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Was It A Test?

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So, a while ago, someone showed up on the forums, asking what PV they should buy. They were going to start vaping, even though they never smoked. By the time I saw it, Christopher and Parked had responded first, saying that vaping was a way to get over smoking, not develop an addiction to nicotine. I believe they also each said that they'd be very uncomfortable selling a PV to this person. This was followed by many other members who piled on, each saying that they'd smoked for years before switching, and to start vaping when you've never smoked is absolutely ridiculous!

So, does anyone else here think this was some sort of test? I am very suspicious naturally. (I'm also cynical, judgmental and arrogant. :rolleyes2: ) At first I wondered if it could be the FDA, then my thoughts turned to one of the "Smoke Free Wisconsin" types or one of the "What About the Children" sites. Then I thought about the possibility of it being a newspaper an magazine writer, working an angle for their e-cig story.

Either way, it reminded me of the underage cigarette buyer stings that go on. We're still a few months away from a public smoking ban here in Milwaukee, so the police will still send an older looking teenage volunteer into a bar to try to buy cigs, or ask for change for the machine. I know many bar owners and bartenders, and don't know anyone who's ever been caught by this. The thing about the test is, all you have to be is a conscientious owner with good employees and you'll never have a problem. I guess that's easier said than done, but it's basically what happened here.

Anyone else think like I do?

Edited by SmokinHammer
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Never looked at it that way. But I don't think I've seen them on here since that post.

Either way, the comments and advice of the members of this forum only go to prove that this is a concerned and dedicated bunch willing to help in the way that is best for the whole forum.

You really can't find a much better group of people than this.

I applaud you all!!!! :clap::clap::clap:

Edited by snubber
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Oops! Snubber has just reminded me that the real reason for this was to congratulate everyone that responded to that very interesting post with tact, concern, and level headed common sense. Well done, everyone! :thumbup:

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I thought the exact same thing as you did Smokinhammer. I am not a conspiracy theorist or mistrusting by nature. In fact sometimes I trust to a fault, so when something strikes me as not right I have learned to trust my instincts. We have had a couple new members ask about vaping even though they never smoked before. They ask a question then they are never to be seen again. I think our responses have been right on track and its obvious we aren't out to convert non-smokers and the suppliers have shown they aren't soley in this to make a buck.

Could it be the FDA or a journalist? Sure it could, but obviously we won't know for sure. I think we just need to keep responding in the same way we have. :thumbsup:

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Yeah. That stuck me all wrong. I'm guessing some rabid anti-smoking person who belongs to a group. Let's face it, we stick together, too!

Anyway, as my dad always said, if you feel like something is wrong, it probably is.

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Well if it WAS a test, let me state for the record, that we replied with our hearts, not fear of a test. I gave it no thought myself, except for WHY would someone want to get hooked on nicotine if they aren't already? LOL

Did that sound all official and crap? If so, well um, I WAS in the Navy. Not my fault. LOL

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Normally I would agree but I've heard with my own ears a non smoker saying she might start vaping because she wanted to try the different flavors. Of course I told her don't do it but she kept asking about it and I told her to get some pg or vg and some flavorings from walmart IF she was really going to start. Vaping doesn't have to be a nicotine addiction, It's more like hookah than anologs it's just our choice to get it with much much more nicotine. I know hookah smokers that aren't analog smokers and since there isn't much nicotine at all in hookah it doesn't become an addiction, just something to do that tastes good.... It's always good to be on the look out but I can tell you that there are people who decide to do things for no reason, why'd we all start smoking in the first place? And now it's much safer, doesn't stink, not as expensive (in the long run) and there's a lot of really good flavors.... I hate to say it but the more we try to go mainstream and try to convert analog smokers the more non smokers and kids are going to be looking into it as well. quite a few people have some pretty big collections of PV's atty's juices extra batts and whatnot, it would be a lot easier for a kid to swipe a batt, atty and small bottle of E-juice than a smoke out of a pack every now and then....

I guess I'm just trying to say that people start smoking everyday for whatever reason even though all the dangers are out there about smoking, and we're offering current smokers a healthier cheaper cleaner alternative so if someone was going to start smoking and heard our pitch (meant to convert analog smokers) I wouldn't be surprised if they went with Vaping. I know I would have....

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Although I think in this case it may have just been a user wanting to vape "just to vape" but given the amount of tracking software on the site, you'd be amazed at who likes to visit Vapor Talk...and that does include IP address which correspond to cities with FDA offices. They're watching, and we're watching ;)

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Either way, we did the right thing. I remember when I started smoking. I was around smokers all the time, and when the day came that I asked someone for a cig, about 5 people tried to give me one. I only wish back then someone would have just said "hey, you don't wanna do that". Of course, we were all young then and didn't really know and believe how addictive it would be or how much it would slowly drag you down over time. And, at that age, we all knew everything, didn't we?

