J0T Posted March 10, 2010 Posted March 10, 2010 I watch/read a lot of reviews (for everything, not just e-cigs) and I always try to keep in mind the fact that everyone has a different experience with a product. Another important thing to keep in mind is that if you're watching/reading reviews from people who have a lot of experience always remember that they have a lot of experience! What I mean is that these people have used many devices, types of juice, etc. so they will make comparisons and talk about a lot of details, and that's a good thing, however these comparisons and details may not really be all that important to you, you may not even notice them! These people are trying to tell you as much as possible about a product, but don't let them be the only factor in your decision making process. Also consider the fact that everyone has preferences and opinions, you may not share the same opinion, so do some research/investigation to help you figure out what fits your needs. Here are some personal examples: TGWTF did a review on Mr Bean from Liquidxpress, he said it smelled awful and had a powdery taste, I don't think it smells awful and I don't get a powdery taste at all. We have different senses of taste and smell, different opinions on what smells good or bad and he's tried way more juices than I have. Neither of our opinions is wrong and in the end we both agree it's a good juice. Grimm Green did a review of the Spade and in it he spoke about a noticeable drop in voltage after 45 minutes to an hour. This kind of bothered me a little bit but I knew it was a solid device so I ordered it. I only just received it so I don't have a lot of experience with it, but I've been vaping it for half a day now and in my opinion after an hour the voltage seemed to drop to a level that seemed normal, it vapes like I would expect it to. For Grimm this wasn't a deal breaker, he still recommended the device. I'd consider him an advanced user and as such he has different expectations, I have three devices now so I still consider myself a beginner, I don't have the same expectations. So remember, reviews are to help you make a decision, not to make it for you, and if you want multiple points of view you can always ask for them, most people are willing (in fact many are eager) to tell you exactly what they think about a product. Brian 1
Jeffb Posted March 11, 2010 Posted March 11, 2010 Excellent points Jot. I really don't watch too many juice reviews just for the simple fact that taste is so subjective. When reviewers use the number scale it doesn't help me at all. A 5 to someone else may be a 9 to me.
TeriJo Posted March 11, 2010 Posted March 11, 2010 Excellent points Jot. I really don't watch too many juice reviews just for the simple fact that taste is so subjective. When reviewers use the number scale it doesn't help me at all. A 5 to someone else may be a 9 to me. Yeah... I hate math. So numbers just kinda breeze by me LOL Thank God for my Quickbooks or I'd never have anything balanced or added correctly lol And yes, taste is VERY subjective. Look at Gin. I grabbed the wrong glass off a table one night and swore to God I took a swig of transmission fluid. But people love it. Just..... not me LOL
Uma Posted March 11, 2010 Posted March 11, 2010 I respect where you guys are coming from, but I have to respectfully kinda sorta disagree. I agree that taste is subjective. But I like the rating system... as long as they remember to let us know the volt and the pv used to vape it. (and the date/year tested). Sometimes I want more flavor than vapor. Sometimes I'm looking for the opposite. Sometimes I need the perfect middle guy that doesn't excel but yet is a fine vape. There's a complementary bottle out there for every bottle or pv we already have on hand. It's also fun trying out the various flavors, stores, vapors and voltages. Some of these taste bland on 5v but great on 3, and compared .... now that's another thing I like too, is how the reviewers will usually compare to one that they already use a lot... which we've probably tried too and know what they talkin' about. I'm ramblin'... but while I agree with part, I don't with the other. I do wish all the stores had little itty bitty samples. Night all.
TeriJo Posted March 11, 2010 Posted March 11, 2010 I respect where you guys are coming from, but I have to respectfully kinda sorta disagree. I agree that taste is subjective. But I like the rating system... as long as they remember to let us know the volt and the pv used to vape it. (and the date/year tested). Sometimes I want more flavor than vapor. Sometimes I'm looking for the opposite. Sometimes I need the perfect middle guy that doesn't excel but yet is a fine vape. There's a complementary bottle out there for every bottle or pv we already have on hand. It's also fun trying out the various flavors, stores, vapors and voltages. Some of these taste bland on 5v but great on 3, and compared .... now that's another thing I like too, is how the reviewers will usually compare to one that they already use a lot... which we've probably tried too and know what they talkin' about. I'm ramblin'... but while I agree with part, I don't with the other. I do wish all the stores had little itty bitty samples. Night all. Oh I don't think any of us are saying throw reviews out, or that they are MEANINGLESS. We're just saying they are subjective, and because a reviewer doesn't like a particular juice does not necessarily mean WE won't like it. Restaurant reviewers are the same way - movie reviewers, you name it. 'taint that they's not RIGHT, there's not really a right and wrong there. On hardware it's a bit different, but SOME is still subjective. However parts falling off in their hand or something, not subjective at all LOL
Brian Posted March 12, 2010 Posted March 12, 2010 Point well made. I love Mr. Bean (has become my second favorite) and I have two Spades. Go figure.
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