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Wintergreen Liquid?

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I have been trying to find wintergreen liquid and having a hard time. i found it on tasty vapor, i was curious if anyone has ever ordered from there? how is the quality & taste of the juice? Also if anyone knows where i can get a strong, good tasting wintergreen. Thank You!


Edited by qtbabe093
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Hey Christie, I don't know if you caught this is chat last night but you might want to try this:


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I've used Tasty Vapor, it's pretty good stuff. Haven't tried wintergreen yet, but they have a comments section so you could tell them just how strong or weak you'd like it.

They also have a thing called a doubler,which is just pg or vg without nic. But be warned its a big bottle so whatever flavor you want you better like it or you'll have a bunch of it on your hands.

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I'll go out on a limb here and say that TH is usually attributed to two things - PG offers greater throat hit than VG, so a higher proportion of PG in the liquid should help. Also, higher levels of nic enhance throat hit. That's not for everybody. If you wanted to add PG to a liquid that had a VG component, the doublers Snubber suggested would be one way to do that, keeping in mind this will reduce your nicotine level. Hope that makes sense.

One final thought is that some attys tend to give a better TH than others. For me, the 510 seems to deliver the best, very slightly better than an 801/302 which would be another option. Don't know what you're using, so you might already have one or both of those.

Good luck and have fun!

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I have Ms T's wintergreen. The flavor is kind of bland for me. I think a peppermint would be better for strength. I do use the wintergreen when I want something light, but every time I do I think..."this doesn't taste like wintergreen". Good luck and let me know if you find a good juice!

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I have been trying to find wintergreen liquid and having a hard time. i found it on tasty vapor, i was curious if anyone has ever ordered from there? how is the quality & taste of the juice? Also if anyone knows where i can get a strong, good tasting wintergreen. Thank You!


Just by coincidence, I just now made a great tasting flavor using wintergereen. I used CK products with the name wintergreen. This is my best flav yet. here is how I made it using only 12% flavor and 25mg strength. I used 100mg pg nic juice but this formula can be easily adjusted. There are 100 drops in all.

PG with nicotine --- 26

vg/ec without nic -- 62

ck wintergreen ----- 12

Use extreme caution with anything containing any nicotine!

I can't wait to see the other responses here! MMMMM goood!

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After a few more vapes I have to say this is a strong flavor and I could've went less than 12% and I notice that the nicotine level is more than what I have been using(18mg) lately. Still very nice but will add more VG.

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Mike I'm sure I'll feel foolish when you tell me, but what's CK?

CK prducts are from Port Wayne, IN or Fort Wayne and many of their flavoring contain: Glycerine, Alcohol & FDA approved Flavors. Other flavors which are older have no descriptions on the bottles and are discontinued and/or changed. This is not a silly question and I forgot about that 'cause I have a bunch of these and most work well. Most come in little glass bottles now but I can still get the old squeeze bottles from my local neighborhood store. Goldstiens's 5&10 also has a smaller store called Party Cake where I get all my supplies includig the biggest bottle of vg I've seen in a store for the same price you people pay for that little one at walmart. He also has loran and will order me anything I want. I've known the Goldstiens for years. Sadly Lary passed away in January but his son Lance is still there.

I've also spoke with CK on the phone and they(eventually) called me back with info about thier products

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Mike I'm sure I'll feel foolish when you tell me, but what's CK?

Now I feel foolish because the wintergreen I have is the old squeeze bottle with no info on it except "non-Flavor ingredients propolene glycol.

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I have a few more things to add about CK products. A cus.t serv. rep. who answered the phone made note of my request for info about the product numbers on several flavors and asked if she could get back to me. About 2 weeks later she informed me about the 3 different flavors I asked about. 2 of these she gave me complete info on and 1, I forget which one, she said "Do you still have this on your shelf", yes I said, then she said "We haven't made that one in a long time and have no info".

Never once in either conversation did I mention anything about why I had these products and I found that strange. Party Cake has a ton of theses flavor and guess where I'm going right now! I am not afraid of these flavors at all and they work great, even the new ones. This is also the company that makes my glycerin(pg).

--Just for your info :turned:

"Party Cake" is a local family run buisness in Taunton, MA connected with "Goldstiens 5+10". Do not contact them unless you're in the area. Thanks!

Edited by Mike
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