TeriJo Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 FIRST... Rachel Ray video.... did you see the SECOND part on the carts? I seriously think that being germophobic is WHY we get sick so darn much. My generation grew up in clean houses, but there was no such thing as antibacterial. Hand Sanitizer. Yada yada. I seem to see way more people with allergies than I did when I was younger. And I am exposed to LESS PEOPLE at the moment since I'm sitting in front of this here PC so much at home LOL I got no facts.....just opinion. SECOND; and waaaaaaaaaay important. MY EGO IS IN MEMPHIS. This means it'll be in my town tomorrow but I chose UPS like a ditz so *I* won't see it til Monday... - unless I call and see can I go pick it up. Third; POLYFILL for carts... is this the same stuff they sell at Hobby Lobby for like $3 a bag? If no one knows I guess I'll have to research what's in it. LOL Lastly I WANTS MY EGO UPS ......RUN RUN RUN AND GIMME!!!!! K now that is all off my chest, I feel Much better. Oh, picked up some Loran Rasberry last nite, mixed it with a lil banana... kinda nummy
SmokinHammer Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 I've always been really irritated by the whole "kill every germ" mentality we've gone off on. I get that you need to wash your hands regularly, but I also feel that a lot of this is marketing designed to sell products, especially to parents, to help ensure the "health" of their precious little spoiled, self-centered, over-stimulated, never punished ankle biters. Not that I have an opinion.
TeriJo Posted March 5, 2010 Author Posted March 5, 2010 I've always been really irritated by the whole "kill every germ" mentality we've gone off on. I get that you need to wash your hands regularly, but I also feel that a lot of this is marketing designed to sell products, especially to parents, to help ensure the "health" of their precious little spoiled, self-centered, over-stimulated, never punished ankle biters. Not that I have an opinion. I just think we're weakening ourselves with all this over sanitation. Just like the over prescribing of antibiotics has made us immune to their power when we actually DO need them. As to the kids, yeah, gotta agree. The rule of thumb seems to be the kid has to be the center of the universe or it's abuse. My kids were a huge part of my universe, and I sacrificed often for them, but they also learned right from wrong, and CONSEQUENCES. I found the corner to work wonders, and later, chores chores chores. LOL Grounding them was waaaaaaaaaay too hard on the MAMA. However there's always a floor to scrub, or toilet, or YARD WORK. It worked, and I didn't have to bruise my hand spanking them LOL. My kids never had the latest and greatest, but they were clothed, fed, and by the time they were 3 I'd learned that getting them what they WANTED usually fell flat.... so I got them what they would actually USE over and over. LOL They want what is on every commercial, but what they would USE after the first week were things like the etch a sketch, and other toys. Not necessarily less expensive, just more creative I guess. Even the Legos today are a pain. They come in kits....so you can build this ONE THING. That helps follow directions, but there is NO CREATIVITY there. I hunted for my grandkids til I found a couple of generic barrels of blocks and they make wonderful things out of them. We are weaning the creativity outta a whole generation. SHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOT there's that soapbox again....how'd that get there? Shutting up now lmao
SmokinHammer Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 The rule of thumb seems to be the kid has to be the center of the universe or it's abuse. You crack me up, TeriJo. We are definitely cut from the same cloth! I just have to ask... Can you talk and vape at the same time or do you run out of oxygen and pass out?
TeriJo Posted March 5, 2010 Author Posted March 5, 2010 You crack me up, TeriJo. We are definitely cut from the same cloth! I just have to ask... Can you talk and vape at the same time or do you run out of oxygen and pass out? LMAO... I'd prolly jest pass out. But I'd be grinnin in me stupor. lol Ya know.. ppl can't figure out why young men are so angry. DOH. They've been the center of the universe ..suddenly now they are ADULTS and ....SURPRISE nobody is bending over backwards to give them stuff. Nobody telling them they didn't REALLY mess up the whole team with that big strikeout. Nobody telling them breaking those THREE windows in a row wasn't their fault. I'd be angry TOOOOOOOOO lmao. I mean what a rude awakening, right? Suddenly to find after 18 - 20 years on this earth that LIFE ISNT FAIR.... That competition is cutthroat, and you don't get a job by smiling like you did at your Mom, and even WORSE, if you do get the job OMG you have to actually WORK. (well unless you work for the government) K...so that paren had my tongue in my cheek so far I might need plyers.
