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So I'm getting excited about getting a VP-PT because they should be in stock pretty soon :dribble: and I was wondering what the performance of the 302 was on it. Right now I'm pretty much only vaping midnight in my 302 because on a 3.7v device the vapor isn't warm and I kind of like midnight with cold vapor. I've read that a lot of people seem to like the 302 on the PT, is the vapor warmer or is there just a lot more?


Well if your going to use a 302 instead of a 510 it's a bit like going from a C Class to an SL65, the Penstyle is strong on the PT. Just makes sure you use plenty of E Liquid because it will use it quickly :)


I'll second that one. I like the 302 on my VP PT, and frankly I guess it does use a lot more juice but -- who cares? Juice is pretty cheap and if you're 'stocked up' sufficiently you won't feel it as bad. That VP PT is the cat's meow man, no doubt about it. I'm vaping a 510 on it right now and it might just be me but it seems like they're a little more harsh than the 302. Probably just me though.


After I got the hang of the draw from the 302 on the PT, it was really nice. I have been using a 901 on it lately and have been quite pleased. I have a new 302 sitting and just waiting to be used. Guess I should break it out and give it whirl.

Dave is right the PT is the "Cats Meow." :thumbsup:

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