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Honestly, I've used the search box but can't seem to find the answers I need w/o going through tons of threads. This has probably been covered many times but I need the knowledge :)

When do you know it's time to replace your cart (I use a Joye 510)? I was direct dripping but went back to soaking the fiber in the cart. Just got some VG juice from Johnson Creek...very mild on flavor (mercado & wisconsin frost) and not a great throat hit, so I'll probably stick to PG. I'm finding that I usually need to re-wet the cart fiber after 2 thorough draws. Sound about right? Also, been getting a lot of the juice on my hands and table surface when removing and replacing the cart. I have paper towels handy & have been washing my hands more often but can anyone tell me of dangers when skin is exposed to the liquid?

Thx again :)


Hi Hardwired. I'll go ahead and put my noob disclaimer out there; I've not been vaping long.

But I've spilled plenty of juice on my hands, lips, and tongue over the past 2 weeks and haven't suffered ill from it (except that annoying burning/numbing sensation when it gets in my mouth). The general consensus is to wash it off as soon as you can, though honestly I'm not very good at that. I usually just wipe it off. But, I use low nic juice (11mg).

Higher nic juice may have more of an effect in regards to skin absorption. Then of course there's the issue of accidentally getting it on your kids. Most folks are very VERY cautious about this point.


I have been vaping over a year now, and have had no adverse reactions to juice on hands, kinda burns my lip or tongue so I rinse with water immediately. It is a must to wash your hands - as I did rub my eye once even after juice was wiped from hand and ooooowwwwiiiieeee that really hurt - burning sensation was horrible. Years ago I had a chemical burn on my cornea and the juice in my eye felt about the same. I am thinking it is an actual burn even from the residue. So WASH YOUR HANDS! (sorry didn't mean to yell at you)


After topping off - you sould get more than 2 draws. You may want to check out some vids on youtube about cart refilling. I direct drip most of the time, and have only just started using some carts while driving. For me it's been hit and miss. One time it'll work great and get me all the way to work (about a 45 minute drive) and other times it just doesn't wick well. Guess I haven't mastered it yet. You do want to have the filling pulled even with the edge of the cart to ensure it's making contact with the atty bridge. After adding drops to the cart, use a paperclip and kinda "jiggle" the filler around so that the juice will soak in. If the juice goes down, add more drops. You want the end of the cart to look like a "slushy" when you put it on. You can also flick the cart a little with your finger to help the juice flow down.


Honestly, I've used the search box but can't seem to find the answers I need w/o going through tons of threads. This has probably been covered many times but I need the knowledge :)

When do you know it's time to replace your cart (I use a Joye 510)? I was direct dripping but went back to soaking the fiber in the cart. Just got some VG juice from Johnson Creek...very mild on flavor (mercado & wisconsin frost) and not a great throat hit, so I'll probably stick to PG. I'm finding that I usually need to re-wet the cart fiber after 2 thorough draws. Sound about right? Also, been getting a lot of the juice on my hands and table surface when removing and replacing the cart. I have paper towels handy & have been washing my hands more often but can anyone tell me of dangers when skin is exposed to the liquid?

Thx again :)

I use two paper towels or napkins and wipe my hands right away with a spill. I believe the nic is readily absorbed through the skin. Probably not a big deal but it sounds like you're struggling more than you should be. I'm a fan of the tea bag mod. For a regular 510 cart, use a pyramid tea bag (lipton), cut in half across the shorter part. Length wise fold in two twice (I think), then roll it up and stuff it in the cart. There are a whole bunch of ways to fold it, I prefer the simple two folds and roll. There's a video around somewhere I can find if you want. Bags are in A&P and other stores. Point is, when you're done there's actually a hole up the middle and when refilling the juice just flows in, many drops. With the regular carts, you're supposed to use a hypo or a paper clip to pull the material out of the way to load it completely up. I'm about to try the blue filler stuff which people rave about, should be here soon.