SmokinHammer Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 I'm not afraid to say that I don't know what's worse at this point... the schools or the parents. I do believe that the parents are ultimately to blame. Junior gets told his whole life that he's special, and he's smart, and as long as he does his best... well, that's all that really matters. Then he goes looking for a job and find's out that his best aint s#!t, and nobody will pay you to try real hard.
TeriJo Posted March 5, 2010 Author Posted March 5, 2010 I'm not afraid to say that I don't know what's worse at this point... the schools or the parents. I do believe that the parents are ultimately to blame. Junior gets told his whole life that he's special, and he's smart, and as long as he does his best... well, that's all that really matters. Then he goes looking for a job and find's out that his best aint s#!t, and nobody will pay you to try real hard. Amen. You is preachin to the choir !!!
Mark Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 Dang TeriJo and Smokinhammer you 2 are right on the money. No one seems to want to accept personal responsibility for any thing these days. It's all an entitlement mentallity that our society seems to have accepted. I was getting ready to write a long rant here but I will save you the soapbox lecture--I think we're all on the same page. Good to see some people that actually believe in some of the same things I do. PS--Where is that Ego????
TeriJo Posted March 5, 2010 Author Posted March 5, 2010 Dang TeriJo and Smokinhammer you 2 are right on the money. No one seems to want to accept personal responsibility for any thing these days. It's all an entitlement mentallity that our society seems to have accepted. I was getting ready to write a long rant here but I will save you the soapbox lecture--I think we're all on the same page. Good to see some people that actually believe in some of the same things I do. PS--Where is that Ego???? LMAO I just checked. It left Memphis at 2:40 PM CST. yeeeeeeeeehaw! Course It got INTO Memphis at 9:50 AM so..... it cudda BIN HERE dannnnnnnnnnnng it lmao Whine whimper Yes RESPONSIBILITY and RESPECT are my pet peeves. There is none anymore. We're all screamin MEMEME and GIMME!!! Just think about crime. Every crime boils down to a lack of respect, for the law, for others, for property. Then everyone thinks they should be respected. Respect is not a right you EARN it... (at least PERSONAL) respect. If you are a jack(CENSORED) do not expect me to respect you. Simple. LOL
Mark Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 LMAO I just checked. It left Memphis at 2:40 PM CST. yeeeeeeeeehaw! Course It got INTO Memphis at 9:50 AM so..... it cudda BIN HERE dannnnnnnnnnnng it lmao Whine whimper Yes RESPONSIBILITY and RESPECT are my pet peeves. There is none anymore. We're all screamin MEMEME and GIMME!!! Just think about crime. Every crime boils down to a lack of respect, for the law, for others, for property. Then everyone thinks they should be respected. Respect is not a right you EARN it... (at least PERSONAL) respect. If you are a jack(CENSORED) do not expect me to respect you. Simple. LOL I think I'm in love!!! (looks over shoulder to see if wife is watching) LOL
TeriJo Posted March 5, 2010 Author Posted March 5, 2010 I think I'm in love!!! (looks over shoulder to see if wife is watching) LOL ROFL. This is where I warn you my husband is a REALLY big guy. But I sure am glad to find I'm not the only person left in the world that believes that there are STANDARDS. RESPECT and STANDARDS...thems fightin words LMAO
NeRo9k Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 I will admit I have a bacteria problem; I don't like getting sick. On average I probably wash my hands like 20-30 times a day. Using too much antibacterial soap is bad because it weakens your immunity to it, then when you really need antibiotics it may not work as well. After I touch anything that isn't mine, door handle, sink, phones at work or public places I need to wash my hands. When someone else uses my phone, I usually wipe it down. It's a problem, but I necessarily don't think it's a bad one.
