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Just wondering how long it took some of you guys and gals from switching to vaping to truly taste the flavors in ejuices? Only reason I ask is because I just got my dse901 today and ordered the Mocha Mint Coffee Rath juice and can barely taste the flavors. I know direct dripping will bring out the flavors more, but I wanna get used to my PV before I start dripping so I'm filling empty carts to start out.

Just thought of a second question. Any recommendations on some good tasting tobacco flavored juices? The RY1's that came with my e-cig taste like a dirty hamster. Then again, that just maybe me getting used to my new device.


Dirty hamster? lol Well there is something very wrong with that e juice! To be honest when you first start vaping you should taste the flavors right away, as you vape longer the flavors and taste of food should become stronger. Rath is an American Mixed e liquid and although people have raved about their flavors they've been known to be inconsistent. Something pointed out by Grimm Green (a popular ecig reviewer)

I would suggest perhaps trying a few other brands of E Liquid to find out what works best for you. And if the liquid takes like a dirty hamster, ditch it and run! Oh and welcome to the forums by the way :D


Just wondering how long it took some of you guys and gals from switching to vaping to truly taste the flavors in ejuices? Only reason I ask is because I just got my dse901 today and ordered the Mocha Mint Coffee Rath juice and can barely taste the flavors. I know direct dripping will bring out the flavors more, but I wanna get used to my PV before I start dripping so I'm filling empty carts to start out.

Just thought of a second question. Any recommendations on some good tasting tobacco flavored juices? The RY1's that came with my e-cig taste like a dirty hamster. Then again, that just maybe me getting used to my new device.


You don't have to drip to get the taste...but a drop or two on the atty when you start a new flavor helps sometimes.

Some flavors are alos a lot more subtle than others.

My banana juice.... mmmmm good.....my mango juice I can't taste at all.... RY4 is nummy.

So in my short experience, it depends a lot on the flavors. As to recommendations, I can't really help there... I've tried awesome vapor's banana, ry4 and mango so far, and their menthol. But I'm sure you will get a lot of them quite soon, these folks rock!

Posted (edited)

Hehe, thanks Chris and TeriJo. I've watched quite a few of Grimm's reviews and TGWTF's reviews. I'll have to browse back over them again. I like coffee and saw that the Mocha Mint Coffee got good review's. Maybe I just got an off batch. I'll keep looking though.

Edited by Rhavage

Hehe, thanks Chris and TeriJo. I've watched quite a few of Grimm's reviews and TGWTF's reviews. I'll have to browse back over them again. I like coffee and saw that the Mocha Mint Coffee got good review's. Maybe I just got an off batch. I'll keep looking though.

I have to say i have ordered Rath juice a few times and everytime thought the flavor in it was REALLY low almost nothing. I do not enjoy rath juice like i do others. I like to try many juices i have a few favorites and im sure you will find some soon also.

One thing i can say if you want a sweet kick in the mouth try some Sweet Dawn, i think its neck and neck for my #1 fav.

Good luck!


I have to say i have ordered Rath juice a few times and everytime thought the flavor in it was REALLY low almost nothing. I do not enjoy rath juice like i do others. I like to try many juices i have a few favorites and im sure you will find some soon also.

One thing i can say if you want a sweet kick in the mouth try some Sweet Dawn, i think its neck and neck for my #1 fav.

Good luck!

The smell is right on, it just doesn't have much of a taste. I'll have to put in an order to the VT Store and grab a few bottles so I have some other stuff to try out. I don't give that easily with things like this :jump:


Hey Rhavage and welcome to Vapor Talk. I smoked 2 packs a day for 30+ years and pretty much burned my taste buds off. When I first started vaping I could barely taste the flavors but as I get further along my taste is coming back (not always a good thing but don't tell my wife I said that :whistle: ). I like the juice at the Vapor Talk store--It seems to be mixed with more flavor than others I have tried. Also, other than tasting like a dirty hampster--Don't throw away juice you may not care for right now. Some of my favorite flavors now I didn't care for when I first started. As far as tobacco flavors--VT tobacco, VT Dulcis, and Virginia (awesome vapor) are some good choices to start with. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask or come to the chat room in the evening and say hi. Good luck and happy vaping. Mark


I agree with Mark - the VT juice, for me, so far has the strongest flavors of any I've tried. I've got some Rath also, and some them are pretty weak in flavor. You've got to try the VT Tobacco - excellent - my "all day" vape.


When I first started vaping I could barely taste the flavors but as I get further along my taste is coming back (not always a good thing but don't tell my wife I said that :whistle: ).

