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Posted (edited)

Aside from the FDA's ongoing attempts to regulate and/or ban e-cigs altogether, I was wondering if anyone else thinks a vaping ban similar to the current smoking bans are in the future. I know that the vapor cannot be compared to smoke, but I just think that people will get very irritated with it, and we'll end up seeing a ban of vaping in restaurants, stores, etc. Any thoughts on this?

Edited by Ponyboy

Hey Ponyboy, I'm afraid it may be heading that way. The way some people react these days (rachael Ray for instance) and their knee-jerk reactions we have an uphill battle ahead of us. I think the main thing we can do at this point is to be respectful and not push our habits onto others--- IE: if someone asks yoou not to vape in their place of business, respect that. I know you're not smoking but some people don't (or won't) understand that. The best thing we can do at this point is to try to educate the public. Just my 2 cents.


Yeah I kinda think we're headed for bans on PV's just like smokes.

There are always gonna be those types of people who can't resist

telling others what to do.And their #1 weapon is (save the kids)

works on the uninformed masses every time.I'm all for saving youths

but what about alcohol,sweets,blah blah blah.As long as it's their

habits it's O.K just not your habits.

Smokers have had this stigma for so long that switching to vaping

isn't going to impress the uninformed at all.And even those who know

it's better than smoking seem to have the mind set that smokers or

ex smokers need to be punished,It's the quit or die syndrome.

UH OH how did I get up here on this soap box? Stepping down now :iiam:


  On 3/10/2010 at 1:29 PM, joe2003 said:

Yeah I kinda think we're headed for bans on PV's just like smokes.

If so, another good reason to step down from nicotine to no nic. If there is a ban, all I have to do is stock up even more before that happens, then figure out how to mix VG and get menthol or other flavorings. I guess people can get those giant bottles of nic sold at various places, not sure what the shelf life is though.


Don't step down, Joe2003. I agree with you completely. We're supposed to be so forgiving of everyone and everything - except smokers and smoking. :rolleyes2:

I really hope they don't ban these, but I agree with FTJoe on getting down to 0 nic as a way to have a ban not affect us. But I also know it's not an option for everyone. I have a feeling there may be a bunch of "bootleggers" out there if they ban ejuice. :o


  On 3/10/2010 at 5:41 PM, nana said:

Don't step down, Joe2003. I agree with you completely. We're supposed to be so forgiving of everyone and everything - except smokers and smoking. :rolleyes2:

I really hope they don't ban these, but I agree with FTJoe on getting down to 0 nic as a way to have a ban not affect us. But I also know it's not an option for everyone. I have a feeling there may be a bunch of "bootleggers" out there if they ban ejuice. :o

Bootleg juice, hmm hmm hmmmmmmm. I'm scared enough not being sure of what's in the juice NOW, bootleggers?


One thing you have to remember is that the FDA has no right to create law, so I doubt the FDA themselves would ever create a law banning the ecig in local sectors, what you have to be more worried about is the lobbyists against electronic cigarettes. IE Big Pharma. Nicorette could loose (and probably is) lots of money over this new technology and I'm willing to bet they'd spend lots o' money stopping the electronic cigarette. In fact we've already seen it in the works.

The most important thing we can all do is keep an eye on our local senators and state congressman, monitor what new laws they are passing and once we find one in regards to electronic cigarettes, post back here on the forum so we can give them a nice big piece of our minds. Send out the Vapor Army if you will. :gun:


I'm with Chris. Anyone who just throws in the towel and says "they're" going to "ban" vaping must not vote.

This sort of thing can be prevented either by voting, or by writing to your representatives - in mass - telling them the benefits of e cigs, clearing the air of FUD, and reminding them that you vote. Don't let a bunch of dimwit naysayers determine your rights. If you don't vote and speak out to your legislators, you're only helping bans get passed.


I think what ponyboy was saying is that municipalities will probably ban e-cigs in public places. If it's anything like the smoking bans, it would start somewhere and then sweep across the country. If we can stop it early enough, we might avoid this for awhile. However, I say awhile because it's probably inevitable that they will stop us from vaping in resturants, bars, etc. I do hope I'm wrong, though.

