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Who's Never Wanted One Of These!

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Freaking sweet! 30mins flight time is dang good compared to *real* jetpacks, where you're looking at 30-60 seconds flight time; literally.

For some reason the 'flight demonstration' video kept locking up exactly half way through every time, so I didn't get to see a lot there. Though the 'flight preparation' vid plays well all the way through. Did the guy ever get any real altitude?

I can understand not wanting to go very high due to the familiar equation *increase in altitude = increase in pain*. But flying so low to the ground is counterproductive in regards to maintaining steady control. The closer you are to the ground, the more turbulance. Ever flown an RC helicopter just a foot or two above the ground? It's the same thing.

I'd love to see some vids of the guy soaring over trees and rooftops :)

Good find Brian!

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Had the same problem with that vid. The downloadable "flight demonstration" vid is different than the one that plays, but still not very good. I'm with you though - would like to see more of what it's capalbe of with an experienced operator. Not that I could ever afford one, still thought it was cool. And if something like this takes off, who knows what innovations will come from it.

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I saw that the other day too, that just turns me on. I could really dig flying to work in that bad boy! Hell, I'd fly it to the grocery store. :) $75K really isn't that bad a price for something that's so complex and made in such small batches. It it were to really catch on and undergo some miniaturization and mass production, it probably wouldn't cost much more than a decent car, and would look a lot better. One thing I think it really needs though is a foot rest. Yeah, that's counter to the Jet Pack meme, but this thing is kind of ... overlarge for a jet pack. So it wouldn't be hurt with someplace to stand. If I won the lottery, that'd be about the third place I'd go with a fistful of money. :D Thanks Brian, I can't wait until the movies are picking these things up.

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One thing I think it really needs though is a foot rest.

Now THAT would be freaking sweet!

If I won the lottery, that'd be about the third place I'd go with a fistful of money

Hmmm... Makes me wonder what the first and second place would be ;)

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Hmmm... Makes me wonder what the first and second place would be ;)

Well, first or second would be to order a spankin new and totally tricked out vette. Not sure what the other would be (or not telling?:)).

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Well, first or second would be to order a spankin new and totally tricked out vette. Not sure what the other would be (or not telling?:)).

Well, the second would be my totally tricked out vette, right buddy? :whistle:

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