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hi all, just started vaping and loving it and i was just wondering how addictive can it be . i seen one guy on youtube tear his whole dashboard out of his car trying to find a e-cig he droped down the heating vent :mellow:


hi all, just started vaping and loving it and i was just wondering how addictive can it be . i seen one guy on youtube tear his whole dashboard out of his car trying to find a e-cig he droped down the heating vent :mellow:

You are still addicted to the nicotine. Your delivery system is different, but you still want that nicotine. However, I know people who would do that over non addictive toys as well. A cufflink, for example. We are fond of our ecigs, how far we will go to retrieve one from a heater vent I think is as varied as we are.

I hope the guy wasn't like... DRIVING DOWN THE ROAD while tearing out his dashboard, that would be kinda bad!

However I've seen people go crazy with no addiction at all.. my son in law went on a highly comical hunt for a mouse a few years ago. Comical because he was yelling and dragging furniture about. I was like, couldn't catch a SNAIL this way bud!

Myself I was on the floor dying laughing... he wouldn't quit yelling "There's a MOUSE in my HOUSE!"

At any rate... if you'd do it to retrieve a cigarette, you'd do it to retrieve an ecig. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.......for now.... :D


hmmm.... My opinion would be even if it is as addictive or more. It is a healthier addiction. And you have the option of slowly working your way down the nicotine levels and still being able to vape just as much. So you can work your way to an addiction that is not detrimental to your health.

btw do you still have the link to that video lol.. sounds funny


Welcome to Vapor Talk, invizo. A lot of people have a hard time settling on a strength of nicotine juice/e-cig cartridge when they start vaping because they are looking to find an equivalent to their smoking habit, (an equivalent addiction.) Many eventually find, as I did, that since it's easy to vape almost constantly, it's also easy to adjust to lower strengths, and some eventually reduce their nicotine intake to zero, whether they keep vaping Omg juice, or just quit altogether.

Do you have the link to that video? I'd love to see it!


hi all, just started vaping and loving it and i was just wondering how addictive can it be . i seen one guy on youtube tear his whole dashboard out of his car trying to find a e-cig he droped down the heating vent :mellow:

LOL. In all honesty, I would too if it meant having to do the alternative instead. The thought of having to light up an :censored: analog.... would .... definitly put me in that fight or die stance as well.

In answer to your question... the only part that's more addictive is the part where we would rather fight than die. :) and No!, they are not physically addictive like cigs. Shoot, I've only been analog free since January due to my eCig, and I'm already vaping 0nic 3/4's of the day long!! (my choice). Soon it will be 0nic all day long. (my choice). Eventually I'll be VAPE free as well.... but I don't think I'll ever be PV free. So many neat collectors items out there. And if I so choose to vape at any given time, by golly, I'll do it without hesitation. Because I want to. Right now, I choose to vape because I want to and because I don't like the alternative nicotine fix (analog). I like my freedom.


You know, my dad has been vaping for several months and he's still talking about trying to wean off the nic. It's a common noob question, though. But my opinion is, if you want to quit, there might be better alternatives. Personally, I've tried everything and decide this is the lesser or two evils. Maybe vaping isn't exactly good for you but it beats the heck out of a known killer. Just MHO.


ooops, all the "we" in my post should say "me" and "I". I was talking personally for me. I can't speak for others LOL.


ok heres the vid thread



I think Modding is the real addiction.... So many different crazy ideas, everything I look at is being taken apart in my head and put back together with an LED, momentary switch and a few extra wires somewhere in there detective.gif

With nicotine at a very close second.... Collecting PV's and E-Juice takes home the Bronze.

But maybe it's just me question.gif


I think Modding is the real addiction.... So many different crazy ideas, everything I look at is being taken apart in my head and put back together with an LED, momentary switch and a few extra wires somewhere in there detective.gif

With nicotine at a very close second.... Collecting PV's and E-Juice takes home the Bronze.

But maybe it's just me question.gif

ya man, this is kind of like a hobby. its real easy to forget about real cigs. i have been vaping for 4 days now and i like it a lot,i quit smoking several times in the past but always fell of the horse, i think this will work for me do to the fact that vaping is far more enjoyable than regular cigs and taste great no smell its almost unbelievable...lol :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:


Lowering your nic level is the easy part, it's the oral fixation that's the hard part.

If you lower your nic level you will be suprised that you really don't notice a big difference.

I think that's why the gum and the patch really don't work.

The thing with vaping is you are still going through the motions of smoking and that seems to make all the difference.