I just about fell out of my chair at work when I read this lol. Thank you for all the suggestions everyone. Plan on putting in an order for the tobacco flavors here at VT as soon as I get home tonight.


I have to second everyone about the VT juice. All good strong flavors so far. When I first started, I ordered a bottle of cappucino (not VT) and I thought it tasted like stale beer. After a few weeks, I went back to that bottle and could taste the coffee flavor. I have a bottle of the Mocha Mint coffee Rath juice, it is a bit weak in flavor, but good none of the less. Welcome to the forum!


Got my shipment of Dulcis, Choco Java and Tobacco from VT Store today, now I just have to wait for my new charger in the mail. Chewing on a empty cart to get me through till it arrives to keep my mind off of smoking cigs (although I picked up a pack just in case I need a fix.) :wallbash: Should be here by the middle of the week... I hope *crosses fingers*


Got my shipment of Dulcis, Choco Java and Tobacco from VT Store today, now I just have to wait for my new charger in the mail. Chewing on a empty cart to get me through till it arrives to keep my mind off of smoking cigs (although I picked up a pack just in case I need a fix.) :wallbash: Should be here by the middle of the week... I hope *crosses fingers*

Do yourself a favor and pick up a couple of cheap USB chargers when you get a chance. Also a wall unit that has a USB connection. They're sold everywhere and are so useful. Everyone forgets about the charger when they get backups.

And if you need a smoke go for it, the beauty of vaping is it's pretty much pain and angst free...once you're back to vaping, it'll all be good again.


I agree with FTJoe - don't torture yourself. It's an awful thing to say, but have a smoke and relax.


Look at my banner. My taste and smell have never come back. Oh well!


I've been vaping 5 months. My sense of smell started improving right away. I can smell coffee again for the first time in years. Some foods taste different to me now. But I still don't have much luck in tasting the vapor. I had a couple that I could "sort of" taste, but that was all. Then I started mixing my own and can faintly taste those. But I have to use a lot of flavor to get the slightest hint of a taste. I don't mind because vaping is a whole lot better than smoking ever was.


Look at my banner. My taste and smell have never come back. Oh well!

So, what you're saying is that I shouldn't put much stock in your juice reviews? :harhar:


Thanks for the input and laugh's all. Just a little frustrated about the charger being faulty when I got it. Jason at ENS is being great though with putting up with me as newb, which is re-enforcing me the fact that he's great to deal with. Great people here and very comforting. Best place to chill and read up on info imho.


Just wondering how long it took some of you guys and gals from switching to vaping to truly taste the flavors in ejuices? Only reason I ask is because I just got my dse901 today and ordered the Mocha Mint Coffee Rath juice and can barely taste the flavors. I know direct dripping will bring out the flavors more, but I wanna get used to my PV before I start dripping so I'm filling empty carts to start out.

Just thought of a second question. Any recommendations on some good tasting tobacco flavored juices? The RY1's that came with my e-cig taste like a dirty hamster. Then again, that just maybe me getting used to my new device.

Question #1 - How do you know what a dirty hamster tastes like? (maybe I really don't want to know!)

Question #2 - Refer to question #1.

Kidding man, welcome I had a DSE 901 and the stock carts that came with it I did not like when I first started to vape. The DSE 901 IMO gives more flavor than the popular 510 for sure. So I'm thinking it just may take you a bit to get your buds back. For me? Taste and smell started coming back within the first 2 weeks. Food now tastes different for sure and my sense of smell is definitley better. Keep it up, it will happen. Just stick with it and your body will do the rest.


Question #1 - How do you know what a dirty hamster tastes like? (maybe I really don't want to know!)

Question #2 - Refer to question #1.

Kidding man, welcome I had a DSE 901 and the stock carts that came with it I did not like when I first started to vape. The DSE 901 IMO gives more flavor than the popular 510 for sure. So I'm thinking it just may take you a bit to get your buds back. For me? Taste and smell started coming back within the first 2 weeks. Food now tastes different for sure and my sense of smell is definitley better. Keep it up, it will happen. Just stick with it and your body will do the rest.

Hehe, truthfully the taste of the starter kit cart just dredged up memories of how my hamster's cage smelled when I had to clean it as a kid. I swear, nothing more!

I figured it will take me some time to get used to vaping instead of smoking (damn learning curve), but I do like how the draw is on the dse901. When I took it to work my friends were pretty impressed with it too. They have the 510's and Blu/Volcano which weren't bad. I just wanted to try another model that they didn't have so we could all compare the differences.

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