Big PHARMA and big tobacco are going to do their best to ban juice from sale. But the devices are not likely to be affected. They are too easy to make and bootleg. My fear is that they will somehow get juice on the controlled substances list and sick the DEA on this thing.

But there is strength in numbers and we are better organized than crack addicts! :thumbsup: Let's hold them off as long as we can! :2guns:


I'm with Chris on this one. There's been plenty of evidence that a lot of the anti vaping lobby has been funded by big pharma. The best thing we can do as a community is arm ourselves with knowledge. We are all responsible now for what happens to vaping in the future! We all have to be as active as possible to make sure that the knuckle heads and the uneducated in politics don't win this fight just because some pharma company slips a little extra into their next fund raiser. We are at a turning point folks. Now everyone of us has to ask ourselves one question:

What are we going to do about it?


I agree, I think that if you are not voting and people are not informed then there will be a ban. I think that the FDA is just the first step in creating these laws coming from Washington. I think that someone needs to be on our side. Does anyone know if there are lobbyist working with us as well? I think it is ridiculous that people are trying to ban something that has a good impact on other peoples lives. If you smoke/smoked people look down upon you as some do when they see you vaping. When it comes to freedom it is restricted to what others want and take the rights of others away. This is ridiculous that someone else tells me what I can and cannot do with my body.


  On 3/10/2010 at 8:34 PM, jmhester said:

I think what ponyboy was saying is that municipalities will probably ban e-cigs in public places. If it's anything like the smoking bans, it would start somewhere and then sweep across the country. If we can stop it early enough, we might avoid this for awhile. However, I say awhile because it's probably inevitable that they will stop us from vaping in resturants, bars, etc. I do hope I'm wrong, though.

Big PHARMA and big tobacco are going to do their best to ban juice from sale. But the devices are not likely to be affected. They are too easy to make and bootleg. My fear is that they will somehow get juice on the controlled substances list and sick the DEA on this thing.

But there is strength in numbers and we are better organized than crack addicts! :thumbsup: Let's hold them off as long as we can! :2guns:

Yeah a public ban could snowball into something bigger and could be the tip of the iceberg for something larger in the long run. I think that idea has us all a little concerned.


I agree that on their own the FDA doesn't have the right to create law.

I was thinking more of big pharma,big tobacco,and the anti smoking lobbyists.

Big pharma and tobacco can throw a lot of money at our legislators to keep

from losing even more money from PV's.Also the anti smoking lobby's are

going to be against PV's because to them nic=bad and most juice has nic even

though 0 nic is available and the goal of a lot of vapers.I would also mention

that the antis are going to keep saying that PV's will appeal to kids because

of the flavors and keep trying to get them banned.So yes the thing to do is

to educate when anyone will listen,and definitely VOTE so that we can be heard.

Phone, e-mail,petition or whatever to get your Reps.attn.Just remember that

money talks and we're gonna have to wade thru a lot of muck (again)to finally

get some Reps. who will listen and vote the way we elected them to.

I'm not trying to be a doom sayer just a realist,I think we've got a long battle

ahead of us and no one would be happier than me if I'm wrong all the way around!

OOPS here I am on this :censored: box again.Yall aare gonna have to keep a tighter leash on me than that :help:


  On 3/10/2010 at 8:42 PM, vapehottie said:

I agree, I think that if you are not voting and people are not informed then there will be a ban. I think that the FDA is just the first step in creating these laws coming from Washington. I think that someone needs to be on our side. Does anyone know if there are lobbyist working with us as well? I think it is ridiculous that people are trying to ban something that has a good impact on other peoples lives. If you smoke/smoked people look down upon you as some do when they see you vaping. When it comes to freedom it is restricted to what others want and take the rights of others away. This is ridiculous that someone else tells me what I can and cannot do with my body.