You know, my dad has been vaping for several months and he's still talking about trying to wean off the nic. It's a common noob question, though. But my opinion is, if you want to quit, there might be better alternatives. Personally, I've tried everything and decide this is the lesser or two evils. Maybe vaping isn't exactly good for you but it beats the heck out of a known killer. Just MHO.

I can't think of anything that is easier to get off of smoking and nicotine than vaping. Cutting own the nicotine over a period of a couple months is simplicity in itself. IMO - much of the draw of smoking/vaping ae mental queues, not even an addiction but a learned response. My example was when we chain smoke or smoke to relax (reduce a stressful situation) there is no way the brain is calling for more nicotine or is in withdrawal, that has to be all response.


I can't think of anything that is easier to get off of smoking and nicotine than vaping. Cutting own the nicotine over a period of a couple months is simplicity in itself. IMO - much of the draw of smoking/vaping ae mental queues, not even an addiction but a learned response. My example was when we chain smoke or smoke to relax (reduce a stressful situation) there is no way the brain is calling for more nicotine or is in withdrawal, that has to be all response.

well said, you hit it right on the nose :thumbup:


well said, you hit it right on the nose :thumbup:

I forgot to add, ala Jerry Seinfeld, nicotine, not that there's anything wrong with that...

Just saying I made a choice to get rid of nicotine and it was easy. As many know from our discussion with speak that got resurrected briefly, I do believe there's not that much bad about nicotine all by itself. But we don't really know for sure.


Just saying I made a choice to get rid of nicotine and it was easy. As many know from our discussion with speak that got resurrected briefly, I do believe there's not that much bad about nicotine all by itself. But we don't really know for sure.

Everything I've read on the matter suggests nicotine is just about equal to caffeine in terms of deleterious health effects. Nicotine has a constrictive effect on blood vessels, so if you're a candidate for stroke or heart attack, weaning off the nic would probably be smart.

I usually vape 24 mg, but lately I've taken to vaping 18 in the late evening when I'm wanting to wind down.


Everything I've read on the matter suggests nicotine is just about equal to caffeine in terms of deleterious health effects. Nicotine has a constrictive effect on blood vessels, so if you're a candidate for stroke or heart attack, weaning off the nic would probably be smart.

I usually vape 24 mg, but lately I've taken to vaping 18 in the late evening when I'm wanting to wind down.

Yup - I just wanted to put it out there that my first post wasn't meant to suggest nicotine is bad or people should get off it. I wanted to get off it as I have a major artery that's in jeopardy of blowing (dissection). It was pretty much after the fact and discussions with speakeasy I realized it probably wasn't that big a deal I'm zero now and can probably get a nice rate on my life insurance just in case my gut doesn't blow right away!!


I think Modding is the real addiction.... So many different crazy ideas, everything I look at is being taken apart in my head and put back together with an LED, momentary switch and a few extra wires somewhere in there detective.gif

With nicotine at a very close second.... Collecting PV's and E-Juice takes home the Bronze.

But maybe it's just me question.gif

I know what you mean! It's like my old college buddy who tried to turn everything into a bong! Only this is legal (so far!).


Welcome to Vapor Talk, invizo. I myself am a former 3 pack a day smoker,a recovering alcoholic /drug addict.

I notice that yes I do vape a lot more than I smoked. I like trying new flavors

and making my own concoctions of flavors. So in short , yes Im addicted to e-cigs.:)

Stick With It!!! Pepsimoon


ive tried the nic patches, the gum, lozanges, but never the nicotine inhaler. none of them worked and i couldnt imagine a nicotine inhaler working, using an inhaler and breathing out (consciously knowing theres something) absolutely plain air just couldnt do it for me. i have read a few things about the amount of nicotine delivered through the ecig being less than you would normally receive from an analog. at 18mg/ml i go through about 1.5 - 2 mls every day so i imagine the dosage is about even for me.


Welcome to Vapor Talk, invizo. I myself am a former 3 pack a day smoker,a recovering alcoholic /drug addict.

I notice that yes I do vape a lot more than I smoked. I like trying new flavors

and making my own concoctions of flavors. So in short , yes Im addicted to e-cigs.:)

Stick With It!!! Pepsimoon

thanks for being honest, what type of e-cig do u vape . i chose the 510


just received my 510, WOW...what else could any one need.now i see why that guy took his dash board out..lol


just received my 510, WOW...what else could any one need.now i see why that guy took his dash board out..lol

Must type quickly, power out, UPS is good, but lappy dying...

cool beans, glad you like

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