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Just A Short Term Goodbye

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This really has nothing to do with vaping other than to thank all of you for the help and friendship you've given me.

I finally got the call to go back to work on another outage at beautiful North Carolina. Unfortunately these don't last very long but at least it will get me back on track and I'll also be getting that much wanted per-diem which will let me buy all the new toys I've been looking at. :rolleyes: If all goes well I should be able to rollover to the next 2 in South Carolina. (more per-diem..hehe) So I have to be there on Monday the 8th which will kill my chances to go to the Vapefest. I'm not sure if I will have access to a computer while I'm there, but I am going to do my best to keep up with the going-ons here at the forum whenever I get the chance.

Well I'll be around until then so I know I'll talk to my short bus friends until then.

Thanks to all.

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If you can't get on much we'll certainly miss you! But was great of you to let us know! And of course, making money is a GOOD thing, though traveling can totally suck after a while I know.

Good luck and vape on and stuff!

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Congratulations Snubber, That is GREAT news. I'm very happy for you (after being out of work for three weeks I was about to go crazy). Sorry to hear you won't be at vapefest but it is certanly understandable. If you need any juice, stop by the Springfield Vapor Talk location on your way to NC. and I'll hook you up---LOL. Be sure to keep in touch when you can. Mark

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Glad you have some work coming Snubber but we'll miss you. North Carolina is a beautiful place, some of the best times of my life happened there; you may not want to go home! Stay in touch as best you can, and we'll keep your seat warm for when you're back on regularly.

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