TeriJo Posted March 5, 2010 Author Posted March 5, 2010 (edited) I will admit I have a bacteria problem; I don't like getting sick. On average I probably wash my hands like 20-30 times a day. Using too much antibacterial soap is bad because it weakens your immunity to it, then when you really need antibiotics it may not work as well. After I touch anything that isn't mine, door handle, sink, phones at work or public places I need to wash my hands. When someone else uses my phone, I usually wipe it down. It's a problem, but I necessarily don't think it's a bad one. Well it probably won't kill you. I'm just talking overall we've been trying to sanitize the world . . . and that's impossible. So once you leave your little sanitary bubble every germ is going to attack. Like I say I have no facts, it's just what I seem to see as the years pass. None of us likes to get sick, I HOPE. And washing your hands is not a bad idea. I'm just saying that I THINK (I've not NO research) the immune system is kinda like cars. You don't use em they fall all apart. Things pop into me head and out my mouth (or hands)... this is NOT always a good thing, BUT usually stimulates some good conversation. ) at least that's my hope In this case, it's workin well I think, hearin lotsa good things I am! Hadda edit I had HALF a sentence. Must mean it time to shut up fer a minute. Edited March 5, 2010 by TeriJo
FTJoe Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 I will admit I have a bacteria problem; I don't like getting sick. On average I probably wash my hands like 20-30 times a day. Using too much antibacterial soap is bad because it weakens your immunity to it, then when you really need antibiotics it may not work as well. After I touch anything that isn't mine, door handle, sink, phones at work or public places I need to wash my hands. When someone else uses my phone, I usually wipe it down. It's a problem, but I necessarily don't think it's a bad one. As with all things in this life, its only bad if it adversely affects you and yours. If you find yourself not going places, doing things or being anxious because of it, you should probably try to nip it in the bud before it gets worse. JMHO
Brian Posted March 6, 2010 Posted March 6, 2010 What a great thread yall! I think I agree with everything I seen on here.
nana Posted March 6, 2010 Posted March 6, 2010 Great thread, Teri. I have to agree with all of you. I feel EXACTLY the same as all of you! @smokinhammer - I see what you mean about parents being to blame, but I can honestly say I never did that with my kids. For just a while there, they started to listen to others around them though (society) and thought they liked the sounds of their way instead of mine. Thankfully it didn't take them long to come back to the way they were brought up. And now they are raising their kids the way they were raised. Anyway, it isn't always the parents fault when kids stray. @Mark - I really would have loved to read your rant though. I love reading rants that I agree with.
TeriJo Posted March 6, 2010 Author Posted March 6, 2010 Great thread, Teri. I have to agree with all of you. I feel EXACTLY the same as all of you! @smokinhammer - I see what you mean about parents being to blame, but I can honestly say I never did that with my kids. For just a while there, they started to listen to others around them though (society) and thought they liked the sounds of their way instead of mine. Thankfully it didn't take them long to come back to the way they were brought up. And now they are raising their kids the way they were raised. Anyway, it isn't always the parents fault when kids stray. @Mark - I really would have loved to read your rant though. I love reading rants that I agree with. Yes they can wander off a bit. Especially if what others say is easier. Once they are grown we can't do jack. But my daughter sure didn't learn. My kids could go anywhere with me by 2 years old. Her kids are 5 and 7 and she still has to hide things she doesn't want them to get into. MY take is - SUPERVISE your kids. If she was doing that all along she'd not be having to hide stuff LOL They listen to me THE NANA, and when I am in charge, everything gets put away before they go back up to THE MOMMY. This is just how it's done downstairs and they are nearly to where they do it without a thought. So these are not MONSTERS from HELL, they just need consistency. There's my little OMG these KIDS rant for ya hehe
SmokinHammer Posted March 6, 2010 Posted March 6, 2010 Anyway, it isn't always the parents fault when kids stray. Nana, I'm sure I didn't offend you because you know what I'm talking about. My blanket statement is unfair, as all blanket statements are, but we all know the parents that get called by the school and end up taking the side of the disobedient child with that sickening, "my little Jimmy would never do anything like that" attitude. When my dad got called by the school, I was getting my butt kicked!
