c he's essentially very awesome. Here we go: 555: Probably familiar to most of you, but it's a slight tobacco flavor with a very pronounced sweet nutty flavor. Not sure what type of nuts it would be as I don't normally like them. But it's sweet and savory, and definitely makes me a little hungry inbetween meals. My overall favorite due to the fact that the bottle is the most empty of the lot. Tobacco/Russian Tobacco: I ordered "Russion Tobacco" but the bottle is labeled simply "Tobacco". So I'm not sure if this is what I ordered and there just wasn't enough room on the label, or if it's a mistake. Either way, I'm happy with it. Think: your basic generic tobacco flavor. Sweet and just a little dry. Simple, with not very many undertones. Just the slightest little hint of nuttiness, but it's very very faint. Overall, my 2nd favorite evidenced by the fact that the bottle is the 2nd most empty. Jeff's Mix: I had no idea what to expect here, but the fact that it cost an extra $1.00 really intrigued me. A good tobacco base with a sweet fruitiness to it. Not a specific fruit flavor that you can pin down, just generic fruit. But it's actually blended very well, and neither the tobacco or the fruitiness overpower each other. I really enjoy it, and out of the lot it has the strongest throat hit and ranks at #3. Kents: I had no idea what this was supposed to emulate b/c I never smoked Kents cigarettes. Heck, I'd never even heard of them. But it's definitely on the dry side. Not very sweet, but with some fruity overtones. It's hard to imagine fruit not being sweet, but this is what Kents tastes like to me. A savory, dry, tobacco, fruitiness. Pretty good and appears to be my 4th favorite as it is the 4th most empty. Cuban Cigar: Okay, think pungent, strong, super savory, and a dry nutty flavor. Pretty much exactly what I expected. I only had a few cigars back in my analog days, and really this was spot-on with what I remember. It's very uncanny how realistic it is. Definitely not one of my favorites, as it is the 5th most empty in the whole lot. But if you're looking for a realistic cigar flavor that sticks around and lasts in your mouth, this is your beast! Balanced Blend: This was the 3mil sampler Jeff sent me that is in 24mg strength (wow!). Actually very similar to Jeff's Mix except the throat hit seems less even though it's twice as strong as what I'm used to. Just the slightest hint of tobacco flavor with a stronger sweet fruit flavor (no specific fruit) and also just a tad hint of nuttiness. Essentially what it sounds like: a balanced blend of tobacco flavors. Kind of reminds me of some Flue-Cured tobacco I got elsewhere. It's actually very good, but since it's 24mg I can't handle very much of it at all. I have to rank it #6 just due to the fact that the 24mg gives me a buzz after a few minutes. Were it in a lower strength that I can handle, it may rank higher. (whew) Ok so there you have it. On a sidenote, all of these flavors have the best throat hit of any juice I've ever tried. Yup, even better than PG juices. They have a very nice vapor production since they're VG, have a really strong throat hit, but are dilute and thin enough that they drip and soak into your cart just like they were a normal PG juice. But whatever Jeff has in his recipe for throat hit is totally incredible. They all took me by surprise. The one strange thing I noticed, which I have yet to really understand, is that after a few minutes I start getting a weird salty taste in my mouth. Doesn't matter which of the flavors I try. I always get that weird saltiness. I think it's whatever he's using for the throat hit. Sometimes it doesn't bother me that bad, but then other times I just have to switch to something else b/c it's too annoying. That's the only down-side to them. Besides including that sample bottle that I didn't solicit or pay for, he also included a handwritten personalized note. Things like that are what make customers come back for more, and I definitely will be coming back. Thanks Jeff! Edited March 23, 2010 by Brandon nana, amcnutt and Schizophretard 3
ddavelarsen Posted March 23, 2010 Posted March 23, 2010 Yes, excellent review! I don't read many juice reviews because they can never apply to me, but since it was you I had to check it out. Nicely done! Looking forward to more from you.
