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That even makes the SB tempting for me! I just worry about the size. Although...I do have my eGo that I love and could use that when I needed to lug it around in a pocket. Hmmm... Uma, why did you start this? :dribble:


That even makes the SB tempting for me! I just worry about the size. Although...I do have my eGo that I love and could use that when I needed to lug it around in a pocket. Hmmm... Uma, why did you start this? :dribble:

Uma is trying to tempt us all!!!!! We're going to hell! Oh wait no, just broke. whew, scared myself for a minute LOL


Well crap.... I ordered 4 of them and 3 drip tips... Plus $7 shipping. Wow, they're making some money this week!


Well crap.... I ordered 4 of them and 3 drip tips... Plus $7 shipping. Wow, they're making some money this week!

Yes, that's what it's all about my man - makin money. ;) At least we get the benefit of all this great innovation! Up until bankruptcy anyway... :D


Ordered 3 of those attys! :)

I so liked the SB back in January... but didn't understand (obviously) the battery life. and I didn't understand the ordering ... what to get... I need to slow down and focus! But I love my eGo, so all is well. But 48 hours?? I'm stoked. and it now seems affordable lol. How long does it take to charge those batteries?

Wait wait wait. I was too focused! I didn't get the SB then because a 6 hr battery charge would have wrecked havoc on my car battery. The eGo only takes 2 hrs, which allows me to charge 2 batts before having to start the car and recharge the battery. Now that I have the eGo, I can get a Joker and a SB and a Lady Vyper and a MaAmBa and and and. All is well still.


That even makes the SB tempting for me! I just worry about the size. Although...I do have my eGo that I love and could use that when I needed to lug it around in a pocket. Hmmm... Uma, why did you start this? :dribble:

:devil: The devil made me do it!

But, it complements the ego so nicely. Especially for long camping trips. :) Wow.


:dribble: As long as we have someone to blame, huh, Uma? LOL

The longer the battery life, the better. Even without camping trips. ;)


So I see battery wise not recommended for a spade, just battery life or not enough juice to rock it? 3.7 is 3.7, right?

Absolutely. I think most of that has to do with the calculated expected battery life. In practice, and this is only me, I have not noted a difference in battery life with the HW atty.


So I just got home and opened up my package from Nhaler, containing 2 LV Magnum atty's and a bottle of Orange Cream HV juice!

All I can say is whoaaa, these magnum atty's are the bomb!!!! So far I've only dripped 3x's, and it surely isn't near getting broken in, but I'm gettin clouds like I do at 5 or 6volts! :thumbsup: I am really impressed with these atty's.I'm using the atty on my Silver Bullett with 18650 3000mah battery, so I anticipate it will be tomorrow at the soonest before I have to change out the battery.

As for the juice, been loading my 5v box mod with the HV juice, and man what a difference. I'm getting clouds out of it, about the same as my homemade DIY juice which is VG heavy. I have to say that my juice does taste better, but this HV juice vapes just as good.

So now to more vaping and enjoying. I would definitely recommend the Magnum atty's to any and all. The coolest part is that they don't seem to make the vapor sooo hot, it's more of a mellow vape with massive vapor.. I'm digging it!

To JeffB - yours should arrive tomorrow brother, I beat you on ordering by 1 day...


I got em today Hawk harhar.gif I haven't used them yet but I'll let you know how I like them.


I got em today Hawk harhar.gif I haven't used them yet but I'll let you know how I like them.

Kind Sir, you are too much!!! Yea, let me know bro. It seems like it has a break in as all of em do, but man, I am pretty darn stoked so far.... Now, back to my beer(s) and vape... Ahh the goodness of this life.


Ok, got the D tips and the magnums in today.

Wow.... Okay, between testing out my first mod and using this beast I'm getting a buzz and need to slow waaaaaay down....

So far, the D tips and magnum attys are performing like a champ. I've not had the pleasure of high volt vaping yet, so this is the closest I've got. And dang do these things churn out the vapor. It's going to take some getting used to, but in a good way :)

For me personally it's just fantastic. I can use it on my BB and not have to worry about which high volt mod I'm going to buy (well at least for now anyway).

The D-tips fit perfectly on both the atomizer and in my mouth. I really do like that hourglass shape. And not having to take off the cart to drip? Well, that's more of a bonus than I imagined it would be.

So far, fantastic all around!


Doggone it I am TRYING to be good and not order more stuff and you all are making it really really really HARD LOL

I'm glad you are happy with your purchases, I AM...but um.... DANG IT! LOL The temptation level is bein baaaaad.


Received my magnums and drip tips (thats what she said) yesterday. Holy crap. It has turned my ego into a 5V experience. Anyone have any experience on how these have effected the ego batt life? If not I will let you know what I find out. So far been vaping off the same battery since 6pm last evening. It is 11:00 AM as I write this and it is still going strong. I was in a rehearsal for 3 hours last night so take that into consideration but damn, this is one of the most satisfying vaping experiences I have had yet.


I've been vaping my magnums for a little over two weeks on my VP2, and honestly, I haven't noticed any difference in battery life than with any other atomizer.


Ok so the batt just died after about 18 hours. ( 6 hrs of sleeping and 3 hour rehearsals included) Not to shabby. With regular attys I was getting about 28 Hours so it cut it down by ten hours and honestly I am fine with that. If it last more than 4 hours I am happy. One thing I did notice was usually the ego battery will go strong until the last toot then cut off and the button will flash 20 times. With the magnum atty, I felt a drop off about 45 minutes before it quit. When it quit, the button still lit up but nothing was activating. I unscrewed the magnum and replaced with a regular joyee 510 and it worked. So there was enough to power the regular 510 but not enough to power the Magnum. Any thoughts on this? Could this hurt the battery in the long run?

On another note, The drip tip is great. It is on my VP-PT and there it will stay. I tried it on the ego but it doesn't fly with the style of the ego. I have a stainless T-tip which looks sexy as hell with the ego and thats what I will continue to use. Anyone tried carts with the magnums? I am interested to know if it would melt the poly-fill.

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