You shouldn't have to re-wet your cart that much. Usually every hour or so depending on your vaping habits. I've tried most of the cart mods and the one that seems to work the best is the pyramid tea bag mod. Here's a link to one of the videos

Honestly, I didn't use anything special. Just a tea bag we had left over from a hotel stay. Cut it, roll it up, and stick it in the cart.

As for getting it on your hands: nothing bad so far. Just don't rub your eyes! :crybaby:


Nic is a poison so like anything like that you want to be very careful especially around kids. But I would say that unless you get a really great amount on your skin and just let it soak in the effects are pretty nil.

As far as refilling the cart, it should last a lot longer than 2 draws. Try moving the filler around a little bit to let the juice soak in more and lift it to make contact with the atty better.

As always, if you have questions don't hesitate to ask. As you can see we are all ready to help.

Happy vaping.


There's a video around somewhere I can find if you want.

Okay - I know I'm quoting myself. I'm going to try and describe how to fold the bag then I have to go back to setting up Itunes on my new server...

Get the Pyramid teabag. Cut across the three seems. Open up and its a big rectangle about 2 x 3.5. Cut it in half so you have two smaller rectangles, almost squares each 2 x 1.75. Now take one and fold it two times into thirds so the folds are running up and down the shorter side, one fold to the back and one fold to the front. In other words, the length will be 1.75 and width will now be two thirds of an inch. Crease it together and you should have a piece of material with three layers, about a two thirds of an inch across and 1.75 inches long. Now roll it up. I actually make the first part of the roll more of a little fold which forces the hole in the middle. Roll the rest up and jam it in. Drip a ton of juice in and drip again when needed (it will be a decent while and you should be able to get a bunch more in). I keep the 510s standing up in a eyeglass reader case (picture around if needed) to prevent leakage. Other nice thing is if it gets funky, pull it out, rinse dry and fold again.

Again, if you want to stick with the poly filler, get a paper clip to move it aside when re-juicing.


I wish I could find that vid I saw a few months back!! I tried the ones you fold in half and cut, the shredded, and some others, I failed spectacularly!!! The only one I can do is the cut in half, fold twice in thirds, roll and go as poorly described previously. Never had an issue and I'm running 6 carts for me and my wife.


Awesome comments, thx! I'm finding that when experimenting today...I'm getting the most nicotine satisfaction and throat hit by direct dripping the menthol/24mg. I was juicing the cart fiber with 18mg tobacco flavor and 11mg VG liquid...but not getting the right combo of vapor/flavor & nicotine. I'll test the tea bag method next and order some low nic menthol PG juice in hopes that it will satisfy. I realize this is a "process", lol. Really appreciate the help, again :)


Awesome comments, thx! I'm finding that when experimenting today...I'm getting the most nicotine satisfaction and throat hit by direct dripping the menthol/24mg. I was juicing the cart fiber with 18mg tobacco flavor and 11mg VG liquid...but not getting the right combo of vapor/flavor & nicotine. I'll test the tea bag method next and order some low nic menthol PG juice in hopes that it will satisfy. I realize this is a "process", lol. Really appreciate the help, again :)

Everyone talks about the learning curve. While the goal is no cigs, I always say don't let yourself get frustrated so much you stop trying, grab a cancer stick if you need to while you experiment. No failure in that, only failure is giving up trying, but it should be as painless as possible making the switch. IMHO

Why would you want to go low nic menthol? Sounds like bumping to 24 started doing the trick!!


Yeah, I can't say I don't have an analog every now and again. Nothing to beat yourself up about.

I tell you something weird, though. I prefer to vape when I'm drinking.

You'll get the right combo in no time, by the way. If you got questions, that's what we are here for!


Everyone talks about the learning curve. While the goal is no cigs, I always say don't let yourself get frustrated so much you stop trying, grab a cancer stick if you need to while you experiment. No failure in that, only failure is giving up trying, but it should be as painless as possible making the switch. IMHO

Why would you want to go low nic menthol? Sounds like bumping to 24 started doing the trick!!

I need to cut my nicotine intake down, due to some medical issues...so trying to find a good balance of satisfying the oral thing while weening my nic dosage.