Brandon Posted March 23, 2010 Author Posted March 23, 2010 Thanks folks! Glad you enjoyed it, and I appreciate the feedback. For me personally, WordUpEcig will be my go-to place for juice. I'm still on the search for juice from someone that my wife can vape, so I'll still be playing the field quite a bit. But for my needs, this is probably going to be my one-stop-shop. Dr J has a couple of review videos of their juices too. Most notably his latest one where he travels back in time to sample some old school flavors from them. Very cool Dr J!
snubber Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 Thanks for the heads-up. Great review, keep em coming!
missxenobia Posted March 25, 2010 Posted March 25, 2010 Awesome Review! I personally haven't tried any of those. Though the review makes me want to get a sampler pack with a few of them now! My hubby and I order their Turkish Blend a few days ago and it tastes amazing! Maybe not exactly like a Turkish gold flavor but still amazing. It has a nutty sweet taste. You should try it! I'd love to read your review on it, as I'm terrible with them.
Brandon Posted March 25, 2010 Author Posted March 25, 2010 Hey thanks missxenobia! And gosh thanks for the tip about the turkish flavor! Camel Turkish Golds were my analogs when I was smoking. No other cig came close. So a dekang "Turkish Tobacco" juice was my first purchase. Of course, it's not really close to the analog version, but it really is my favorite flavor in the VP world too. But since it's PG, I can't handle it for very long. When I first saw WordUpEcig offers it in VG I about fell out of my chair, but it was out of stock! Good to hear it's back Thanks a lot! That's my next order right there.
Brian Posted March 27, 2010 Posted March 27, 2010 Nice review Brandon! I've only done some quick sampling of the VG juices I got from Jeffrey, but definatley like "Jeff's Mix". I need to spend some more time tasting some of the other juices I've gotten lately.
Mike Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 Just got an order from wordup. American Spirit, Jeff's mix, Winston and Hilton. All are good but to soon to really know. I got all of my juice as PG. After hearing about the VG versions I am interested. I get good TH and vapor with PG but what difference would VG make? I usually add a few drops to my small bottle for a little more vapor. I always thought PG was better for flavor and TH. Has anyone tried both and can you describe the pros and cons? The only VG juice I've had was homemade 0 nic but I have ordered 50/50 from other suppliers. I don't find much difference other than more vapor with VG, but I prefer flavor and throught hit. Are you alergic to PG Brandon, or is there another reason. Wordup does have great choices and prices and service.
Brandon Posted April 9, 2010 Author Posted April 9, 2010 ***Sorry, long post!*** Yes, VG definitely has the award in regards to vapor production. PG can't hold a candle there. But for the most part PG has a better throat hit than most VGs. WordUpEcig's VG juices are an exception though. In regards to flavor, that's too subjective for me to say either way. Some folks like the flavor transfer of a PG base better than a VG base. For me personally, I can tell a difference (just a difference in flavor), but I don't have a preference and can't say one is better than the other. It's just a difference, not a preference (for flavor I mean). I'm not allergic to PG, but I'm definitely sensitive to it. After just a short time of PG vaping, my throat starts drying out, getting sore, and then eventually I get a little hoarse. When I first started vaping, I actually thought I was better off smoking cigarettes because of the PG hurting my throat so much. So I only vape VG now. One thing I've learned about VG juice is that its properties can be much different from vendor to vendor. It's all about the specifics of the recipe. Case in point: Rath's juice. Rath's old recipe was VG, flavoring, nic, and 5% distilled water. But just recently (within the past few weeks) he's changed it to 10% distilled water. So that's twice as much distilled water as before, but yet that's only a small difference in the overall percentage of the whole mix. But this has caused a huge change in the vaping properties of the juice. At 5%, the vapor production can be thick and massive. But at 3.7V it's a little bit hit and miss. Like, you have to really prime your atty for a couple of seconds and do a few primer puffs before you get a good vapor production (at 5V, this is not an issue). However at his newer 10% distilled water recipe, vapor production is much more consistent at any voltage and no primer puffs are needed. But the overall vapor production is less than the 5% version. I've tried several other vendors' VG juices, and it really seems that perfecting the recipe is harder with VG. The chinese VG juices linger around the 10% distilled water mark. So, they're easy to vape and work ok at all voltages. But it's nothing fancy and the vapor production is nothing near Rath's 5% water recipe. For the most part you'll notice that the throat hit of VG juices are less than their PG counterparts. And from what I've heard, that's simply due to the fact that VG is *less* of an irritant to your throat. PG seems to inherently irritate the throat and mucosal membranes more than VG, no matter what flavor or level of nic. So you feel it more as a throat hit than VG. For most folks, this is an added boon. For me though, it sux After awhile of PG vaping, my throat is scratchy as all hell. WordUpEcig's VG juices retain that good PG throat hit plus a little extra. Yet they have a good VG vapor production (though still not as good as a 5% distilled water recipe). So I get the best of both worlds. If memory serves me, Everclear and other high grain alcohols do great in a recipe to add extra throat hit. So I'll have to assume that Jeff at WordUpEcig adds more alcohol than most vendors to get this throat hit. Honestly, I don't care how he does it. Because I get to have my VG cake and eat it too Adam commented on some recent VaporCast episodes how he's switched to 100% VG juice (from being a full time PG guy), and has loved it. But when he went back and tried some old-time favorite PG juices, it was uncomfortable for him. Almost like he got used to the smoothness of VG, and when he tried PG again, his body didn't like it. I really feel like VG will eventually surpass PG in regards to the overall amount of juices made. It's just so much easier on your throat.