I believe these people are lobbyists on our side---at least they have a "K" street address---I'll check it out next time I'm downtown.



I never said that "they" were going to ban it. I didn't specify, because I thought it was implied that the public would be pushing the issue, and obviously big tobacco and such will play a large role. The fact is, we are a minority in the general adult population, and can easily be outnumbered. That was my point.


Banning things, don't get me started! It's getting to be that the only freedom we have in this country is the freedom to ban things or make laws aginst things.Sombody that has no life is going to try and get in our business and try, to ban vaping sooner or later.We are going to be aginst big money groups and money buys legislation.

This is why I vape openly in public places,so peoploe will ask questions and become informed! This is why I go to smoking areas and vape around smokers,so I can add numbers to our ranks.This is why whenever I see a DR.face to face I vape so I can tell him I quit using this after failing with all the other "acceptable methods" patches,gums and pills are BS.

The only thing we can do now is spread the word,be polite,be nice but spread the word.


I only hope if a ban does come Chris will release the recipe for Dulcis and Tradional Tobacco to the world.


  On 3/10/2010 at 8:37 PM, DevilDucky said:

I'm with Chris on this one. There's been plenty of evidence that a lot of the anti vaping lobby has been funded by big pharma. The best thing we can do as a community is arm ourselves with knowledge. We are all responsible now for what happens to vaping in the future! We all have to be as active as possible to make sure that the knuckle heads and the uneducated in politics don't win this fight just because some pharma company slips a little extra into their next fund raiser. We are at a turning point folks. Now everyone of us has to ask ourselves one question:

What are we going to do about it?

Send the Parma a Joye510 beginner set (with 0nic), and ask them to please start selling a complete stop smoking kit?

The ejuice folk just need to come up with a better & still just as safe TH on the 0nic...

Then we'll be openly embraced. Perhaps.


  On 3/10/2010 at 11:30 PM, Ponyboy said:

I never said that "they" were going to ban it. I didn't specify, because I thought it was implied that the public would be pushing the issue, and obviously big tobacco and such will play a large role. The fact is, we are a minority in the general adult population, and can easily be outnumbered. That was my point.

That wasn't an attack man, sorry if it came off that way. I get rather upset when the topic of vaping bans comes up; all I really meant was that it's up to US to make sure our voice is heard - whenever and wherever trouble starts. There is nothing wrong with vaping; it harms no one, not even ourselves. Nobody has a right to tell us we cannot do it. Nobody. I don't like people telling me I can't do something that's bad for me; I sure as hel l won't let them try to tell me I can't do something totally harmless. I'm a very quiet and reserved person - unless threatened. Then the irresistible force comes out.

In a situation where municipalities start banning e cigs, our strength in numbers could prove to be a dream; there are not very many vapers vs the population as a whole. We need to be very visible and outspoken, not just defensive. Perhaps we should find a way to be proactive about educating people at large rather than just responding to threats.


  On 3/11/2010 at 9:30 AM, ddavelarsen said:

That wasn't an attack man, sorry if it came off that way. I get rather upset when the topic of vaping bans comes up; all I really meant was that it's up to US to make sure our voice is heard - whenever and wherever trouble starts. There is nothing wrong with vaping; it harms no one, not even ourselves. Nobody has a right to tell us we cannot do it. Nobody. I don't like people telling me I can't do something that's bad for me; I sure as hel l won't let them try to tell me I can't do something totally harmless. I'm a very quiet and reserved person - unless threatened. Then the irresistible force comes out.

In a situation where municipalities start banning e cigs, our strength in numbers could prove to be a dream; there are not very many vapers vs the population as a whole. We need to be very visible and outspoken, not just defensive. Perhaps we should find a way to be proactive about educating people at large rather than just responding to threats.

I totally agree. Being that we are the minority, being proactive will get us far as opposed to just sitting back and waiting for the talk of bans to arise.

And no worries about your earlier post. I didn't take it as a personal attack. I just wanted to make clear that I didn't mean to imply that "the man" was just going to push a ban on us.

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