On a side note...I still managed to put the wrong end in my mouth a couple times (that's what she said) and looked for a lighter w/o thinking on occasion :)


I need to cut my nicotine intake down, due to some medical issues...so trying to find a good balance of satisfying the oral thing while weening my nic dosage.

On a side note...I still managed to put the wrong end in my mouth a couple times (that's what she said) and looked for a lighter w/o thinking on occasion :)

Hope you see this, took me a while to write. ;-) Ha - the lighter thing is so funny, and the patting down for the pack of cigs, it goes away.

I'm not sure of the urgency you have in reducing, but I did it as well for medical reasons. Short synopsis is I started at 24mg. I kept to the same rituals as smoking, tried to keep it one per hour, go outside (I didn't smoke indoors). I did this until I got the hang of vaping. Once I was cool with that (several weeks), I had various juices with varying levels of nic. I was menthol so that made it easy and hard. Trying to find a good flavor of menthol is tougher than you think. VaporTalk Mentha very nice. Anyway, each week or two, I would cut down a couple of mg. So I had the 16mg and 24mg of Mentha, and I'd start mixing the two (rough mix) to reduce. I had to introduce lower levels and zero nics to get the mix lower. After many weeks, I was down to zero. Now there's two weird things about this, once I got below say 16mg, I started vaping a lot, indoors, stealth at work, etc. My wife was getting concerned but my theory was I'm probably not going to OD at the lower levels so go for it. Also, once I was at zero for a week or two, the urge to even vape drifted almost completely away. It's like the brain finally gave up and said, fine have it your way. I'm forcing myself these days because I have an extra 8 pounds I can't get rid of. Wouldn't be a terrible thing except I went into this with an extra 15 pounds I needed to drop. LOL. So it can be done and can be without stress and completely painless.

My theory is the two addictions are really different, and this is just my theory. One is a pavlovian response and one is physical. The brain knows the act of smoking gets it that good nicotine stuff that makes you happy (and not jittery). So there are two queues to smoking. One the actual physical withdrawal, jittery, ragey, snapping, on edge. This most agree only takes a week to two to get over. The mental is the I need a smoke when there is stress, drinking, etc. This is because your brain knows that gets it the good stuff when cig goes to mouth. I think when we chain or smoke even most times, its not a call for nic, just the brain saying I know what to do, have a cig. In fact, I'll be so bold as to suggest that I rarely needed a cigarette to satisfy any nic withdrawal as I smoked so much the brain never had a chance to even experience it withdrawal. Maybe in the morning or after a long plane flight. All else was the brain saying just do it you dumb addict. Why else is there chain smoking? I also think that's why my brain gave up trying to smoke, the addictions/responses were finally beaten down.

Last part of story is I did try 0 halfway through my journey. I was doing good and figured why not. After a day I found out what actual nicotine withdrawal is all about. Man I was a nasty bast--- (yes Dave, even nastier than normal). So back the the original plan, whew. Family thanks me as well. ;-)

I hang out here mostly because all these guys probably saved my life.

Posted (edited)

Hope you see this, took me a while to write. ;-) Ha - the lighter thing is so funny, and the patting down for the pack of cigs, it goes away.

I'm not sure of the urgency you have in reducing, but I did it as well for medical reasons. Short synopsis is I started at 24mg. I kept to the same rituals as smoking, tried to keep it one per hour, go outside (I didn't smoke indoors). I did this until I got the hang of vaping. Once I was cool with that (several weeks), I had various juices with varying levels of nic. I was menthol so that made it easy and hard. Trying to find a good flavor of menthol is tougher than you think. VaporTalk Mentha very nice. Anyway, each week or two, I would cut down a couple of mg. So I had the 16mg and 24mg of Mentha, and I'd start mixing the two (rough mix) to reduce. I had to introduce lower levels and zero nics to get the mix lower. After many weeks, I was down to zero. Now there's two weird things about this, once I got below say 16mg, I started vaping a lot, indoors, stealth at work, etc. My wife was getting concerned but my theory was I'm probably not going to OD at the lower levels so go for it. Also, once I was at zero for a week or two, the urge to even vape drifted almost completely away. It's like the brain finally gave up and said, fine have it your way. I'm forcing myself these days because I have an extra 8 pounds I can't get rid of. Wouldn't be a terrible thing except I went into this with an extra 15 pounds I needed to drop. LOL. So it can be done and can be without stress and completely painless.