nana Posted March 6, 2010 Posted March 6, 2010 Nana, I'm sure I didn't offend you because you know what I'm talking about. My blanket statement is unfair, as all blanket statements are, but we all know the parents that get called by the school and end up taking the side of the disobedient child with that sickening, "my little Jimmy would never do anything like that" attitude. When my dad got called by the school, I was getting my butt kicked! Oh no, you did not offend me at all. I did know what you were talking about. And I agreed. I just wanted to add that sometimes society has more of an impact on kids than parents do. I was lucky that my kids turned back around. That's all. I worried for awhile that they wouldn't. But you should hear them now! It's great to hear them say "I should have listened to you when..." Makes a mother proud. And I know a lot of parents who say that. Never could stand that. My parents never got called by the school, but I wouldn't have been sitting for a very long time if they did. No doubt about it.
TeriJo Posted March 6, 2010 Author Posted March 6, 2010 Nana, I'm sure I didn't offend you because you know what I'm talking about. My blanket statement is unfair, as all blanket statements are, but we all know the parents that get called by the school and end up taking the side of the disobedient child with that sickening, "my little Jimmy would never do anything like that" attitude. When my dad got called by the school, I was getting my butt kicked! Sometimes you DO have to defend the child tho. For instance my son was getting picked on constantly in classes and in between. The teachers saw it, ignored it. He reported it, and nothing happened. WE reported it, nothing happened. Finally one day he defended himself and they suspended him. However, he also got into trouble that wasn't defensible and he just had to take the consequences for it. He also had his conscience to deal with and that usually did more to make it a one time offense than our punishments LOL - though he wasn't fond of extra chores or grounding or my lectures. He once asked why we couldn't just beat him and shorten the process lmao
TeriJo Posted March 6, 2010 Author Posted March 6, 2010 Oh no, you did not offend me at all. I did know what you were talking about. And I agreed. I just wanted to add that sometimes society has more of an impact on kids than parents do. I was lucky that my kids turned back around. That's all. I worried for awhile that they wouldn't. But you should hear them now! It's great to hear them say "I should have listened to you when..." Makes a mother proud. And I know a lot of parents who say that. Never could stand that. My parents never got called by the school, but I wouldn't have been sitting for a very long time if they did. No doubt about it. Yes parents are bad about that. Drove me batty. Okay look here is a the cigarette i took out of his hand now WAKE THE HECK UP already. lol I went on a field trip with my son when he was in second grade to a dairy farm. One of his classmates was balance walking on the fence of a pigsty. I told him to get down. His mother comes roaring up and tells me I can't tell HER child what to do. I told her, if she didn't have the sense God gave a turnip to remove her son from harm, I darn sure would, because if he was crushed by excited pigs after he fell in their happy mud, it would traumatize MY son. Meanwhile the boy had gotten down and my son was nearly dying of embarrassment. I guess that is why he asked his Dad to go on future field trips? And THAT was back when I was shy. LOL
FTJoe Posted March 6, 2010 Posted March 6, 2010 And THAT was back when I was shy. LOL Shy? I guess that's a relative term? LOL
TeriJo Posted March 6, 2010 Author Posted March 6, 2010 Shy? I guess that's a relative term? LOL Well by shy I mean I didn't say anything I thought would get me in trouble. So never complained about food or bad service, etc.... but when something was wrong and KIDS were involved, forget about it, then I got all mean and stuff. When I was just learning the stick, naturally I had to stop on a hill for a bus. This woman drives up til she's ON my bumber, and I see her kids are flying all over the car. I put the emergency brake on, got outta my car went to hers and tole her I'd already written down her plate number and if she didn't belt those kids down I was sendin the law after her. And while she was at it she could GET OFF MY ***. Wasn't nice at all ... I figured the woman was at least as old as me, and should have more care for her kids. Nawty Teri.
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