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What an interesting topic. While I totally agree with all the posts here, I keep thinking what if a son or daughter comes to you and says "Dad/Mom, I want to take up smoking". I know, none of us did it that way, but chances are we all got caught shortly after we started. Wouldn't we want to at least encourage the vaping alternative to analogs? I would much rather my kids vape than smoke (which none of the do thank God!)

Edited by Knight
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What an interesting topic. While I totally agree with all the posts here, I keep thinking what if a son or daughter comes to you and says "Dad/Mom, I want to take up smoking". I know, none of us did it that way, but chances are we all got caught shortly after we started. Wouldn't we want to at least encourage the vaping alternative to analogs? I would much rather my kids vape than smoke (which none of the do thank God!)

Yeah, I really like what this is morphing in to. I'll never forget when my ex-wife told me that, as a parent, you have to pick your battles. I looked her dead in the eye and said that, when you become a parent, you're agreeing to take on all of the battles. My daughter knows that, I'm my mind, she's free to make any decision she wants. She knows I love her unconditionally. She comes to me for guidance, and I tell her what I feel. If she came to me and said she'd started smoking, I'd tell her that was a horrible decision, and that I thought she should quit before the addiction really got a hold of her. If she came back the next week to proudly announce that she'd switched to vaping, I'd tell her that was a horrible decision, and that I thought she should quit before the addiction really got a hold of her. When she got caught smoking pot, I didn't think, "Well, that's better than cocaine." We had a talk and she said she would stop. Do I think she's smoked pot since then... no. Do I know for sure... no. Did I do everything I could... no. But I'm comfortable thinking that I did everything I should.

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I thought it was a joke... somebody playing with our heads, somebody making fun of the fda and anti-ecig groups. I still can't believe anyone would seek to become more and more addicted to nicotine like the poster suggested he/she wanted to do. I replied but it took all my willpower to be civil. (gosh, I hope I was civil!).

I've had lots of kids ask me about my new ecig, not for themselves but for their parents and friends who smoke analogs. They've been trying to get their loved ones to quit for so long and they are amazed that m'oi quit. Their hopes and belief are high for the first time in their lives. A few weeks ago, after one of the kids went home after visiting with our family, he told his Mom all about my new ecig. A few days ago I ran into her & she couldn't stop asking me questions about it, and with every answer I gave her, she would say "Yes! That's what J was saying!" etc. She was very impressed, with the ecig sure, but also with her son. Needless to say, I'll be doing the shopping for her soon. Her son wanted to gift her one, but being a minor he can't. I'm still undecided whether that's a good clause or a bad one.

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Yeah, I really like what this is morphing in to. I'll never forget when my ex-wife told me that, as a parent, you have to pick your battles. I looked her dead in the eye and said that, when you become a parent, you're agreeing to take on all of the battles. My daughter knows that, I'm my mind, she's free to make any decision she wants. She knows I love her unconditionally. She comes to me for guidance, and I tell her what I feel. If she came to me and said she'd started smoking, I'd tell her that was a horrible decision, and that I thought she should quit before the addiction really got a hold of her. If she came back the next week to proudly announce that she'd switched to vaping, I'd tell her that was a horrible decision, and that I thought she should quit before the addiction really got a hold of her. When she got caught smoking pot, I didn't think, "Well, that's better than cocaine." We had a talk and she said she would stop. Do I think she's smoked pot since then... no. Do I know for sure... no. Did I do everything I could... no. But I'm comfortable thinking that I did everything I should.

My daughter I caught smoking. She was not real good at sneaking lol. First clue was the way she SUDDENLY would come right by where I was smoking and complain about the smoke, hack and carry on.

So I watched close. When I caught her then she was given chores. I was not a big spanker. Grounding punished ME more than the kid, although when they were younger the corner worked wonders. :)

Anyway I made it so that it was not CONVENIENT for her to smoke. I am quite sure she doesn't smoke today because I caught her early enough and made a big enough impression.

My SON on the other hand, had been smoking a while. I knew it when I caught him, because I caught him at my bedside table trying to steal one of my cigs. He hadda be desperate or think he was, because he KNEW I was a light sleeper. Thus nothing worked with him. He was already hooked.

I didn't try to justify MY smoking either. They naturally asked why I smoked when they were younger, and I told them flat out it was because I was an idiot, and I was STILL smoking because I was STILL stupid when it came to cigarettes.

====I do go on don't I?===

So I had 50/50 success. Had I caught my son earlier (or hell maybe he got hooked fast, I don't know), perhaps I could have done a better job of steering him away. Who knows?

Part of the "PICK YOUR BATTLES" thing, I agree with however. You can't treat forgetting to take out the trash on the same level as stealing or cheating or something. I had to teach my husband to chill a bit there LOL. But mostly it was a matter of reminding him he was dealing with children not short adults. LOL

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