My theory is the two addictions are really different, and this is just my theory. One is a pavlovian response and one is physical. The brain knows the act of smoking gets it that good nicotine stuff that makes you happy (and not jittery). So there are two queues to smoking. One the actual physical withdrawal, jittery, ragey, snapping, on edge. This most agree only takes a week to two to get over. The mental is the I need a smoke when there is stress, drinking, etc. This is because your brain knows that gets it the good stuff when cig goes to mouth. I think when we chain or smoke even most times, its not a call for nic, just the brain saying I know what to do, have a cig. In fact, I'll be so bold as to suggest that I rarely needed a cigarette to satisfy any nic withdrawal as I smoked so much the brain never had a chance to even experience it withdrawal. Maybe in the morning or after a long plane flight. All else was the brain saying just do it you dumb addict. If you had a meeting or ignored your brain, yeah it got worse, but that was because you were getting stressed by not doing what that little part of the brain said to do. And stress means smoke!! Why else is there chain smoking? No way brain needs nic in constant feed else we wouldn't be able to sleep? I know when I would wake up early (I do that a lot) I would lay there watching TV, no urge to smoke until I got up and started experiencing life again. I also think that's why my brain gave up trying to smoke, the addictions/responses were finally beaten down. I know other folks are different or at least think so, this is my take on the subject.

Last part of story is I did try 0 halfway through my journey. I was doing good and figured why not. After a day I found out what actual nicotine withdrawal is all about. Man I was a nasty bast--- (yes Dave, even nastier than normal). So back the the original plan, whew. Family thanks me as well. ;-)

I hang out here mostly because all these guys probably saved my life.


I found the discussion we had on nicotine. I think speakeasy convinced me it's about as bad as caffeine.


Edited by FTJoe

...GREAT advice, thx, man!!

I, too, am planning on reducing the nic level, while vaping more than I ever smoked. That's what everyone told me would happen before I started anyway, that I'd vape way more than I used to smoke. I work from home, so the pass through will be my main battery supply. I'm hoping it gives me more vapor production (should right?). So much to learn and have fun experimenting with...but no analogs in 4 days! This has succeeded where all other methods failed.

So happy to have found this site :)


...GREAT advice, thx, man!!

I, too, am planning on reducing the nic level, while vaping more than I ever smoked. That's what everyone told me would happen before I started anyway, that I'd vape way more than I used to smoke. I work from home, so the pass through will be my main battery supply. I'm hoping it gives me more vapor production (should right?). So much to learn and have fun experimenting with...but no analogs in 4 days! This has succeeded where all other methods failed.

So happy to have found this site :)

Sounds good, like I said, shouldn't seem tough to do, make sure its comfortable for you first, one hurdle at a time, then try to reduce and slowly if you can. If BP is an issue, I think the lack of smoking rather than reduction of nic will help that more.

Apologies to all for the freaking double post. I hate when I do that. I think I'm editing, and really replying...all that to add these lines:


I found the discussion we had on nicotine. I think speakeasy convinced me it's about as bad as caffeine.



I work from home, so the pass through will be my main battery supply

Good to meet a fellow home agent/entrepreneur/ or whatever you happen to be. It took me a looooooonnnnng time to get used to working from home, but now that I've adjusted to it I really count myself as a "lucky few".

I'm with you on the pass through comment. I've avoided buying any cheap Chinese pass throughs b/c I'm holding my breath for the Vapor Talk store getting the VP TP back in stock (hint hint). As a DIY electronics hobbyist it's very easy to spot quality components, and the VP TP totally screams "top quality, top shelf components".