cmdryker Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I'll co-sign that Brandon,Wordup rules, It's my one stop for all my ecig needs, Call me a Fanboy, cause between there customer service and quality products, there shipping is always free, Kinda a win win win across the board, Since my ecig journey started I started making my own juices, so I needed a good supplier of unflavored nic.I had bought a bottle from across the pond (china). It was ok til I got some from Jeff at wordup, Talk bout a night and day difference. hold this up to the light it looks like vi-zine. that crystal clear, an we all know crystal clear nic is always a good thing, compared to the stuff from china looked like piss in a bottle. Bottom line you can't go wrong with wordup, Take that back you can go wrong, that is you order from someone else instead. Brian (No.1 FANBOY)
Mike Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 Thanks Brandon, I appriciate you spelling that all out for me. That will help me out on my own recipies and it's good to know that Wordup already has some good VG recipies. I've had a little more time to vape the tobacco flavors I got from them and I like them all. They also make a good base for me to tweek with. All VG juice is on my wish list now, among other things.
tymon Posted April 25, 2010 Posted April 25, 2010 So far my very favorite is Turkish Blend for Arno, but love tying all the flavors. I smoked Shermans and American Spirits, thus far TB rocks my boat!love the reviews monty
amcnutt Posted April 28, 2010 Posted April 28, 2010 I think I am going to order the variety pack, but quick questions. At $20.99 for 5 - 5mil bottles, isn't that $20.99 / 25 = $0.84 per mil, not $0.42 ? Great review, that is the only thing I noticed, and did not notice until I was comparing his price with what I get here locally. Which by the way is $0.60 per mil and no shipping, but it's not VG and that is what I am after! Thanks again!
FTJoe Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 I think I am going to order the variety pack, but quick questions. At $20.99 for 5 - 5mil bottles, isn't that $20.99 / 25 = $0.84 per mil, not $0.42 ? Great review, that is the only thing I noticed, and did not notice until I was comparing his price with what I get here locally. Which by the way is $0.60 per mil and no shipping, but it's not VG and that is what I am after! Thanks again! Yes - but its a great price for 25ml of fluid as a sample. I steer everyone who is trying tobacco flavors to them if they don't like traditional tobacco from VT. I always have some around in high and low strength from VT and a bunch from wordup I put in sample bottles. Usually its 7-10 bucks for 10ml, right?
Brandon Posted April 30, 2010 Author Posted April 30, 2010 I think I am going to order the variety pack, but quick questions. At $20.99 for 5 - 5mil bottles, isn't that $20.99 / 25 = $0.84 per mil, not $0.42 ? Great review, that is the only thing I noticed, and did not notice until I was comparing his price with what I get here locally. Which by the way is $0.60 per mil and no shipping, but it's not VG and that is what I am after! Whoops, holy crap! I totally messed up on that math! Sorry everyone! You're totally right Amcnutt. Now I'm having a hard time understanding how I made such a big mistake. But really I feel that you'll be happy with the money you spent, even if you only find 1 or 2 of the flavors to your liking. For us VG vapers that are looking for an excellent variety and a good throat hit, you wont' find another vendor that suits your needs as well as WordUpEcig.
amcnutt Posted May 4, 2010 Posted May 4, 2010 Well I just got my variety pack yesterday so it is to soon for a full review, but I tried one of the flavors and Brandon you were right! Perfect throat hit and tons of vapor!! For this one flavor, the cafe mocha, it's a little weak for me, but still very nice. I will update as I try the other flavors. I have chocolate mint, tobacco, 555 and menthol left.
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