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just got an order in from heaven-gifts.com today and it had a bad item in it. ive never had problems with them before so i didnt figured i didnt have to worry. got a bunch of adapters so i could try some different style attys. ive been using 84mm attys from blucigs.com for a few months. the attys work great and out perform most others on the market. so i ordered 5 of them from heaven-gifts.com, ALL OF THEM WERE BAD (as in not working). along with the dse103 & 4081 i blew out today make 7 worthless attys i have. so i wend scrounging through the pile of other dead attys ive been collecting since i started vaping, 8 months worth, and found 1(and only 1) still working 901 (probably from awesomevapor.com).

can anyone recamend a good style atty that holds up well while dripping and under a 6-volt load??? (ill even buy in bulk) :thumbsup:


I'll be interested in responses also. Last night I lost 2 atty's on my 6 volt unit. I lost a BE112 and a DSE801. Now I'm using my Janty "Dura" 510 atty and its holding up fine.


I thought about just subscribing to this thread because I'm interested in the responses too, but thought I'd just say that in my experience so far, 510s seem like the best all-around atty out there. I use them at 3.7 and 5 volts, and always have had excellent luck. Not sure the manufacturer, they're not marked that I can see. Looking forward to 6V soon! Hense my interest in the outcome here.


I've found that 510 atomizers last a long time, but I don't give them much use so that reply is a bit bias. I use 901 atomizers 90% of the time and I usually get about two weeks out of them.


Haven't used any myself, but you may want to consider some of the High Voltage atty's. Has anyone tried those?


I have had very good results with the 510 atty on my VP-PT.--Not 6 volt, but 5 volts I think. so far the current atty I am using has lasted a month. not constant use, but moderate use. not tried any of the other atty's.

Happy vaping


I'll be interested in responses also. Last night I lost 2 atty's on my 6 volt unit. I lost a BE112 and a DSE801. Now I'm using my Janty "Dura" 510 atty and its holding up fine.

I have lot's of experience with Janty 510, SLB 510, and whatever else I have. I noticed that the genuine joye/janty attys work the best at 3.7 but also work well at any voltage. The SLB work better for me at 5 and 6 volt and not as good at 3.7. I've put some of these to the test and really abused them with 7, 8, and even higher. I've burnt juices in less than 2 seconds and not killed them. I put a meter on one of my mods and it read 6.2 and I used it like that all day. I've since adjusted it to 5.4 and it works great and still has the same atty. All my mods are homemade and so is my PT which I run at 6. I definately like gold band attys when I'm using 3.7. One other thought is the other atty manufacturers are getting sloppy haveing a lot of orders come in after the Chinese new year. The last time I bought attys they were left over from before.


I have lot's of experience with Janty 510, SLB 510, and whatever else I have. I noticed that the genuine joye/janty attys work the best at 3.7 but also work well at any voltage. The SLB work better for me at 5 and 6 volt and not as good at 3.7. I've put some of these to the test and really abused them with 7, 8, and even higher. I've burnt juices in less than 2 seconds and not killed them. I put a meter on one of my mods and it read 6.2 and I used it like that all day. I've since adjusted it to 5.4 and it works great and still has the same atty. All my mods are homemade and so is my PT which I run at 6. I definately like gold band attys when I'm using 3.7. One other thought is the other atty manufacturers are getting sloppy haveing a lot of orders come in after the Chinese new year. The last time I bought attys they were left over from before.

where do you get the SLB attys?

Posted (edited)

Vapor Kings has some high voltage atty's and I am sure you can get them elsewhere they also have the SLB 510's as well as Joye 510's.I would suppose they have a heavier element with higher resistance ,the end result would be it probably only gets as hot as a regular atty at 3.7 volts.You can only put so many volts through the thin nichrome wire in an atty without it burning out.Keeping it wet helps keep the heat down but one puff too many and poof.

Edited by mcquinn
Posted (edited)

where do you get the SLB attys?

I've ordered from so many places I don't even know. I only knew about this for a short time. I did notice the "washer" inside a couple of them and I thought those might be genuine. I've done lots of tests with my brother and his meter and what I said is my opinion but all of my 14 or so 510 attys are very durable. I've only lost a couple. The only other I know about is whatever is in the 701 cigar which is large in size and still works since last November. I'd love to try the others but have no reason at this point. So I can't say "I vote for the 510" without trying others.

I'd also like to add that I don't think it's right for suppliers to pass of SLB as Joye even though I have good luck with them.

Edited by Mike
Posted (edited)

My 2 cents on the topic... I have been using the same 302 penstyly atomizer, which is similiar threading to the 801 atomizers at 5v and 6v. The first I have used at 5v soley, on my VPPT for 2 months now, no issues, except it does not vape well at 3.7v anymore, but that's to be expected. The second atty is another 302 I have had rocking on my Silver Bullet at 6v for a full month now. I like these atty's the best as I can drip up to 7-8 drops and to keep it wet, and it still vapes great.

My second choice for high voltage is the Joye 510. The 302's are also made by Joye, so in my opinion and experience these 2 Joyetech atty's are the best we currently have for high voltage.

I'm mixed on the HV atty's, since they effectively reduce the voltage, making your hv mod not much more than a standard 3.7. GrimmGreen's review of the hv atty's said as much, when he was able to flood the hv atty, on a 6v unit. Without trying one though, I'm on the fence..

As for suppliers of the 302's - Chris sells em here at the VT store (listed under 801/Penstyle), Dietsmokes has em, Ecigsupply carries em.. You can tell the 302's as they all have a distictive ring either pewter colored or gold on the bottom(threaded) end of the outside atomizer shell.

Edited by Hawk

I personally wouldn't recommened the high voltage attys, the reason why is because the resistance is higher on them, so what's the point? You loose the heat production your looking for.

I personally recommend the Joye 302 penstyle atomizer. It can take a good beating, I've tried the BE series and didn't have much luck with it, (although many users love them) and DSE801's if they are TRUE DSE801's don't come even close to a 302. Just my 2 cents ;)

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