C'mon Chris, I've still got some money left from my tax return burning a hole in my pocket! :)


When do you know it's time to replace your cart (I use a Joye 510)? I was direct dripping but went back to soaking the fiber in the cart. Just got some VG juice from Johnson Creek...very mild on flavor (mercado & wisconsin frost) and not a great throat hit, so I'll probably stick to PG. I'm finding that I usually need to re-wet the cart fiber after 2 thorough draws. Sound about right? Also, been getting a lot of the juice on my hands and table surface when removing and replacing the cart. I have paper towels handy & have been washing my hands more often but can anyone tell me of dangers when skin is exposed to the liquid?

You've gotten some great replies on nic levels and such, but I wanted to share an observation on when to replace the cart/filler. I use a 510 atty on a DS905, and when I can only add a couple of drops to re-wet the filler it's a good indication that I need to replace it. I think after a while, the filler gets a "crust" on it from the heat of the atty and it doesn't absorb as well. That and it just becomes saturated with juice that doesn't get pulled into the atty.

As for the VG juice, I've found that I need a little higher level of nicotine in VG to get the same throat hit. It probably has something to do with the fact that VG vaporizes easier, or more efficiently than PG. Not sure, but a little higher nic level gives me what I'm looking for.



Last part of story is I did try 0 halfway through my journey. I was doing good and figured why not. After a day I found out what actual nicotine withdrawal is all about. Man I was a nasty bast--- (yes Dave, even nastier than normal). So back the the original plan, whew. Family thanks me as well. ;-)


That's a truly frightening image! :D But man I know what you mean; no nic turns me into Hyde in very short order. :)

HW, you've gotten so much good advice I have nothing to add (!). I'm so happy with our community; I've never experienced such good vibes anywhere on the planet. VT is a special place, glad you found your way here. Good luck and ask all your questions. I expect someone here will solve any issue you have.


Good to meet a fellow home agent/entrepreneur/ or whatever you happen to be. It took me a looooooonnnnng time to get used to working from home, but now that I've adjusted to it I really count myself as a "lucky few".

I'm with you on the pass through comment. I've avoided buying any cheap Chinese pass throughs b/c I'm holding my breath for the Vapor Talk store getting the VP TP back in stock (hint hint). As a DIY electronics hobbyist it's very easy to spot quality components, and the VP TP totally screams "top quality, top shelf components".

C'mon Chris, I've still got some money left from my tax return burning a hole in my pocket! :)

Hey Brandon...been running my own business for several years & feel lucky, blessed and all the rest, for sure! Able to be home with the kids (2 & 4) which is awesome.

Because I started with the 510 kit, which came with the two batteries...I needed to invest more. Being overwhelmed by all the choices is an understatement, lol. In the end I ordered up the Joye USB passthrough and wanted to test out the E-9 atty and cartomizers for myself. Is there a major difference in quality between the Joye & VP TP?Also, have some Rath juice coming...saw some great reviews on that, as well. Thx, man!


You've gotten some great replies on nic levels and such, but I wanted to share an observation on when to replace the cart/filler. I use a 510 atty on a DS905, and when I can only add a couple of drops to re-wet the filler it's a good indication that I need to replace it. I think after a while, the filler gets a "crust" on it from the heat of the atty and it doesn't absorb as well. That and it just becomes saturated with juice that doesn't get pulled into the atty.

As for the VG juice, I've found that I need a little higher level of nicotine in VG to get the same throat hit. It probably has something to do with the fact that VG vaporizes easier, or more efficiently than PG. Not sure, but a little higher nic level gives me what I'm looking for.

Thx, Lee! I'll have to test drive the higher nic VG (from 11 to 18mg) and see if it does the trick. I've tried both cart filler and DD...and for me...direct drip has won out so far. Less hassle until I get the hang of it. Really appreciate the advice. I am going to try the pyramid teabag method someone suggested, too.


HW, you've gotten so much good advice I have nothing to add (!). I'm so happy with our community; I've never experienced such good vibes anywhere on the planet. VT is a special place, glad you found your way here. Good luck and ask all your questions. I expect someone here will solve any issue you have.

Very cool of you, Dave...it does feel like everyone here can relate and is eager to offer help & suggestions. Believe me...I've got plenty of damn questions, lol. Hope I don't become too much of a pita :)

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