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To date, I've bought 6 vaping devices: a standard mini 306 (the one that resembles a cigarette), two 901s, an 801 penstyle, an RS-888 mini-pipe and an RN-4062 Ruyan e-cigar. Thinking the Ruyan had to be the bad boy, with a bigger battery (looks to be a standard AAA rechargable) and a bigger cart, I anticipated liking it the most. My take on it? Not so much.

My beef with the e-cigar is the draw, oddly enough. The cart screws on, unlike the slip-on design of all the others, and I see no holes anywhere on the device for external air to enter the unit when you draw. So if the cart is screwed in snugly, the draw is very hard. If I loosen the cart a bit, I can get an easier draw, but the amount of vapor never approaches that of the penstyle, or even the 901. Battery life seems superb (still on the first bat), and the cart will clearly go a long time between topping off, but the tough draw and the lackluster vapor are disappointing.

Maybe it's just a funky unit I received. Can't say one way or the other. But so far, I'm the least impressed with the e-cigar out of all the devices I've tried. I think I may use it at home, sitting in the big easy watching TV, and keep playing with it to see if the performance improves.

So far, I concur with Chris... the penstyle is the vapor king. The DSE 901 comes in second in terms of vapor, and first in terms of style. There seems to be one or two models I haven't tried (including the larger pipe design), but at this point it's hard to imagine anything as ***-kickin' as the penstyle. And since the penstyle atomizer also forms the backbone of the mini-pipe, it's twice the motivation to buy penstyles at this point.

That's my state of research at this point. Oh... and e-cigs have made it possible for me to quit smoking. So anything I spend on devices and juice is well-worth the investment.



My sentiments exactly... Penstyle rocks... And, as you mentioned, the atomizer fits the mini pipe. We're getting it down...

And, as Vacker as investigated and proven we can stuff our own carts. We can continue to get our juice USA side. I'm liking it.....


They create a hard draw on their cigar on purpose. If you draw on a traditional "analog" cigar the draw is hard due to the packed tobacco. Royce and Sean will attest to that.

The E-cigar is also designed to be puffed on rather than take long draws, many of the ecigars on the market have a VERY short cut off but it resumes almost instantly. This again is to imitate cigars.

But your right the Penstyle hands down rocks. Nothing can beat it so far. I keep trying new models and again I always go back to my Pen. LOVE IT.


I love my E cigars. Im lookin into buying a few pen style E cigs. what company should I buy them from? Also what model number is the best?

Stick with the DSE model for the penstyle they work great, as far as what company to buy from thats up to you, lots of people are out of stock right now I know truesmoker has a pre-order for penstyles that will be shipping on the 1st

  • 6 months later...

I realize how old this thread is but I have a quick question. I just purchased a RN-4062 e-cigar and would like to know if anyone has any experience using this model. The other question I have is can I upgrade the batteries to a 500 mah instead of using the standard 340 mah that comes with it. Thanks.

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